基于BS结构的高校文档管理系统的设计与实现 (2) (1)

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基于BS结构的高校文档管理系统的设计与实现 (2) (1)_第1页
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《基于BS结构的高校文档管理系统的设计与实现 (2) (1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《基于BS结构的高校文档管理系统的设计与实现 (2) (1)(79页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学校编码: 分类号 密级 学号: UDC 工 程 硕 士 学 位 论 文基于 B/S 结构的高校文档管理系统Document management system in Universities Based on B/S architecturexxx指导教师姓名: 教授专 业 名 称: 软件工程论文提交日期: 2014 年 6 月论文答辩日期: 2014 年 6 月学位授予日期: 2014 年 6 月指 导 教 师: 答辩委员会主席: 2014 年 6 月ii厦门大学学位论文原创性声明本人呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下,独立完成的研究成果。本人在论文写作中参考其他个人或集体已经发表的研究成果

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4、剧烈变革,早已不满足于单纯的文字和图片,还囊括了音频、视频、flash 等多种内容形式,极大地提高了新闻信息量和受众满意度。高素质的内容生产者和稳定高效的内容生产平台,则成为决定网络新闻质量好坏的关键因素。在这种背景下,高校文档管理系统应运而生,为网站生产海量新闻资讯提供了坚实基础。本文以高校文档处理系统建设为目标入手,基于 J2EE 技术进行系统的设计与开发,以实现新闻网站内容制作流程的高效便捷。在本项目中作者的角色定位是项目负责人,本文主要完成了以下工作:负责高校行业背景调研与文档管理系统技术背景分析,从系统的理论基础出发,通过全面的现场调研,从人员组织结构、业务需求、等方面对系统进行需求

5、分析,在需求分析的基础上,结合高校文档管理系统自身的特点,对系统进行数据库和架构设计,充分论证了系统目前所采用的 J2EE 和 MYSQL 数据库产品的技术特点。根据高校内容发布平台的业务需求,对本系统进行功能模块化设计,主要分为系统管理模块,权限管理模块、日志统计模块、频道栏目专题模块等,并制定了系统数据库表。本文利用软件工程思想,以成熟的信息技术为支撑,满足高校文档管理系统开发要求,全面支撑公司媒体、文档、音频、视频等信息的制作与发布,同时融合传统与新型内容管理业务,构建涵盖域名管理、正文页管理、图集管理、频道栏目管理和常用工具管理的闭环生产发布管理体系,实现高校文档管理从内容制作到页面展

6、示,再到审核、发布的全流程管理。目前,该文档管理系统已经通过了全面的功能测试和性能测试,正式上线投入使用。根据用户对系统的使用和反馈意见,以及其良好的运行效果,显示该系统基本达到了预期的设计目标。ABSTRA CTv关键词:B/S 结构;文档管理;J2EE 技术Comment l1: 统一用 dissertationComment l2: 论文全文不要出现中文、英文的我、本人等词摘 要viABSTRACTWith the rapid development of digital technology and the increasingly rich information, the netw

7、ork news adapt to the increasingly needs of the audience. Its content has does not only contentedsist withof simple words and pictures, but also contains audio, video, flash and other content. All the progresses have greatly improve the news information content and audience satisfaction. High-qualit

8、y content producers and efficient production platform have become the key factors to influence the quality of network news.In this context, mMultimedia document processing system arises at the historic moment, producing huge amounts of information provides a solid foundation for web site. In this di

9、ssertationthesis, according to the construction of multimedia document processing system as the goal, based on the J2EE technology to the design and development of the system, and to realize efficient of the news website content production process.The authors role in this project is the project lead

10、er. IThis dissertation have mainly finished the following works: The system I have responsible for the multimedia industry background investigation and document processing system technical background analysis, starting from the theoretical basis of the system, through the comprehensive field investi

11、gation, from the aspects of organization structure, business requirements, such as on the system demand analysis, on the basis of demand analysis, combined with the characteristics of multimedia document processing system, the system database and architectural design, fully demonstrates the system c

12、urrently adopted by the J2EE and MYSQL database technology characteristics of the product. According to the business needs of multimedia content distribution platform, function modular design, this system is mainly divided into system management module, rights management module, log statistics modul

13、e, and channel columns feature module, and made the system database table.In this thesis, I have using the software engineering idea, supported by the mature information technology, the development of multimedia document processing system, a comprehensive support company, documents, audio, video and

14、 other media production and release of information, at the same time, the integration of traditional and new content management business, build domain name management, text page channel management, atlas management, program management and common tools management of closed-loop production release man

15、agement system, realize the multimedia document processing from the content to the page display, to examine and release the whole process of management.At present, the multimedia processing system has passed through all the function test and performance test, and it has put into use formally launched. According to the use of the user of this system and feedback, and its running effect is good, the design of the system reached the expected goal.KEYWORDS: MultimediaB/S structure; Document processing; J2EE technologyABSTRA CTvii目 录viii目录摘要 .



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