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1、Writing FundamentalsEnglish in Daily LifeAgendalThe first assignment lThe second assignmentThe deadlinel高级日常英语 作业01(第1-4单元)l高级日常英语 作业02(朗读题) My Routine TripInstructions:Following the example in Unit 4, Activity 6, Task 2, write a brief account (120-150 words) describing your routine trip to a work p

2、lace or to a study place. p.189 Now I study at the university, which is in the town centre. My home is on the outskirts of the town, about one and a half miles from the university. There is a regular bus service between the two but I prefer to walk when the weathers fine. It is a pleasant walk, down

3、hill all the way! It takes me about forty minutes and I spend the time enjoying the peace and quiet of the early morning and thinking about the day ahead. I pass a lovely old church on the way and have to cross the river. Sometimes, if I have time, I stop to chat to one or two people on the way. If

4、it is raining, I have to take the bus. The bus journey itself is quick but its a long walk from my house to the bus stop and then from the bus stop to the university. So it is actually quicker to do the whole journey on foot! It is cheaper too. The bus costs 54 pence, which is quite expensive for su

5、ch a short distanceSome helpful wordslSubway /underground地铁lTaxi/bus/ bike/bicycle/motorbikelhitchhiking 搭便车lLong-distance bus 长途客车lRegular bus 班车lShuttle bus 往返巴士Marking criteria本课程作业为短文写作,满分为100 分,分为语言(50分),内容(40 分)、和结构或格式(10分)三部分,三部分分值相加即为作文的总分。 语言l50分用词巧妙,词汇丰富,表达手法灵活多变,写作 技巧精湛,明显超出普通水平。语法结构严谨。 l

6、40分 用词正确,能灵活运用多种表达手法,偶有选 词错误。语法结构一般。 l30分(及格) 用词能力稍差,表达手法单一,选词 有较明显错误。语法结构需较多改进。 l 20分 用词较差,表达手法单一。文中时用汉语词汇 或拼音。选词有明显错误。语法结构急需改进。 Example 1I usually leave my home to my working place at about 7:40 am. It is not a short distance between my home and working place. I need take overground and undergroun

7、d tube to my office. Batong Line is the overground one and air conditioned. It runs every 3 minutes at peak time and have an average journey time of 30 minutes with passengers packed like sardines. After getting off the Batong Line I changed to the Line 1 tube which is the underground tube. Some of

8、the train in Line 1 are not air conditioned, it is so terrible in these hot days. I found a lady beside me fainted because of the heat after twenty minites journy. I companied her got off the carriage and asked the tube staff take care of her. For no time admit, I continued my journey. When I got to

9、 my office, I thought is it so expensive of the time to survive in this big city.Example 1I usually leave my home to my working place at about 7:40 am. It is not a short distance between my home and working place. I need take overground and underground tube to my office. Batong Line is the overgroun

10、d one and air conditioned. It runs every 3 minutes at peak time and have an average journey time of 30 minutes with passengers packed like sardines. After getting off the Batong Line I changed to the Line 1 tube which is the underground tube. Some of the train in Line 1 are not air conditioned, it i

11、s so terrible in these hot days. I found a lady beside me fainted because of the heat after twenty minites journy. I companied her got off the carriage and asked the tube staff take care of her. For no time admit, I continued my journey. When I got to my office, I thought is it so expensive of the t

12、ime to survive in this big city.Example 2I walked joyfully along the path that was lit up by the golden rays of the morning sun. Beautiful flowers of many colors were blooming. How fragrant they smelled! Little birds were singing in the trees, as if greeting me “good morning! good morning!”.my heart

13、 was bursting with happiness. .我愉快的走在小路上,金色的朝阳洒满大地,盛开的 花朵五彩缤纷,香气袭人,小鸟在树上歌唱,好像在 向我道早安,我幸福的心花怒放 Main Differences between English and Chinesel1.narration and description in Chinese seem to be a bit more ornate or “flowery” than in English l2. Chinese and English-speaking people seem to look differently

14、 on the use of set phrases and expressions. Good English writing encourages originality and discourages “clichs”e.g.千方百计,七嘴八舌,三令五申as cold as a cucumber l 3. English-speaking writers tend to be less militant in tone and language than most Chinese .The idea is to “let the facts speak for themselves”.

15、l 4 They have different meanings of wordsRead 读书 cook 做饭 drive 开车X Lets go and eat our mealsX He sang songs at the concert X I dont smoke cigarettes or drink wine.l5 They have different word formationsSuffix: er: work-worker write-writer员: 教员,学员,演员 ly:beautifully,greatly, wonderfully地:完美地,高兴地,匆忙地6 T

16、hey differ in grammar:Number of nounse.g.One book, two books一本书,两本书们: 人们,同志们,朋友们X 猴子们,书们X 三个人们l7 They differ in Tense and aspect:Work, worked, will work (现在)工作,(过去)工 作,(将来)工作progressive:正在They are having lunch。perfect:已经l7 They have different word orders 毛主席 Chairman Mao 劳动模范 Model worker 东北 Northeast 衣食住 Food, clothing, and housingl6) Use of verb 我有点累了 I am a bit tired他的眼睛是蓝的 He has blue eyes.8 Differe



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