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1、出租人如何防范承租人擅自转租及拖欠租金How Should A Lessor Prevent Unauthorized Sublease And Rent Arrears Of The Lessee张菊香, 德载中怡律师事务所Daisy Zhang, Middla & Partners德载中怡律师事务所的张菊香将在本文通举例说明出租人如何防范承租人擅自转租及拖欠租金 Daisy Zhang of Middla examines a case to explain how to prevent unauthorized sublease and default payment of rent.

2、【案件回放】Case Facts2005 年 7 月,原告李某与被告 A 公司签订房屋租赁合同 ,约定由 A 公司租赁李某所有的本市中山北路某号某大厦裙房 13 层及附属设施,租赁期限自 2005 年 8 月 1 日至 2010年 7 月 31 日。合同约定 A 公司未经李某书面同意不得转租;合同未对提前解除时装修费用如何处理进行约定。Mr. Li (the plaintiff) signed a lease contract with Company A (the defendant) in July 2005 according to which Company A was to leas

3、e the ground, first and second floor, with ancillary facilities, of a section podium of a block located on Zhongshan North Road in Shanghai owned by Mr. Li from August 1, 2005 to July 31, 2010. It was also stipulated in the above contract that Company A shall not sublease the abovementioned premises

4、 without Mr. Lis written consent. Matters concerning interior decoration expenses in case of advanced contract rescission were not indicated in the contract. 2008 年 12 月起,A 公司以种种借口拖欠房租。故李某于 2009 年 9 月起诉要求终止双方的租赁合同,收回拖欠的房租及滞纳金。Since December 2008, Company A had been delaying rent payment under variou

5、s excuses. Consequently, Mr. Li filed a lawsuit in September 2009, requesting to rescind the lease contract and claim rent arrears with overdue fine.诉讼过程中,A 公司称其已于 2007 年 1 月将部分承租房屋转租给了 B 公司,并要求追加B 公司为本案的第三人。法院追加了 B 公司作为第三人进行诉讼, B 公司提出如终止合同的话,李某应赔偿其装潢费用。In the litigation, Company A said it subleased

6、 some of the leased premises to Company B in January 2007 and requested to add Company B as the third party in this case. The court accepted the request, but Company B demanded compensation from Mr. Li for its interior decoration expenses if the contract was to be rescinded.对此,李某认为,其与 A 公司之间的租赁合同中明确

7、约定,转租应当经过李某的书面同意,而李某只知道 A 公司与 B 公司之间是联合经营的关系,从不知晓 A 公司与 B 公司之间存在转租关系,因此,A 公司与 B 公司之间的所谓转租合同应属无效合同,李某也不应承担B 公司的装修费用。Mr. Li emphasized: the lease contract between Mr. Li and Company A expressly indicated that sublease should be conducted upon Mr. Lis written consent; he also said that he was only awar

8、e of the joint venture relationship between Company A and Company B, and did not know about the sublease conducted between the two. Therefore, Mr. Li held that the sublease contract between Company A and Company B should be void and that he should not bear the decoration expenses of Company B.【法院判决】

9、Court Decision法院认为,李某与 A 公司之间的 房屋租赁合同及 A 公司与 B 公司之间的转租合同均为有效合同。A 公司应当支付拖欠李某的租金,但李某应支付 A 公司与 B 公司的装潢损失。故法院判决:1、李某与 A 公司之间的租赁合同及 A 公司与 B 公司之间的转租合同终止;2、A 公司给付李某自 2008 年 12 月至 2009 年 9 月的房屋租金及滞纳金;3、A 公司及 B公司迁出租赁房屋;4、李某支付 B 公司建筑装潢建材及工程造价款 71511 元。The court held that the lease contract between Mr. Li and

10、Company A and the sublease contract between Company A and Company B are both valid. Company A should pay rent in arrears to Mr. Li, while Mr. Li should bear the decoration expenses of Company A and Company B. The court ruled: 1. The lease contract between Mr. Li and Company A and sublease contract b

11、etween Company A and Company B should both be terminated; 2. Company A should pay rent in arrears and overdue fine of the period from December 2008 to September 2009 to Mr. Li; 3. Company A and Company B should move out of the above leased premises; and4. Mr. Li should pay Company Bs decoration expe

12、nses related to materials and construction costs amounting to RMB71, 511.一审判决后,A 公司与 B 公司均提出上诉,李某未提起上诉。二审法院经审理,作出了驳回 A 公司、B 公司的上诉,维持原判的终审判决。本案判决生效后,李某面临的局面是:A 公司已无可供执行的财产,而李某又必须向 B 公司支付装潢费用。Company A and Company B appealed against the above first instance ruling, but Mr. Li did not. The court, after

13、 the second instance trial, decided to reject the appeals of Company A and Company B and sustain the first instance ruling as the final judgment. Once such judgment comes into force, the situation for Mr. Li would be: Company A no longer has executable properties; and he has to pay for decoration ex

14、penses to Company B. 【律师分析】Legal Analyses一、A 公司与 B 公司的转租合同是否有效?I. Is the sublease contract between Company A and Company B valid?中华人民共和国合同法第 224 条:承租人经出租人同意,可以将租赁物转租给第三人。承租人未经出租人同意转租的,出租人可以解除合同。Article 224 of Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China provides : “With the consent of the lessor, t

15、he lessee may sublet the leased property to a third party. Where the lessee sublets the leased property without the consent of the lessor, the lessor may rescind the contract.”最高人民法院关于审理城镇房屋租赁合同纠纷案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释 (下简称租赁纠纷司法解释 )第 16 条:出租人知道或者应当知道承租人转租,但在六个月内未提出异议,其以承租人未经同意为由请求解除合同或者认定转租合同无效的,人民法院不予支持。

16、因租赁合同产生的纠纷案件,人民法院可以通知次承租人作为第三人参加诉讼。Article 16 of Interpretation of the Supreme Peoples Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Cases about Disputes Over Lease Contracts of Urban Buildings (Legal Interpretation of Lease Disputes) provides: Where the lessor is aware or should be aware of the sublease by the lessee but fails to raise any objection within six months, the lessors request to rescind the contract or



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