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1、Lesson 1 An Overview of the Hotel IndustryIn this lesson, you will cover:1. A brief history of hotel industry;酒店业的发展史2. The basic services a hotel might provide;酒店可提供的基本服务3. What a hotel staff could do to attract the guests;酒店服务人员如何做才能吸引客人4. The organizational structure of a hotel;酒店的组织构成5. How to t

2、ell the location and direction.如何向别人指明方向和位置Part 1:ReadingsText A: Intensive Reading:The Development of Hotel Industry Word List:v1. hospitality 亲切;招待v2. caravansary 商队旅馆,大旅舍v3. cuisine 饮食,菜系v4. bellboy 门童v5. amenity 使人愉快的设施v6. entrepreneur 企业家,主办人v7. chain 连锁店v8. profitability 收益性,利益率v9. ownership 所

3、有权,物主身份v10. accommodation 住处;膳宿v11. switch 开关Notes:v1. hotel industry 酒店业v2. medium of exchange 交换媒介;交换方式v3. Industry Revolution 工业革命v4. cater to 供应(膳宿);迎合v5. water pitcher 水壶v6. washing bowl 盥洗盆v7. parking facilities 停车设施v8. resort hotel 度假酒店v9. Niche Concept 利基理念,即特定补缺市场理念v10. room capacity 客房接待能力

4、v11. exchange rate 兑换率;汇率v12. foreignowned hotel 外方独资酒店v13. occupancy rate 入住率v14. starrating hotel 星级酒店v15. franchising 特许经营Paraphrase:v1. Though hospitality services can be traced back to 12,000 years ago, hotel business as a social phenomenon was not possible until the first real opportunities fo

5、r people to trade and travel came in the sixth century B.C. when a standardized medium of exchange was adopted.尽管接待服务可以追溯到1万2千年前,但直到公元前六世纪,当人们采用 一种标准化的货币作为交换媒介时,人们才第一次真正有机会进行贸易和旅 行,酒店业务也才可能成为一种社会现象。v2. During the era from 1725 to 1825, British inns gained the reputation of being the finest in the wo

6、rld. Innkeepers in London increased services, maintained standards of cleanliness, and at least to some extent, catered to guests. 1725年到1825期间,英国的客栈是世界上最好的。伦敦的客栈经营者增加 服务,保持清洁的标准,并且至少在一定程度上迎合了客人。 v3. Many services now considered standard were introduced by the Statler, including such amenities as a

7、light switch by the guestroom door, private baths, ice water and a free morning newspaper. The Statler set the standard of the day by being clean, comfortable and affordable. The Statler served as the pattern for hotel design and operation for many years.斯塔特勒引进了许多现在被视为标准的服务,包括客房门边的电灯开关、 独立浴室、冰水和免费赠阅

8、早报等此类的服务。斯塔特勒设定了每天保持干 净、舒适以及客人支付得起的标准。斯塔特勒饭店多年以来都成为酒店设计 经营的样板。v4. The most direct result of the increase in tourism that was attributable to the airplane was a boom in the construction of resort hotels. Resort hotels did not, however, originate with the airplane. The airplane made many more places a

9、vailable for development as resorts, including places that were quite isolated.航空飞机使得旅游量增加,而旅游量增加最直接的结果是度假酒店的繁荣 兴建,尽管度假酒店并非始于飞机的使用。航空飞机使得更多的地方可以发 展成为度假地,包括那些非常偏远的地方。 v5. However, as franchises and chains began to appear, individually owned hotels found themselves increasingly at a competitive disadv

10、antage. By the 1960s, independent properties began to improve as the result referral organizations such as Quality Courts, Best Western, Master Host and Best Eastern. From the 1980s forward, mergers and acquisitions became common within the industry, and brands become hotly traded commodities. 然而,随着

11、特许和连锁店的出现,私有饭店发现他们越来越处于竞争劣势 。到20世纪60年代,自主经营的酒店开始发展,从而出现了诸如品质庭院 、最佳西方、掌握东道人家、最佳东方此类的酒店组织。从20世纪80年代 前期开始,酒店的兼并和收购开始常见,品牌开始成为竞相追逐的商品。v6. At the same time, older hotels have found it essential to resort to more comprehensive marketing in order to fill room capacities and maintain profitability. The Towe

12、rs / Concierge Floor Concept has proven particularly useful in order to create “hotels within hotels“.同时,老式的饭店发现其有必要求助于更广泛的市场以填补其客房容量并 维持收益率。为营造“酒店内的酒店”,塔式理念/礼宾楼层理念已证明其非 常有用。v7. As a result, many chains are more involved in management than in ownership. These chains realize a much more predictable a

13、nd steady income stream than had normally been yielded by ownership.结果,许多连锁店正在更多地参与管理,而非拥有所有权。这些连锁店能 实现一个比自身所有更可预见、更稳定的收入流。v8. The governments investment and restructuring of the hotel industry, plus its encouraging external investment and allowing the entry of foreignowned hotel companies, resulted

14、 in 2,354 newly opened hotels by 1992.政府对酒店业的投资和重建,加上其鼓励外来投资以及允许外商独资酒店 公司的进入,到1992年,已有2354家新开的酒店。v9. Chinas own hotel companies are relatively small and immature when compared to foreign multinational hotel companies, most of which have already declared China as a key target for expansion.中国自己拥有的酒店公司相对较小且不成熟,而前者的大部分已宣布将中 国作为主要的扩张目标。 Text B: The Role and Organizational Structure of a Hotel Word List:v1. reservation 预订,预约v2. facility 设施v3. lounge 休闲室v4. entertainment 娱乐,娱乐表演v5. laundry 洗衣店v6. recreational 娱乐的,修养的v7. casino


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