【小东教育】 口语和答案

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1、 .省时It is convenient and I would be able to save tons of time. Specifically, it takes me only_minutes to_. However, if Id like to_, I will spend at least_hours. I think spending the time saved on reading books on history or chemistry/doing exercises is considered to be the better way for me to relax

2、/learn more knowledge.I can make more friends in different background/from different cities/countries such as Japan, Canada and America/with the same interest. We could have pleasant conversation not only about the academic information such as history, biology and economics, but also about the inter

3、national events. And I can also learn some useful interpersonal skills or personality such as honesty and persistence4.好环境The amazing part is its picturesque view and enjoyable surroundings. Having a walk beside the lake and rockery, I can smell the fragrance of grass and the flowers and hear the cr

4、ies of the birds and feel the bracing breeze on my face.5.减压I can totally relax in such aenvironment. Im fascinated to the harmonious atmosphere which could make me refreshed and energetic. I can release my emotion, pressure and uneasiness through it, and have a temporary escape from the academic wo

5、rkload such as assignment and examination.6.健康Its good for my health. I can improve my speed, strength and flexibility. And I can also effectively lose weight and keep in good shape. BeforeI often got sick, depression and hot temper, but now, everything is getting much better.7.学习I can have an easie

6、r access to a huge amount of knowledge and information ranging from history to biology. For instance, itll be easy for me to polish my speaking and listening skills if /in such aenvironment/ by. This can render me a good opportunity to practice my English, and eventually put me in a favorable positi

7、on in the upcoming competition.8.生活理解(Compared to others)I can abroad my horizon during the whole process. For instance, ifI can have a better understanding of the meaning of life/career/educationand the importance of dream and future. So, I will pay more attention to my family/friends/work/academic

8、 performance and also make great contribution to our society in the future.ARTSThe House of Native American TribeThe earliest American folk art portraitsThe Music of FilmsBarbara KastenThe Works of Joyce Carol OatesThe Printed WordThe Art Nouveau StyleArts and Crafts MovementThe earliest American fo

9、lk art portraitsKeywords: portraits, portraiture, artists, craft tradition, an original portraitWhat we today call America folk art was, indeed, art of, by, and for ordinary, everyday “folks“ who, with increasing prosperity and leisure, created a market for art of all kinds, and especially for portr

10、aits. Citizens of prosperous, essentially middle-class republicswhether ancient Romans, seventeenth- century Dutch burghers, or nineteenth-century Americans-have always shown a marked taste for portraiture. Starting in the late eighteenth century, the United States contained increasing numbers of su

11、ch people, and of the artists who could meet their demands.The earliest American folk art portraits come, not surprisingly, from New EnglandespeciallyConnecticut and Massachusetts-for this was a wealthy and populous region and the center of a strong craft tradition. Within a few decades after the si

12、gning of theDeclaration of Independence in 1776, the population was pushing westward, and portrait painters could be found at work in western New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, andMissouri. Midway through its first century as a nation, the United States population had increased roughly five time, a

13、nd eleven new states had been added to the original thirteen.During these years the demand for portraits grew and grew, eventually to be satisfied by the camera. In 1839 the daguerreotype was introduced to America, ushering in the age of photography, and within a generation the new invention put an

14、end to the popularity of painted portraits. Once again an original portrait became a luxury, commissioned by the wealthy and executed by the professional.But in the heyday of portrait painting-from the late eighteenth century until the 1850sanyone with a modicum of artistic ability could become a li

15、mner, as such a portraitist was called. Local crafts people-sign, coach, and house painters-began to paint portraits as a profitable sideline; sometimes a talented man or woman who began by sketching family members gained a local reputation and was besieged with requests for portraits; artists found

16、 it worth their while to pack their paints, canvases, and brushes and to travel the countryside, often combining house decorating with portrait painting.39. In lines 4-5 the author mentions seventeenth-century Dutch burghers as an example of a group that(A) consisted mainly of self taught artists(B) appreciated portraits(C) influenced American folk art(D) had little time for the arts40. The word “marked“ in line



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