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1、 20030312prouns代词 考点1:人称代词的宾格(动词,介词后跟宾格)形容 词性和名词性物主代词的区别(my-mine, their-theirs ) 考点2:it的用法(可指代天气、时间、距离、环境, 一个未看到的人,形式主语或形式宾语) 考点3:不定代词 (something important) 考点4: (a) little, (a) few区别 考点5:that, those用法(在比较级句中,代替前面提 到的事) 考点6:either, neither, none, each, both, all, any用 法 考点8:one, another, (the) other

2、,(the) others区别 考点9:none, no one, nothing区别代词的分类代词人称代词物主代词反身代词指示代词不定代词相互代词疑问代词关系代词I ,you ,me, themmy, your, mine yoursmyself yourself themselvesthis that these thosesomeone somethingeach other, one anotherwhat who which whomwhich who that whom whose一)人称代词词、物主代词词和反身代词词种类类第一人称第二人称第三人称用法单单数复数单单数复数单单数复数

3、人 称 代 词词主 格Iweyouyouhesheitthey主语语宾宾 格meusyouyouhimheritthem宾语宾语物 主 代 词词形 容 词词 性myouryouryourhisheritstheir定语语名 词词 性mineoursyoursyourshishersitstheirs主语语 表语语 宾语宾语反身 代词词my - selfour - selvesyour - selfyour -selveshim - selfher - selfit - self them - selves宾语宾语 同位 语语Notes 1.形容词性物主代词 ,作定语,其前不能用冠词(a/an

4、the)或 this/ that /some 我的一个朋友 a my friend (x) a friend of mine() of +名词性物主代词表所属 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 ,作表语、主语和宾语 2.注意名词性物主代词在句中所指代的关系,是单数还是复数。 如:These books arent ours. Ours are new. (这里 ours=our books) This is not our room. Ours is over there. (这里 ours=our room) 3.在”打” “拍” “拉” 某人身体的某部位,不用物主代词,用the 如

5、hit sb(宾格) on the nose , catch/pull sb. by the arm 4.人称代词在并列使用时的顺序为:“第二人称,第三人称,第 一人称”。 如:You, she and I all enjoy the music. 5. it的用法(可指代天气、时间、距离、环境,一个未 看到的人,形式主语或形式宾语)5. 反身代词的固定结构: enjoy oneself = have a good time (过得很愉 快) help oneself to (随便吃/喝 些.) learn sth. by oneself = teach oneself sth. ( 自学)

6、leave by oneself (把某人单独留下) come to oneself (苏醒) look after /take care of oneself (照料自己) dress oneself (自己穿衣) say to oneself (自言自语) by oneself = alone (单独、独自) lose oneself in sth.沉浸在中Exercises 1.Zhang Yining is _favourite table tennis player.(07上海) A. I B.me C.my D.mine 2.When Yang Liwei came back fr

7、om space, many reporters interviewed _and got the first-hand information. (05上海) A. he B. him C.his D.himself 3.Is her lifestyle the same as _? -No, I exercise every day but she doesnt. A.you B.yours C.yourself D. yourselves 4.Kate has lost _key. _asked _for help? A. her; He ; I B. his;He;me C.his;S

8、he;I D. her;She; meCBBD 5.who is singing in the classroom?- _must be Susan.(07天津) A. She B.It C.this D.He 6.-John,someone in your class phoned you this morning. -Oh, who was _? A.he b.she C.it D.that 7.My mother finds _great fun to learn to drive a car.(05苏州 ) A.it B.this C.the D.what 8._very import

9、ant for us to learn English because it is an international language now. A.It is B.It C. That is D. We areBCAA 9.Please keep the park clean when you enjoy _there.(07上海) A.your B.you C.yours D.youeselves 10.No one helped Millie. She did it all by_. A. myself B.herself C.himself D. yourself 填空 1.You h

10、ave to believe in _(you). Thats the secret of success. 2.The young man and his sister both lost _(they) in the beautiful song. 3.One of _(she) friends will go to America for further study. 4.My watch is out of work. What about _(you)? 5.Please give _(I ) a cup of tea?DByourself/ yourselvesthemselves

11、 heryoursme二)不定代词 1.some, any2.something somebody someone一般用于肯定句中 . anything anybody anyone多用于疑问句和否定 句和条件句。everything everybody nothing nobody anything important 形容词修饰不定代词时,后置 如:something new , some(一些,某) 一般用于肯定句中. any(任何) 多用于疑问句和否定句和条件句。 注:1.some有时也可用于表示请求,建议的疑问句中 Would you like _ meat? Could I hav

12、e _ apples?2.some +可数名词单词单 数, 表“某一” Some student came to see you yesterday.some someExercises 1.Is there _in todays newspaper? -Yes. Shenzhou VI will be sent up into space in the near future.(05福州) A. nothing new B.new nothingC. anything new D.new anything 2.The digital camera is not hard to use at

13、all . _can learn to use it in a short time. Anybody B. Nobody (04青岛) C.Somebody D. Only clever people 3. “Dont worry.There is _wrong with you.”said the doctor. A.everything B.nothing C.something D.veryCAB 用不定代词填空: 1.There is_ in the bag. It is empty. 2. There is_ waiting outside to see you. I dont k

14、now him. 3. -“Is there _wrong here?” -“No, _ is wrong.” 4.Does_ know where Li Hong is ? 5._ of the people were afraid of danger. 6. Its a secret. _knows about it. 7.Shall I make you_ to eat? 8. _ has come yet. 9.Theres_ new in todays newspaper. 10. We tried_ but_ worked.nothing someoneanything nothing anybody None No one something Nobody something/nothingeverythingnothing1.“ Do you know _ about country? “Sorry, I know _ about it.” 2. “Theres _


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