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1、Lesson 8Lesson 8The best and the worstThe best and the worstNew Wordsvcompetition ,kmptn n. 比赛,竞赛vneat ni:t adj. 整齐的,整洁的vpath p: n. 小路,小径vwooden wdn adj. 木头的vpool pu:l n. 水池QuestionsvWho has the best garden in town?vWhy is Joes garden the most beautiful one in the town?vWhat does he win each year?vW

2、ho else has a fine garden?vIs the writers garden beautiful or terrible?The best and the worstWords and Expressions vcompetition ,kmptn n. 比赛,竞赛enter a competitionin competition with win a competitionwithdraw from a competitionPeople were surprised to know that Liu Xiang hadwithdrawn from the competi

3、tion.vcompete kmpi:t v. compete with/against 与竞争It is not easy for a small company to compete with a big one. vcompetitor kmpett(1)竞争对手 (2)参赛者 vcompetitive adj. (1)竞争的Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market.(2)有实力的,有竞争力的We need to work harder to remain competitive with other

4、companies.vcompetition 比赛,竞争(正式)commercial competition 商业竞争 vcontest 比赛(赛场上的较量)beauty/singing contesttug-of-war contest 拔河比赛 vrace 比赛(速度上的),赛跑100-metre race vmatch 比赛(体育运动)boxing/football match vtournamenttnmnt 锦标赛vneat adj. 整齐的,整洁的= tidy va neat place,neat handwritingvpath n. 小路,小径path :林间间或公园中较较窄的

5、道;lane:胡同或巷子、车车道;avenue:城市中宽阔宽阔 的大街或者林荫荫大道;road:多为为市区外车辆车辆 行走的道路;street:位于城市街区之间间的街道。vwooden adj. 木头的,木制的:wooden desk/window wood(木头)+ en(形容词后缀)wooden 木制的vwoolen 羊毛的woolen sweater 羊毛衫;woolen products羊毛制品vgolden 金色的golden hours 幸福时光,黄金时刻vpool 水池(人工形成)swimming-poolvindoor/outdoor swimming poolvcar poo

6、l n./v.合伙用车,拼车His wife stays home to drive the children to school in the carpool. The government is trying to get people to use public transportation and to carpool, which means sharing rides with other people.Further notes on the textNearly everybody enters for The Nicest Garden Competition each ye

7、ar, but Joe wins every time.vnearly和almost 意义相似,“几乎”、“差不多”I have nearly forgotten his name. Im nearly/almost ready. 我快准备好了。venter for 报名参加(各种竞赛,考试等活动)= sign up forMy parents pressed me to enter for the competition.She tried every way to sing up for the Beauty Contest.win(won,won) v./n. vi. 赢,获胜 (反)l

8、osewin win 双赢赢 I agreed with your win-win policy.Who do you think will win the next election? vt. 赢得(比赛、奖品)win the racewin a prize/ the gold cup/win a gold medal-Sun Yang won the 400 m and 1500 m freestyle at the 2012 Summer Olympics, becoming the first Chinese man ever to win an Olympic gold medal

9、in swimming.vdefeat dfi:t 战胜,击败(对手)Liu Xiang defeated world champion Jason Richardson to win the mens 110m hurdles.Bill Friths garden is larger than Joes.名词加-s 表示所属关系,构成名词的所有格。这类名词往往指有生命的东西,特别是人。所有格的语法作用相当于形容词,限定后面的名词。这个被限定的名词在上下文中第二次被提到时可以省略。形容词比较级、最高级 v 两者之间作比较,三者以上有最高。Joe Sanders has the most bea

10、utiful garden in our town.Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joes garden is more interesting.基本构成v一、 规则变化 v 1. 单音节词和少数双音节词 (1)一般情况在原级词尾加-er, -est。high-higher-highest (2)以e结尾的词,直接加-r 或-st。large-larger-largest (3)重读闭音节,末尾只有一个元音字母加一个辅音字母的词,先双写这一辅音字母再加-er或 -est。big-big

11、ger-biggest (4)以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的词,先变 “y”为 “i”,再加-er 或-est。happy-happier-happiest 不规则变化 v good / wellbetterbestv bad / illworseworst v many / muchmoremost v littlelessleastv farfartherfarthest(表示距离) / farfurtherfurthest (表示程度)v oldolder / elderoldest (表示新旧或年龄) / eldest (表示兄弟姐妹之间的长幼关系)v大部分双音节词和所有多音节词(三个音

12、节或以上):比较级more+原级; 最高级:most+原级beautifulmore beautiful most beautifulexcitingmore excitingmost excitingquicklymore quicklymost quicklyv一些词可以加-er或 -est,也可加more或most。clever, politev一些词本身没有比较级和最高级形式。right, wrong, full, empty, round, complete, wooden, dead形容词比较级v1. 两者比较时用形容词比较级,其结构为“. 比较级 + than .”。如:Acti

13、ons speak louder than words. v2. 在两者之间选择“哪一个更”时,用句型 “Which / Who is +比较级, . or .?”。 如:Which sweater is cheaper, the red one or the yellow one?形容词最高级 v1. 三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较形容词最高级前通常需加定冠词the,句末常接in / of短语来表示范围。如:He is the strongest of all the boys. v2. one of + the + 最高级,“最之一” The light bulb is one of th

14、e most helpful inventions.Special Difficulties v every构成的合成词:every和one,body,thing可以构成复合不定代词everyone,everybody,everything。Everyone和everybody一般可以替换使用,后面的代词既可以用单数,也可以用复数,但它们本身均被视为单 数。v Everyone/Everybody knows what he has to do.= Everyone/Everybody knows what they have to do. 每个人都知道自己必须做什么。v Everything

15、 is going well. 一切都很顺利。v each 和every 均可译为“每一个”,两者常可互换。every 只能是形容词性,强调整体,常用来指一个大的、不确定的数目,不能直接做主语;each既可作形容词,又可作代词,强调个体,常用以一个确定的并通常是有限的数目,在作代词时,直接作主语或宾语,使用第三人称单数v Every/Each time I wash the car it rains.v entervt.获得,赢得(战争、诉讼等) =get sth. earn vt. 挣得 earn money4. Joe grows more flowers. More flowers _

16、in his garden.a. grow b. grow tall c. grow up d. grow bigv grow vt. 种植: grow sth; grow flowersvi. 生长: sth. grow; flowers are growingv grow tall/grow big 变得(一般不加形容词)v grow up 只和人连用, 表示人的长大(up adv.表示向上)6. The writer doesnt like hard work. Its _ to look after a garden.a. a hard work b. a hard job c. hard job d. hardly a job v it 作形式主语; 真正的主语是to look after the garden v har



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