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1、LOGO非谓语结构(分词短语)在写作中的运用LOGO Page 2n分词现在分词(v-ing):表主动,表进行过去分词(v-ed):表被动,表完成 E.g. 1. Realizing that the guard mistook Mr. Jackson for a thief, the woman manager walked up to apologize to Mr. Jackson 2. Born and brought up in the countryside, he knows better about the hard life of peasants.LOGO1. When s

2、he heard the news, she burst into crying. _ the news, she burst into crying. 2. Australia is located on the west coast of the Pacific. Australia is the largest country in Oceania. Australia, _ _ the west coast of the Pacific, is the largest country in Oceania.用非谓语结构改写句子Hearinglocated on LOGO3. Thoug

3、h I admit what he has said, I still doubt he didnt do his best._ _ _ _ _, I still doubt he didnt do his best.4. Because I missed the bus, I went to school late. _ _ _, I went to school late.Admitting what he has saidMissing the busLOGO用非谓语结构美化句子n 1.因为在这国家又没有朋友,她觉得要想找到工作是 不可能的。 用连词because Because she

4、 has no friend in the country, she found it impossible to find a job.用非谓语结构 Having no friend in the country, she found it impossible to find a job.LOGO2.发现学生下午昏昏欲睡的样子,老师竭尽所 能来激发(arouse)他们的兴趣。 用连词and The teacher found students sleepy in the afternoon and did everything he could to arouse their intere

5、st. 用非谓语结构 Finding students sleepy in the afternoon, the teacher did everything he could to arouse their interest.LOGO3.这本用简易英语写成的书很容易读懂 用定语从句 The book, which was written in simple English, is easy to understand.用非谓语结构 The book , written in simple English, is easy to understandLOGO4. 他们是来自于几个国家的游客。

6、用定语从句 They are visitors who come from several countries.用非谓语结构 They are visitors coming from several countries.LOGO1. I was seriously injured. I couldnt stand up.Seriously injured, I couldnt stand up.2. I saw that little creatures also have sincere love as human beings. I was greatly moved. Seeing t

7、hat little creatures also have sincere love as human beings, I was greatly moved.用非谓语结构合并句子LOGO3. I dont like the man. The man is wearing a pair of dark glasses.I dont like the man wearing a pair of dark glasses. 4. The temper was built 1,000 years ago. The temper is visited by thousands of people e

8、very year. The temper, built 1,000 years ago, is visited by thousands of people every year. It was.LOGO使用非谓语结构写作文 【写作内容】 假设你是慧文中学的学生,该校组织了一次游香港海洋公园 的活动,请你根据下列提示和要求用英语写一篇有关该公园 的短文,短文必须包括以下内容要点: 1. 海洋公园开放于1977年; 2. 占地69公顷; 3. 位于香港岛的南部; 4. 是世界上最大的海洋公园,也是全球最受欢迎的主题公园; 5. 建有各种设施,人们不但可以观看各种海洋生物,还可以 玩很多刺激的游

9、戏;6. 大陆来的熊猫佳佳、安安也是住在园内。LOGOn1. 海洋公园开放于1977年, 位于香港岛的南 部(主语,非谓语结构, be located/situated in ) nHong Kong Ocean Park, opened in 1977, is located on the south end of Hong Kong Island. n2. 占地69公顷(hectare), 使得它成为世界上 最大的海洋公园(主+谓+宾,非谓语结构) nIt covers an area of 69 hectares, making it the largest ocean park in

10、the world. LOGOHong Kong Ocean Park, opened in 1977, is located on the south end of Hong Kong Island. It covers an area of 69 hectares, making it the largest ocean park in the world. The park has all kinds of facilities, which not only offer people a place to see all kinds of living animals in the o

11、cean but play many exciting games as well. What makes us more pleased is that Pandas Jiajia and Anan from the mainland are also living in the park. Therefore, Hong Kong Ocean Park is the most popular themepark in the world. LOGO基础写作在读书节期间,你将负责出一期介绍外国作家的墙报,你在网上搜索 到了著名作家狄更斯的相关资料。 写作内容 请根据以下表格内容,介绍英语小说

12、家狄更斯: n 姓名:狄更斯(Charles Dickens) n 职业:英语小说家 n 出生日期:1812年2月 n 逝世日期:1870年6月 n 生平介绍:少年时,家境穷困,被近到工厂做童工; 后来逐渐喜欢上 写作,并创作了很多有关描述社会弱势群体的小说 n 写作特点:受童年经历影响,作品多反映社会黑暗和不公平的现实 n 影响:他的作品至今仍深受世界人们的喜爱 生词:弱势群体 the inferior group 要求 1. 只能使用五句话表达所有内容 2. 至少在两句话中使用到非谓语结构LOGOCharles Dickens, a famous novelist of England,

13、was born in February, 1812 and passed away in June, 1870. When he was young, his family lived in poverty and therefore he was forced to work in the factory. Later, he developed an interest in writing, coming up with many novels which showed the poor situation of the inferior group. Deeply affected b

14、y his childhood experiences, his writings reflected the darkness and unfairness of the society of his time. Many of his works are still popular in the world. LOGO基础写作练习英国大使馆文化教育处将举办英国夏令营写作大赛,请以学生会的名义 根据大赛内容拟写一份英文通知: 1. 大赛主题:1)家书: 描述在英国生活、学习情况,并感谢父母 2)给伦敦市长的信:描述你在英国的真实体验并就伦敦主办2012年奥运 会提出建议 3) 以上两个主题任选其一 2. 参赛办法和截止日期: 在2011年8月22日前登陆注册成为会员,递交自己 的参赛作品 3. 奖励办法: 1)获奖作者将获精美礼品一份 2)其作品在英国大使馆文化教育处出版刊物登载 参考词汇:英国大使馆文化教育处:the Cultural and Education Section of the British Council 【写作要求】 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称.。 必须使用非谓语结构LOGONoticeLadies and Gentlemen, _ _ _ _ _ _ _



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