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1、Processing of Ice Cream Mix 冰淇淋混 料的加工 The ingredients meet 采用的添加剂144 Mix preparation ice cream High Capacity Plant 高 生产能力的工厂244 Mix preparation ice cream Processing Steps 工艺步骤Mixing混料Pasteurisation巴氏杀菌Homogenisation 均质Ageing老化Freezing凝冻Hardening硬化Storage贮存344 Mix preparation ice cream Mixing 混合444 M

2、ix preparation ice cream Jet-mixerVenturi-centrifugal pump system (circulation)Mixing 混合544 Mix preparation ice cream Mixing 混合lMixing is done in many different ways that depend on: 物料的混合根据以下考虑可采取多种方法*Equipment available 使用的设备*Raw materials for the specific product 用于特定产品的原材料*Size of production 生产规模

3、644 Mix preparation ice cream Mixing 混合Liquid ingredients + water 液态配料 + 水Heating & agitation 加热 &搅拌Solid ingredients + Emusifier & Stabiliser 固体配料 + 稳定剂及乳化剂1.2.Fat is separately heated at 50 癈 & added 脂肪在高于 50 癈时单独 加热并加入3.Mixing tank 混料罐744 Mix preparation ice cream Critical Points During Mixing 在混

4、料过程中的关键事项lAvoiding lumping of dry powders like SMP, Dextrose, Stabilisers 避免脱脂奶粉,葡萄 糖,稳定剂的结块lAvoiding partial separation避免分层lGetting the fat homogeneously distributed 使脂肪均匀的分布lAvoiding contamination 避免污染844 Mix preparation ice cream Processing Steps 工艺步骤Mixing混料Pasteurisation巴氏杀菌Homogenisation 均质Age

5、ing老化Freezing凝冻Hardening硬化Storage贮存944 Mix preparation ice cream Pasteurisation 巴氏杀菌lFrom an ice cream technology point of view Pasteurisation is not critical 从冰淇淋的技术角度 出发,巴氏杀菌并不关键lFrom a micro organism point of view it is of course critical 从微生物角度出发这一步骤当然 是关键的1044 Mix preparation ice cream Purpose:

6、 目的:Destroy pathogenic bacteria 破坏致病菌 Destroy lipolytic and proteolytic enzymes 破坏脂肪分解酶及 分解蛋白酶 Dissolve additives and ingredients before homogenisation 在 均质前溶解添加剂及配料 Obtain a homogeneous product 得到均一的产品 Increase the water-binding ability of protein and stabilisers 增 加蛋白质及稳定剂的持水性Methods: 方法Batch past

7、euriser : 65癈/30 min. 间歇式杀菌机: 65癈/30 分钟 Plate heat exchanger (HTST): 78-88癈/25 sec. 板式换热器 (HTST): 78-88癈/25 秒 Ultra high temperature (UHT): 140癈/4 sec. 超高温杀菌 (UHT):140癈/4 秒Pasteurisation 巴氏杀菌1144 Mix preparation ice cream Pasteurisation Temperature 巴氏 杀菌温度lToo high temperature 温 度过高*denaturation of

8、protein 蛋白 变性*poor stabilisation of fat globules 对脂肪球的稳定能 力差*poor air distribution 空气的 分布差*poor meltdown 融化性 差lToo low temperature 温度过 低*Not stable bacteriologically 卫 生指标无保证*sour mix 混料变酸*poor solubility of E/S and powders 乳化稳定剂及粉状物 料的溶解 不好*less homogeneous mix 混料均 一性相对较低1244 Mix preparation ice cr

9、eam Processing Steps 工艺步骤Mixing混料Pasteurisation巴氏杀菌Homogenisation 均质Ageing老化Freezing凝冻Hardening硬化Storage贮存1344 Mix preparation ice cream Homogenisation 均质Purpose: 目的Uniform and small globule size 获得均一的小球 Distribution of active material 活性物质的分布Result: 结果Improved whipping ability 改善搅打性能 Improved textu

10、re 改善质构 Improved storage stability 提高贮存稳定性 Imparts dryness 赋予干性1444 Mix preparation ice cream Importance of Homogenisation 均质的重要性lThe Homogenisation step is the single step in the mix preparation process where the most faults occur 均质的 步骤是混料制备工艺中错误产生最多的一个步骤*Faults are in most cases related to under

11、homogenisation 在大部 分情况下,发生的错误均与均质不足有关*Over homogenisation is in reality seldom - 过度的均质在现实中很 少 - nThere are approximately 3 times the needed amount membrane material in the form of Casein present in a standard 10% ice cream 在 一标准的10%的冰淇淋中,大约有3倍于所需的成膜物质以酪蛋白的形 式存在1544 Mix preparation ice cream 2 Stage

12、Homogenization 二级 均质 lPressure on the second valve is applied first 先调节第二均质阀 上的压力lFollowed by pressure on the first valve 然后再采用第一均质阀的压 力lPressure readings for 2 stage homogenizers are often denoted as, for example 二级均质机的压力读数通常表示如下 220 / 50 barslSecond valve = 50 bar, First valve = 220 bars 第二个阀 压力=

13、50巴,第一个阀的压力=220巴lThe difference between the 2 figures is 170 bar 两个数值之间的差 距为170巴lThe 2nd valve is to break up any fat agglomeration prior to ageing 第二个阀是为了在老化前打破聚结的脂肪1644 Mix preparation ice cream 2 Stage Homogenisation 二级均质Pressure 压力Flow 流量Positive Pump 正向泵Pump 泵 Valve 2 阀 2Valve 1 阀 1Manometer 压力

14、计1744 Mix preparation ice cream Homogenizer Heads 均质头1844 Mix preparation ice cream Homogenisation Parameters 均质 的参数lUpstream or Downsteam 上游均质或下游均质lHomogenisation Temperature 均质温度lHomogenisation Pressure 均质 压力lValve Head 阀头1944 Mix preparation ice cream Liquid whirl (LW) 液体旋转 (LW)Flat 平面Conical 圆锥形

15、Homogenisation Valve 均 质阀2044 Mix preparation ice cream Pressure in Homogenisation Head 均质头的压力2144 Mix preparation ice cream Up-stream 上游均质1. Mixing混料 2. Homogenisation均质 3. Pasteurisation巴氏杀菌 4. Ageing老化Up-stream homogenisation tends to give a colder and more brittle ice cream with a looser structu

16、re. 上游均 质生产出的冰淇淋结构更松散,更冷并且更 脆 Down-stream 下游 均质1. Mixing混料 2. Pasteurisation巴氏杀菌 3. Homogenisation 均质 4. Ageing老化Homogenisation 均质2244 Mix preparation ice cream Upstream Homogenisation 上游均质70 - 7580 - 85oCHomogenisation 均 质 Pasteurisation 巴氏杀菌Upstream 上游2344 Mix preparation ice cream Downstream Homogenisation 下游均质70 - 7580



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