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1、1萬能科技大學外籍學生獎助學金申請辦法(VANUNG UNIVERSITY Foreign Student Scholarship Guidelines)Approved by Academic Meeting at June 27,2006 第一條:本校為獎勵優秀外籍學生就讀本校,並協助其在校就學期間無生活後顧之憂,特訂定本辦法。(The scholarship guidelines are established to promote the studies of qualified foreign students at VANUNG University, and take care

2、of their basic living necessities.)第二條:就讀本校之大學部或研究所外籍生,以及欲申請就讀本校之外籍新生皆可提出申請。(Continuing foreign students, who have maintained a 75% average, have not failed any courses, and who have not been on probation during the previous years, and new foreign students, may apply.)第三條:外籍新生於申請入學時一併提出獎學金申請,一年級以上外籍

3、生於每學年度第一學期開學後兩週內提出申請。申請時請附下列表件:(New foreign students may submit their scholarship applications with the academic admission application. Continuing students may apply two weeks after the fall semester begins. The following documents must accompany the application :)一 外籍新生:(New foreign students)1. 最高學

4、歷之在校成績證明。(A transcript of the highest previous academic level attained.)2. 推薦函二份。(Two recommendation letters.)3. 其他學業及課外活動證明文件。(Any other documentation proving academic excellence.) 二年級以上之外籍生(不含一年級):(Continuing foreign students)1. 上一學年之學業與操行成績單。(Transcript of the previous years grades and conduct re

5、cords.)2. 系所主任及導師推薦函二份。(Two recommendation letters from the Dean of the department and the advisor.)第四條:視申請學生之優異程度條件,給予下列不同等級種類及組合之獎助:( The type and number of scholarships awarded will depend upon the qualifications of all applicants.)工作獎助學金 Working AssistantshipA 類 : 二年期全額(研究所)外籍學生工作獎助學金A 類獎助學金將提供給

6、 2 名攻讀碩士班學生(經營管理研究所碩士班 1 個名額,工程科技研究所碩士班 1 個名額)。學生必須每週於各處、室、系所工作 16 小時,才能獲得以下的優惠:1. 學雜費減免2. 宿舍費減免 (6 人房)3. 台幣 5,000 元生活津貼Type A: Assistantship for Two Years Graduate School Program.1. Type A Assistantship will be granted to 2 students (1 for MBA and 1 for Master of Engineering Science and Technology

7、program). Students will have to work part-time 16 hours a week as an assistant among different departments on campus to enjoy the following: 2. 1. Tuition fee is waived.3. 2. Dormitory fee is waived, living with 5 either local or international students at school dormitory.24. 3. NT $5,000 per month

8、stipend is offered.B 類: 二年期半額(研究所)外籍學生工作獎助學金B 類獎助學金將提供給 3 名攻讀碩士班學程學生,學生必須每月於各處、室、系所工作 92 小時,才能獲得以下的優惠:1. 學雜費減半2. 宿舍費減半Type B: Assistantship for Two Years Graduate School Program.5. Type B assistantship will be granted to 3 students enrolling in the Master programs. Students will have to work part-ti

9、me 92 hours a month as an assistant among different departments on campus to enjoy the following: 6. 1. Half tuition fee is waived.2. Half dormitory fee is waived (Six beds room).C 類: 二年期全額(大學部)外籍學生工作獎助學金C 類 獎助學金將提供給 3 名馬來西亞籍南方學院畢業,並經該校推薦至本校就讀大學三、四年級之學生1. 學雜費減免2. 宿舍費減免(6 人房)Type C: Assistantship for

10、 Two Years Undergraduate School Program.Type C assistantship will be granted to 3 students who were graduated and recommended by Southern College, Malaysia enrolling in the undergraduate Bachelor programs: 1. Tuition fee is waived.2. Dormitory fee is waived, living with 5 either local or internation

11、al students at school dormitory.D 類: 四年期半額(大學部)外籍學生獎助學金 D 類獎助學金將提供給 10 名攻讀大學部中文授課學程學生。學生必須每月於各處、室、系所工作 92 小時,才能獲得以下的優惠:1. 學雜費減半2. 宿舍費減半3E 類: 四年期半額(大學部)外籍學生獎助學金E 類獎助學金將提供給 2 名攻讀大學部中文授課學程學生。學生必須每月於各處、室、系所工作 16 小時,才能獲得以下的優惠:1. 學雜費減半2. 宿舍費減半第五條:本辦法經本校行政會議通過後實施,修正時亦同。( All changes in these guidelines are

12、 subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.)Type D: Assistantship for Four Years Undergraduate School Program.Type D assistantship will be granted to 10 students enrolling in the undergraduate Chinese-taught Bachelor programs. Students will have to work part-time 92 hours a month as an assistant

13、among different departments on campus to enjoy the following:1. Half tuition fee is waived.2. Half dormitory fee is waived (Six beds room).Type E: Assistantship for Four Years Undergraduate School Program.Type E assistantship will be granted to 2 students enrolling in the undergraduate Chinese-taugh

14、t Bachelor programs. Students will have to work part-time 16 hours a month as an assistant among different departments on campus to enjoy the following:1. Half tuition fee is waived.2. Half dormitory fee is waived (Six beds room).4萬能科技大學外籍生獎助學金申請表Application Form of VANUNG UNIVERSITY Foreign Student

15、 Scholarship你想申請獎助學金嗎? Would you like to apply for Scholarship? 否 No 是 Yes你想申請何種獎助學金? 請在以下註記合適的項目 Please mark the type of Scholarship in the following:工作獎助學金 Type A:Assistantship for Two Years Graduate School Program二年期全額(研究所) 外籍學生工作獎助學金 Type B :Assistantship for Two Years Graduate School Program二年期

16、半額(研究所) 外籍學生工作獎助學金 Type C: Assistantship for Two Years Undergraduate School Program (students were graduated and recommended from Southern College, Malaysia only)二年期全額(大學部) 外籍學生工作獎助學金(限馬來西亞南方學院推薦學生) Type D:Assistantship for Four Years Undergraduate School Program四年期半額(大學部) 外籍學生獎助學金 Type E:Assistantship for Four Years Undergraduate School Program四年期半額(大學部) 外籍學生獎助學金語言程度 Language Skills請評量你的中文和英文能力並在以下註記中文Chinese英文English中文


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