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1、Cognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5Chapter 5: Memory: Models and Research MethodsCognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5Memory Is The mechanism we use to create, maintain and retrieve information about the past Cognitive Psychology, Fifth Edi

2、tion, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5 Processes in Memory Encoding Processes used to store information in memory Storage Processes used to maintain information in memory Retrieval Processes used to get information back out of memoryCognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5Meth

3、ods Used to Study Memory Which type of memory test would you rather have? An essay or a multiple choice exam? The difference between these two types of tests captures the difference between a recall task and a recognition testCognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5Methods

4、Used to Study Memory Free Recall Recall all the words you can from the list you saw previouslyCued Recall Recall everything you can that is associated with the Civil War Participants are given a cue to facilitate recallSerial Recall Recall the names of all previous presidents in the order they were

5、elected Need to recall order as well as item namesCognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5Recognition Tasks Circle all the words you previously studied Indicate which pictures you saw yesterday The participant selects from a list of items they have previously seen Cognitive

6、 Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5Implicit Versus Explicit Memory Tasks Explicit memory tasks Involves conscious recollection Participant knows they are trying to retrieve information from their memoryImplicit memory tasks Require participants to complete a task The completion

7、 of the task indirectly indicates memoryCognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5Implicit Memory TasksParticipants are exposed to a word list Tiger Lion Zebra Panda Leopard ElephantAfter a delayParticipants then complete word puzzles, they are not aware they are a type of me

8、mory test Word fragment Completion: C_E_TA_ E_E_ _A_ N_ _ E _ R A Word Stem Completion: Mon _ Pan_Cognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5Procedural Memory Knowing how to do something Ride a bike Skateboard SkiingCognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chap

9、ter 5Methods to Assess Procedural Memory Rotary-Pursuit task Keep stylus on a dot on a rotating disk Mirror-tracing task Watch mirror image to trace a figureCognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5Process-Dissociations in Memory Single dissociations Single variable effects

10、one expression of memory, explicit or implicit, but not the other. Double dissociations Single variable has opposite effects on explicit and implicit memory. Demonstrate that two processes are mediated by separate brain systems. Cognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5Model

11、s of Memory Represent ways that memory has been conceptualized Atkinson & Shiffrins 3 Stage Model of Memory Craik & Lockharts Level of Processing Model Baddeleys Working Memory Model Tulvings Multiple Memory Systems Model McClelland & Rumelharts Connectionist ModelCognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition

12、, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5Traditional Model of Memory Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968) 3 Stage ModelInformation Processing Model StimuliSensory StoreShort -Term Store Long -Term Store Cognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5 Sperling (1960) Iconic Memory Research Whole repor

13、t procedure Flash a matrix of letters for 50 milliseconds Identify as many letters as possible Participants typically remembered 4 lettersPartial Report Procedure Flash a matrix of letters for 50 milliseconds Participants are told to report bottom row Participants were able to report any row request

14、edCognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5 Sperling Sensory Memory Demonstration A matrix of 12 letters and numbers will be briefly flashed on the next few slides As soon as you see the information, write down everything you can remember in its proper location Cognitive Psy

15、chology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5X X X X X X X X X X X X Whole ReportHeres where the letters and numbers will appear- Keep your eyes on the “X” on the next slideCognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5B 5 Q T 2 H S 9 O 4 M Y X Cognitive Psychology, Fifth

16、 Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5B 5 Q T 2 H S 9 O 4 M Y Cognitive Psychology, Fifth Edition, Robert J. Sternberg Chapter 5X X X X X X X X X X X X Partial Report No DelayFor the next demonstration, report only the top, middle, or bottom row. The row to report will be identified by markers IMMEDIATELY after you see the letters.Cogniti



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