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1、International International Phonetic SymbolsPhonetic Symbols国际音标国际音标aieii i u auui: i u:u : : : el r hw jm n dzts trdrbp dt gk vf z s 20元音32320辅辅音国际际音标标教学法图图示/i:/Through three cheese trees three free fleasflew. 三棵奶酪书中有三只自由的跳蚤在飞。 Please eat sweet peas at ease before you sleep. 睡前请随便吃点甜点。 /i/ Little L

2、ily and little Nelly are going to visit Mrs.Honey. 小莉莉和小南里将去拜访哈尼夫人。 A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。字母及组合 /i:/ e he she we secret chinese immediate ea eat team meat real leave leader ee meet see three tree bee need ie grief piece eo people ey key字母及组合/i/ i it pig big bit Y busy lily l

3、ovely e begin pretty excuse ee coffee ey monkey money ay Sunday Monday / /Harry has a jam factory.哈里有一个果酱制造厂。 The cash desk is in the west of the shopping center.付款台位于购物中心的西边。/e/ 字母及组合/e/ e wet next press bell well fresh ea weather ready dead ie friend / / a bag catch happen I mixed butter and sugar

4、 and water together. 我把黄油,糖和水和在一起了。 Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚。/:/ / 字母组合: ear learn earth early er prefer German were her ir bird dirty sir first ur fur church hurt or work world word字母组合 a abroad about attack again o together seldom tomorrow e accelerate literature i impossible er sold

5、ier teacher mother paper or doctor visitor ar sugar vinegar our labour colour ea ocean字母及字母组合 /a:/ a fast father basket after master ar market large art hard farmer al half calm ear heart er clert/ u up under just lucky o does done honey stomach oo flood blood ou couple enough 字母及组合 /:/ar quarter au

6、 author daughter Paul al all walk talk fall aw hawk draw or force port short story storm oa abroad oar board oor floor door ore moreour four字母及组合/ o block borrow sock pocket a watch wash was ou cough ow knowledge字母及组合 /u:/ o do to improve lose oo afternoon bamboo moon food ou youth you group u rule

7、ruler ue blue true oe shoe ui fruit ew grew flew字母及组合 / o woman oo look book good took cook ou should could would u put full bull push pull 双元音是作为一个音节、用一次呼气发出来的 两个元音的连缀。这个连缀是以滑流音的形式 读出来的,即舌从第一个元音的位置向第二个 元音方向以最直接的途径滑过去而成为一个音 。合口双元音: 集中双元音:/ei/ /ai/ /i/ / /a/ /i/ /e/ /字母及组合/ei/ a age ache ate save ai

8、aim aid main ay say gray today ea break great ei eighty weigh weight字母及组合 /ai/ i ice island wine light ie tie igh high sigh might y sky try dry uy buy guy /i/ oi soil coin join oy joy toy enjoy字母及组合 /u/ o old open over ow row flow window oa boat coat uo quote oe toe ough dough字母及组合 /au/ ou doubt aro

9、und aloud ow tower cow how 字母及组合 / i / ea real idea ear hear clearly fear eir their weird eer beer ere here ou curious serious ie experienceeu museum io idiot字母及组合/ / a area air fair pair chair ar vary parent ae aeroplane are care compare prepare ear bear pear wear ere where there字母及组合 / u / our tou

10、r oor poor ure sure Consonants 1.辅音的特点:辅音是气流从肺中压出后受唇 、齿、舌、咽喉等发音器官阻碍的结 果。辅音有清浊之分, 发音时声带震 动的是浊音,不震动的是清音。Plosive Consonants 1. 爆破音: /p/b/ /t/d/ /k/ /g/ /p/b/对比: park-bark tap-tab mop-mob /t/d/对比: heart-hard sight-side feet-feed /k/g/对比: pig-pick log-lock dug-duck Fricative Consonants 2. 摩擦音/f/v/ /s/z/

11、/f/v/ 对比: leaf - leave proof-prove calf-carve/s/z/对比: cease - seize loose - lose race-raise对比 breath-breathe worth-worthy/ 对比: pressure - pleasure social- usual h huge hold it high behide the house r rude crazy broken freshFricative Consonants /tr/tree trick true treat try /dr/ dry drink drop drive

12、/ts/ lots gets boots cats /dz/ reads beds birds3. 破擦音:/ cheap choice each touch /judge join jam edge bridgeNasal consonants 4. 鼻音 / m /, / n /, / / / m / memory mouth firm / n / nasty name nail learn / / king bring sing a songLateral consonant 5. 舌边音 /l/ (有两种发音) A. 如果在元音字母前面, long leave lion lock co

13、lor followB. 如果 / l / 在辅音前面或词尾, apple ball meal bell sail ruleSemi-vowels 6. 半元音/w/ /j/ / w / week word /j/ yes youthSyllables 音节 (Syllables): 音节是包含一个元音或一个元 音跟别的辅音结合而成的发音单位。在英语中元音特别响亮, 一个元音可以构成一个音节, 一般来 说,元音可以构成音节, 辅音不响亮, 不能构成音节 。 但英语辅音字母中有 4 个辅音m,n,ng, l是响音,它们和辅音音素结合,也可构成音节 。它们构成的音节往往出现在词尾,一般是非重 读音节。 英语的词有一个音节的,两个音节的,多个音节 的,一个音节叫单音节,两个音节叫双音节,三 个音节以上叫多音节。 确定音节时, 一不能只看字母的数, 二不能只看有 没有元音字母, 而是要看有没有元音。Types of syllables(A) 开音节(Open syllables): 分绝对开音 节 和相对开音节两种。 读音的规则就是发其中元音字母的名称音。 (B) 闭音节(Close syllables): 元音字母后面有辅音字母(r除外)



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