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1、Unit 11Unit 11 Scientific AchievementsWord QuizWord QuizWords QuizWords Quiz PK Group 1 usageusagetranslationtranslation word formationword formationfill in blanksfill in blanksusageusagetranslationtranslationword formationword formationfill in blanksfill in blanksovertimeovertime effect 用法 take eff

2、ect 开始生效;开始实行 e.g. The contract takes effect as of October 1.本合同从十月一日起生效。 in effect = in fact实际上 have an effect on have an effect on 对对产生影响产生影响 e.g. The drug had an immediate effect on the pain. rely用法rely on sth./ sb. sth./ sb. doing sthdoing sth sb doing sth sb doing sth sb to do sthsb to do sth s

3、b for sth sb for sth it thatit that rely on =depend on 指望或依靠e.g. Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help.We should rely on our own efforts.Dont rely on him lending you the money to buy the house.=Dont rely on him to lend you the money to buy the house. The villagers had to rely on the ri

4、ver for their drinking water.You may rely on it that he will come to meet you.学会;学院;研究机构 n.instituteuniversitycollege区 别到达;进入;踏上phrasephraseset foot inThey were excited with joy when they set foot on Chinese soil in late July. 当七月底踏上中国的土地时, 他们兴奋不已achieve arrangeannounceV.n.n.n.achievementarrangement

5、announcementsuffix “-ment”Can you think out any other words Can you think out any other words with suffix “-ment”? with suffix “-ment”? economyeconomicadj.adj.economical 经济的, 经济学的节约的, 俭省的This team has never been defeated. This time they are _ to win the game again. likely likely To write a good comp

6、osition, you need to state your opinion clearly and _ it with strong argument. supportsupportWords QuizPK Group 2 usageusagetranslationtranslation Word formationWord formationusageusagetranslationtranslationWord formationWord formationovertimeovertime举一反三举一反三举一反三举一反三 aim 用法e.g.He aimed the gun at th

7、e enemy officer.Shes aiming at ( trying to win) a scholarship.My remarks were not aimed at you.瞄准,对准 (向某方面)努力;力争 针对某人aim (sth.) ataim (sth.) atbase 用法base sth. in/at 把设在 base sth. on/upon 以为基础n. 基地;根据地;底部 v.以.作基础, 基于.e.g.That banks head office is based in London. 那家银行的总部设在伦敦This story is based on fa

8、cts. 这个故事是以事实为基础的.发展,进化,演变 n. evolutionDarwins theory of evolution 达尔文的进化论. the evolution of the modern car 近代汽车的发展developmentSynonym宪法 n.constitutionmankind hi-tech breakthroughHow are the words formed?man + kindman + kindhigh + technologyhigh + technologybreak +break + throughthroughCompound Compo

9、und 复合词合成词复合词合成词Can you think of any other compound words?impress v.impressiveimpressionimpressivelyadj.adv.n.rejuvenate re-前缀表示?类似的词语举例 个retellrebuildreformrecallrenameredoretryrewriteforward 后缀为?带有类似后缀的词还有? (举例3个)backward upward downward northward Words Quiz PK Group 3a antonym (ntonym (反义词反义词) )t

10、ranslationtranslation a a word with different word with different meaningsmeaningsf fill in blanksill in blankss synonym (ynonym (同义词同义词) )translationtranslationa a word with different word with different meaningsmeaningsf fill in blanksill in blanksovertimeovertimeperfect adj. 同义词(列举5个 )wonderfulsp

11、lendidexcellent delightful completepureabsolute private 反义词failure 反义词 publicsuccess苏醒过来 phrasecome to lifee.g. After three hours saving, the injured man came to life. When I mentioned our plans for a trip abroad, the kids came back to life at once.苏醒过来, 恢复生气, 活跃起来太阳的 adj.太阳能太阳系solar energythe solar

12、 system月亮的? lunarSolarSolar阴历 lunar calendar月蚀 lunar eclipseMan n.n. 男人; 人类; 用作称呼,通常含轻松或不耐烦的语气v. v. 给配备人员,操作e.g. Shenzhou VI manned spaceship 神州六号载Barbara will man the telephone switchboard till we get back. 我们回来前由巴巴拉管理电话总机. It is a warship manned by experienced officers. 这是一艘配备有经验的军官的军舰at least 3n.

13、 stain, spot 痕迹; 污点;斑点 black marks on white trousers 白裤子上的黑色污迹 symbol符号;记号 Put a mark in the margin number or letter used as an assessment of sbs work 分数 She got a high mark for geography. 她的地理得了高分 V. make (a mark or marks) on sth 在某物上做(记号) please mark the book with your name. indicate or denote (st

14、h) 表示 His death marked the end of an era. 他的死标志着一个时代的结束. give marks to (pupils work, etc) 给(学生作业等)批分数I have twenty essays to mark tonightmark at least 4After discussion, they _ a better plan for the spring outing. put forwardAll of us hopes to _ all our goals soon.achieveWord QuizFinal PK一词多义一词多义/ /

15、性性 make sentencemake sentencefill in blanks fill in blanks fill in blanks fill in blanks make sentencemake sentence一词多义一词多义/ /性性 comparisoncomparisoncomparisoncomparisonmarch n. 三月(首字母大写)action of marching 行军; 行进Long March(中国红军的)长征procession from one place to another by many people, esp as a protest

16、 游行;(尤指)示威游行a peace march 为争取和平的游行 v. walk as soldiers do 行军 The army has marched thirty miles today. walk determinedly 行进at least 3mastern. One that has control over others.所有者;控制者One who holds a masters degree.硕士; 取得硕士学位 的人An artist or a performer of great and exemplary skill;an expert 名家;专家V. gain contr



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