邮政英语 unit 4

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《邮政英语 unit 4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《邮政英语 unit 4(57页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、5 5UnitUnitCustomer ServiceCustomer ServiceLead inLead inAudio-VisualAudio-VisualExtended PracticeExtended PracticeReadingReading12Professional SkillsProfessional SkillsGet to Know the PostGet to Know the PostDo It YourselfDo It YourselfUnitUnit4 4Lead inLead inRelated InformationRelated Information

2、The videoUnitUnit4 4Customer ServiceCustomer ServiceLead inLead inDiscuss the following questions according to the pictures given belowUnit 4Unit 41. What qualities should the call staff possess? 2. Does the facial expressions of the call center staff matter and in what way? 3. What services does Ch

3、ina Post Customer Service Center provide?1Customer ServiceCustomer Serviceopen opendealing with complaints, offering information on services, mail trackingAudio-VisualAudio-VisualpracticepracticetexttextUnit 4Unit 4Customer ServiceCustomer ServiceAudio-VisualWatch the video and answer the following

4、questions. 2Unit 4Unit 4Customer ServiceCustomer Service1.Besides efficiency, what other qualities of the postmen are regarded as important by postal customers?2. How does Mrs. Rigby describe the appearance of todays postmen?The postmens appearance and behavior. Some wear no uniform at all. Some do

5、not even wear a neat collar and tie, just a T-shirt. You just cannot tell they work for the post office. Audio-VisualWatch the video and answer the following questions. 2Unit 4Unit 4Customer ServiceCustomer Service3. Despite the complaints, some customers are still happy with their postmen. For what

6、 reasons?4. Why does one of the customers want to give the postman a brush ?Because the postman traced the correct address from the postcode and delivered the letter to Mrs. Walton though the addresser had omitted her house number and the name of the road.The postman leans his bike so carelessly aga

7、inst her garage door and gets the paint scratched. Watch the video again and fill out the blanks with what you hear.3“He was clean and smart and had an air of (1) _ about him. He was also very (2) _. During the time it took me to get to the front door, the postman didnt bang (3) _ at the door, nor d

8、id he ring the bell again. I would like him to know that his bearing and (4) _ is much (5) _. And I hope he will let no one (6) _ him from any standards he has set for himself.”Audio-VisualAudio-VisualUnit 4Unit 4Customer ServiceCustomer Serviceefficiencyconsiderate impatiently behavior appreciated

9、dissuade Watch the video again and fill out the blanks with what you hear.3Mrs. Archer writes her corner house is the first in the road to which a postman delivers. “Every morning he opens my gate and (7) _ his bundle of letters and then drop his (8) _ bands outside my front door. My dog nearly chok

10、ed on one yesterday. Perhaps you could ask your postmen to be more careful in future.”Audio-VisualAudio-VisualUnit 4Unit 4Customer ServiceCustomer Serviceundoes rubberCustomer ServiceCustomer ServiceUnit 4Unit 4ReadingReading1How to Treat Your Customers2Dealing with Difficult CustomersReadingReading

11、1Read the numbered principles. Match each of the following sentences with one principle. 4A Customers may feel satisfied when they are warmly served. B Nobody likes being ignored. C The post company can benefit from selling additional service to customers. D Postal employees are irreplaceable in sel

12、ling proper services to customers. E The postal employees are encouraged to accept complaints and handle them actively. 14637Customer ServiceCustomer ServiceUnit 4Unit 4ReadingReading1VocabularyVocabulary AssistantAssistantpossess v.占有,拥有 professional adj.专业的 morality n.道德;伦理 far more than 远不只是 accu

13、rately adv.精确地 content adj.心满意足的 outstanding adj.杰出的 complain v.抱怨 reliability n.可靠性 in exchange for 作 为的交换 accordingly adv.相应地 individual n.个人Unit 4Unit 4Customer ServiceCustomer Servicegenuinely adv.真正地 sympathy n.同情 rectify v.纠正;改正 apparent adj.明显的 hassle v.打扰,麻烦 revenue n.收入,收益 perceive v.感知 bar

14、e adj.仅有的 be aware of意识到Unit 4Unit 4Customer ServiceCustomer ServiceVocabularyVocabulary AssistantAssistantHow to Treat Your Customer Treat your customers as you would like to be treated yourself. This is the golden service rule for all postal employees. To achieve this rule, you must know what your

15、 customers are looking for and possess the necessary professional morality. 1. Your customers are looking for far more than just stamps. What they need is your: Assistance, Advice and Information.Unit 4Unit 4Customer ServiceCustomer ServiceReadingReading1如何对待顾客 如你希望被对待的那样去对待顾客。这是所有邮政员工要遵守的优 质服务准则。为了

16、实现这一准则,你必须了解顾客的需要并且拥有 必要的职业道德。 1 顾客需要的远不止是邮票。他们需要你提供帮助、建议和信息。Para.1Para.5Para.6Para.3Para.4Para.8Para.7Para.2Unit 4Unit 4Customer ServiceCustomer Service如果你能自如地、精准地并且面带微笑地提供这些服务,你的顾客 将会满意地离开。如果你的服务是出色的,他们将会再次光临。如 果你的服务是糟糕的,他们极有可能去其他地方。 记住有许多顾客不说,也不抱怨,但是不会再回来。Para.1Para.5Para.6Para.3Para.4Para.8Para.7Para.2If you give these things freely, accurately an



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