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1、一年级英语学科第一单元授课教案一年级英语学科第一单元授课教案本单元课标要求: 1、1.能用“Hello! Im . Whats your name?”向他人打招呼,询问他人姓名,并用英语介 绍自己的名字。 2、2.认识教材主线人物并能说出他们的名字:Baobao, Maomao, Yang yang, Lingling, Guoguo, Miss Wang,认识动物伙伴 Lala 和 Kate。 3、3.能听懂并认识出单词 hello, a boat,,a coat,name, a cake a lake a gate, good, a foot ,wood,并感知单词中的元音。 4、4.能模

2、仿录音中的语音语调说唱韵文。5 能听懂课堂简短的指令,如“stand up, please.“ “sit down. please.“ “put up your hands, please put down your hands, please“. 并做出相应的动作。6.能唱歌曲 Hello7 能在集体生活中通过做自我介绍,互相打招呼,与他人交流与同学交朋友,展示自己的热情和礼貌。教学内容:Unit1 Hello! Im Mao mao教学目标:技能目标:1、能听懂 “Im Miss Wang“的自我介绍,能用“Hello”和他人打招呼2、能用 Im句型进行自我介绍。3.、能区分 boat 和

3、 coat 的发音。4、能根据指令指认图片或做动作。5、能根据图片读单词,和唱书中的英语歌曲。知识目标:1、语音:。能准确朗读本单元涉及单词及句子。2、词汇:Core: hello, Lets go! Lake ,cake, gate,name3、句型:Hello, my names Maomao. Whats your name? Hello! Lets go! 情感态度目标:1、能通过结合学生生活实际的语言运用活动让学生体验成功的愉悦感受英语学习的乐趣。2、能通过介绍自己并询问对方姓名的英语表达法的学习,培养学生英语学习的积极态度。单元教学重点:1、掌握字母 a 和 oo 在不同单词中的发

4、音。2、用 Hello, my names .,. Whats your name? 询问对方姓名并介绍自己。单元教学难点:1、掌握字母 a 和 oo 在单词中的发音。2、认读单词 Lake ,cake, gate。3、准确认读本单元主要句型 Hello, my names Maomao. Whats your name? Hello! Lets go!第( 一 )单元第( 1 )课时教学内容Unit1 Hello! Iam Maomo lesson1复 备教学目标:1、学生能够用 Hello, Im Maomao 句型问好,询问对方姓名 并介绍自己,能跟录音朗读故事。 2、学生能够理解故事内

5、容。 3、学生能够通过故事的学习激发学习兴趣.教学重点1、能听懂 Im Miss Wang 的自我介绍,能用 Hello 和他人 打招呼。 2、整体认读 a boat ,a coat, hello 。教学难点感受 oo 在词语中的共同发音。学生已有基础 知识能够用 hello/hi! 和大家打招呼。能听懂简单的指令。教师教具book, multi-media学生学具book, 达标自测题学生能够简单问候。教学过程第一环节:导入(leading in)1、 创设情境(creating settings):I. Warming up-introduction:Raise the name card

6、 and say: Hello boys and girls, My name is Miss./Mir. ? Open the books and introduce the characters on the book one by one, then introduce “boys and girls”by pointing to the boys and girls 媒体应用:(ppt and teaching cards)第二环节:教学内容实施(carry out)(包括选取教材目的,课件使用)1、 新课(new lesson) II. Presentation 活动一(activi

7、ty one ):learn dialogue one1、 Show the theme picture to the children and introduce two new students Maomao and Baobao, ask the children to distinguish their differences .2、 First to listen and understand the dialogue. Listen to the tape fisrt with questions and try to say out what they have heard fr

8、om the tape. Then repeat the tape.3、 Listen to the tape and read after the tape 活动二(activity two ):learn dialogue two1、 Know the characters in the picture the students have learned.(Maomao and Baobao),and keep on learning three more characters“Lingling, Guoguo and Miss Wang“ 2、 First to listen and u

9、nderstand the dialogue. look at the picture and guess what they are talking about, play the tape twice and ask the children to try to repeat the tape 3、Listen to the tape and model the dialogue. Play the tape another time, point to the characters in the picturen and ask the children to imitate the t

10、ape with gestures. Keep on playing the tape and ask the children to model the tape 活动三(activity three ): learn “Lets act“ .act out the dialogue in pairs, and choose act out the dialogue in pairs, and choose the best one as an example for other pairs to learn from. 活动四(activity four):learn point and

11、sayIntroduce Cate and Lala by showing the picture, ask the children to find them in the book, then show the pictures with boat and coat to the children, have the children match the pronouciations with the wordsTurn on PPT to show different colors, have them answer what they have seen in the pitures.

12、Practise pronoucing the letters of o and oa, eg, hello, coat and boat.Motivate the children to be active to participate. 活动五(activity five): learn Lets say 1、watch the picture and listen and know about the rhyme. 2、read the rhyme aloud together, then watch the screen and read after the tape, finally

13、 try to porform the ryhme in pairs. 设计意图:through the activity, have the children further understand the dialogue。 媒体应用:(picture,muti-media)第三环节:练习反馈 practise and feedback1、 测试(examination) Practice 1、turn on the video, look at the pictures carefully. 2、try to read the words. 3 point and read. 4、repe

14、at after the recording. 5、Try to perform . 设计意图:through the activity, have the children master what they have learnt。 媒体应用:(PPT,cards)第四环节:summaryextention(可选) 1.Practice the pronouciation that appears in this lesson direct the children to pronouce the words. 2.act out the dialogue independently.Hom

15、eworkread the dialogue to your pareats .板书设计 Unit1 Hello ! Im Mao Mao Lesson 1Hello ! Im 教学内容教学内容第( 一 )单元第( 2 )课时Unit1 Im Mao mao Lesson 2复复 备备教学目标教学目标知识和能力;过程和方法;情感态度和价值观。知识和能力;过程和方法;情感态度和价值观。1 Be able to introduce each other using the structure whats your name? Im.2 Be able to say and sing the ryh

16、me Kate,Kate, at the gate3 Be able to develop childrens good manner for last generation重重 点点Asking for names and using communication难难 点点Experience different pronouciations learned in the words 学生已有基 础知识能够用 hello/hi! 和大家打招呼。能听懂简单的指令。教师教具book, multi-media学生学具book, 达标自测题学生能够简单问候。教教 学学 过过 程程Step one revision;Sing the ryhme together, then greet each other in EnglishStep two Listen and say1 Show the topic on the blackboard, have the


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