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1、幼儿园幼儿园 XXXX 年新年文艺汇演主持串词年新年文艺汇演主持串词一、开幕词:唐:尊敬的各位领导、各位家长;S: Respected leaders, dear parents代:亲爱的老师,小朋友们C:Dear teachers , dear the children唐:我是唐老师。S:I am Sandy。代:我是代老师。C: I am Coco。合:大家下午好!S C: Good afternoon , everyone唐:时光从日历上一页页飘落下来,我们又来到了岁末年尾S : With the days from the calendar pages falling down, we

2、 came to the end of the year代:兔年悄然而去,龙年款款而来,C : The Year of the rabbit went quietly away, and the year dragon is coming唐: 过去的一年,我们汗水浇灌,放飞希望In the past year, we worked hardly, lead our hope flying代:新的一年,我们温馨和谐,收获喜悦In the coming new year, we will share warm and harmonious days, get the great harvest o

3、f joy唐:在这辞旧迎新之际,今天我们金乐乐双语幼儿园全体老师、孩子和家长们欢聚一堂,共同庆祝新年的到来。On the occasion of the new year, we all teachers of kingLele bilingual kindergarten, all children and parents have a joyous gathering, to celebrate the arrival of the new year.代:在庆元旦表演之前,首先请张园长讲话,大家掌声欢迎。Before the celebrating performance, firstly

4、 let welcome our director Sunny to give us speech, please give her applause.唐:园长的话语激励着我们,新的一年里要更加努力!过去的一年我们合作的很愉快,相信在张园长的带领下,XX 年将是我们更精彩的一年。The word inspired us to work harder! in the past year we have cooperated very happily, believing in a director s leadership, XX will be a wonderful year.代:下面就请出

5、我们今天的主角,可爱的孩子们带来的精彩表演吧!Now Let us clap for todays protagonist, the lovely children will give a wonderful performance.合:金乐乐双语幼儿园 XX 年元旦文艺汇演现在开始The Celebrating of kingLele bilingual kindergarten s XX New Years day begins now二文艺汇演1 现代舞:如火的青春唐:火红的舞蹈,火红的祝福。火红的一年就要来到了。和新年一起来到的,还有火红的姑娘们。请欣赏由我们可爱的老师们为大家带来现代

6、舞如火的青春。S: with Fiery hot dancing and good Blessing ,the red new year is coming. And the new year coming , so the beautiful girls. Please enjoy our lovely teachers bring us modern dance “ the flaming youth“.2 腰鼓舞:欢天喜地代:风儿吹着美丽的红绸在阳光下摇曳,云儿带着诗一般的故事在天空中吟诵,小朋友们带着火红的喜庆,灿烂的笑着向我们走来了。请欣赏果果班带来的腰鼓舞欢天喜地C:The win

7、d blowing the beautiful silk fluttering in the sun, clouds chanting with a poetic story in the sky, the children bright smile and happiness to us. Please enjoy the fruit class brings the waist drum“ be full of joy“3 儿歌串烧:能干的小手唐:我有一双能干的小手,会变星星,会变毛毛虫,会变小白兔,还会变很多很多,让我们给你变变吧。请欣赏豆豆一班的宝宝们为我们带来儿歌串烧能干的小手。S:

8、 I have a pair of wonderful hands , they will become stars, will become the caterpillar, becomes the small white rabbit, will change a lot, let us turn turn turn . Please enjoy the seeds class children bring us our wonderful hands .4 音乐剧:好孩子要诚实代:小朋友们,如果你们在家里玩耍时一不小心打碎了爸爸心爱的花瓶你会怎么做呢?现在,我们的小明也遇到了这样的事,我

9、们一起来看看他是怎样解决的?请欣赏苗苗一班的小朋友带来的音乐剧好孩子要诚实。C:Dear kids, if you play at home and accidentally broke the favorite vase, what would you do? Now, our a boy also encountered such trouble , lets have a look at him how to solve the problem ? Please enjoy the plants class children s musical opra to be honest.5 舞

10、蹈大班媚猫唐:Sandy,你知道爵士舞舞的起源是什么吗?S:yes,I know。唐:爵士舞蹈就是一种非常具感染力的舞蹈呀。没错 爵士舞蹈是非洲舞蹈的延伸,在美国逐渐演进形成本土化,大众化的舞蹈。对。 在我国,爵士舞作为一种健身方式已经在我国非常流行了。今天我们舞蹈大班的小朋友也想要为我们带来一场炫目的爵士舞表演。请欣赏爵士舞媚猫。S;Jazz dance is a very appealing dance. Yeah ! Jazz dance is African dance in the America , gradually formated of localization, then

11、the popular dance. Yes!Now ,Jazz dance as a fitness is very popular in our country. Today, the dancing kids wanted to bring us a dazzling jazz dance. Please enjoy the dancea cat.6 跆拳道:代:哎,Coco,今天我们幼儿园来了一群武林高手哦。C:Really? Wow ,A martial arts master !代:真的,他们的武艺可真不简单啊!我们的孩子从小学习武艺,长大后能够保卫祖国!请欣赏我们跆拳道兴趣班的小

12、朋友为我们带来武术表演。C:Really, their KongFu really not simple! Our kids to learn kongfu, grow up to defend the motherland! Please enjoy our Taekwondo classes children bring us martial arts performance.7 舞蹈我爱洗澡:唐:小班的小朋友们也来参加表演了,不要看他们年龄最小,可是他们的节目可不少,下面让我们欢迎豆豆二班的宝宝们带来的歌舞表演我爱洗澡。S:The children in small class have

13、 joined the performance too . Dont think they are more young, but they can show a lot !then please enjoy the performance here we go looby loo from the seeds two class !8 英语话剧:拔萝卜代:拔萝卜的故事大家都听过,好玩吧。可是今天我们要给大家表演出来,会更有趣呢。下面请欣赏漆琪和朵朵一班的部分小朋友带来英语话剧拔萝卜。C: as you all know ,the radish story is very funny !but

14、 if we show it now ,it will be more interesting . Please enjoy English drama radish from the part children of the flower one class and Chechel !Welcome !9 舞蹈小班我可喜欢你:唐:Sandy,你知道小朋友是喜欢你多一点还是喜欢我多一点呢?S:当然都喜欢咯.唐:那我们一起来看看小朋友们表达爱的方式。请欣赏舞蹈小班的小朋友带来的舞蹈我可喜欢你!S: now lets have a look at that the kids are how to

15、express the love !please enjoy the dance I love you so much from the young dance class10 朵朵二班勇敢的军队:代:敲锣打鼓迎新春。欢歌笑语庆新年。小猴子们也带来了他们自己迎接新年的方式。让我们一起去看看吧。请欣赏舞蹈勇敢的军队。C: beet gongs and drums to meet new year ,sing and laugh to celebrate the new year !the Small monkeys also bring their own way to welcome the

16、New Year please enjoy the dance the brave troops 11 英语亲子表演亲子总动员:唐:英语是我们最都喜欢的课程,我们不但会说那么多单词,还会唱好听的英语歌呢。而且我们还和爸爸妈妈一起来表演哦!请欣赏英语节目亲子总动员。S:English is our favourite class . we can not only know many words ,but also we can sing many English songs !and now we will show a performance with our daddy and mommy !please enjoy the performance parents and kids go go go 12动画时间:代:小朋友们,你们喜欢看动画片吗?那现在我们就跟着朵朵一班的小朋友们一起进入动画时间吧 请欣赏由朵朵一班的小朋友带来舞蹈动画时间。C:


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