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1、International SettlementPayment Techniques in International Trade Finance福州大学管理学院 黄祥钟国际结算第二章22. Negotiable instruments 2.1 General introduction 2.2 Bills of exchange 2.3 Promissory note 2.4 Cheque国际结算第二章32.1 General introduction 一、票据的含义 1、Negotiable instruments were arisen form the commercial transa

2、ction.飞钱:商贾至 京师,委钱诸 道进奏院及诸 军诸使富家, 以轻装趋四方 ,合券乃取之 ,号飞钱 唐商旅图国际结算第二章42. broad sense negotiable instrument bills of exchange, promissory note, cheque Dividend warrants, bearer bonds, bills of lading, insurance policies, warehouse warrants, treasury bills, certificates of deposits国际结算第二章53. narrow sense n

3、egotiable instruments bills of exchange, promissory note, cheques A writtenwritten document that contains an unconditional promise by the drawer to pay the payee or an unconditional order by the drawer to the drawee to pay the payee a fixed amount of money at a definite time. 国际结算第二章6二、票据的概念 1、流通转让与

4、过户转让的区别 (1)转让(transfer)泛指一切权利让渡行为的统称。过户转让和流通转让是它的两种方式。 (2)流通转让与过户转让的区别国际结算第二章7 过户转让必须通知原债务人,否则这项转让对原债务人无约束力,原债务人可不承认这项转让,而坚持对原债权人负责。流通转让不必通知原债务人。 例:甲欠乙10万,若为普通债权,则乙转让时要通知甲。若甲给乙开出了一张10万元的汇票,则乙可直接转让,无须再通知甲。 股票、债券的转让,需办理过户手续国际结算第二章8 过户转让的基本原则:转让人只能将其拥有的权利让渡给受让人。因此受让人的权利不可能超出其转让人。但若是流通转让,则受让人的权利有可能超过转让人

5、。 例子:甲向乙购货,应支付货款10万,但乙所提供的货物有20%不合格。 普通债权转让 票据债权转让国际结算第二章92、流通票据须同时满足以下条件: (1)to pay a fixed amount of money (2)the title of the instrument can be transferred (3)need not advise the debtor (4)The transferee can get all title of the instrument, if: 善意地取得票据并支付了对价; 获得的 票据是合格完整有效的;不知悉该票曾被退票。国际结算第二章10Bil

6、l of exchangedrawerbuyersellerSend the goodsDraw a billDrawee (bank)payee国际结算第二章11三、Characteristics of negotiable instrument 1、流通性(Negotiability):The title to a negotiable instrument can be passed from person to person by mere delivery or by endorsement followed by delivery. 2、无因性(Non-causative natu

7、re):A negotiable instrument exists independent of the commercial relations from which it originated or which occasioned its transfer. 国际结算第二章12 3、要式性(Requisite in form)。A negotiable instrument must be in the form of a document containing certain required items. “要式”二字指法定必要条件,只要票据符合法定条件就是有效的。 4、文义性。指

8、票据上的权利和义务完全取决于票据上文字的内容,而不受票据记载以外的任何约定,协议的约束。国际结算第二章13 5、提示性。流通票据的权利由票据本身所证明,因而债权人行使票据赋予他的权利时,必须出示票据,以证明他确有权利,不能提示票据者无权享受票据权利,是为提示性。 6、返还性。指票据持票人领到票款后,应将票据返还给付款人,(票据不能无限期地流通)国际结算第二章14 7、设权性。指票据上的权利,完全由票据行为所创立。 8、金钱债券。指票据的给付标的物是金钱,以金钱以外的其他资产支付不属于流通票据。 9、债权证券。票据是一种债权证券,它反映了持票人对票据债务人的债权关系。 九大性质中,流通性,无因性

9、,要式性最为重要,流通性是基础,无因性和要式性取决于 流通性并为流通服务。国际结算第二章15Question: Is a negotiable instrument as good as money? 流通性 无因性 要式性 文义性 提示性 返还性 设权性、金钱债券、债权证券国际结算第二章16四、Functions of negotiable instruments 1、结算作用(payment instrument) 2、信用作用(credit instrument) 3、流通作用(negotiable instrument) 4、抵消债务的作用国际结算第二章17五、Parties to a

10、 negotiable instrument (一) basic parties: 1、Drawer(出票人):The drawer is the party that gives a promise or order to pay. In the case of a promissory note or a cheque, the drawer is also called the maker(签票人). 国际结算第二章18The drawer engage that:The bill will be accepted or paid on maturityIf it is dishonor

11、ed, the drawer will compensate the holder国际结算第二章19 2、Drawee(付款人):the party that is directed by the drawer to pay. Before acceptance, the drawee is not liable to any holder though he may be personally liable to the drawer if he dishonors a bill properly drawn upon him. After acceptance, the drawee mu

12、st make payment in any event. 国际结算第二章20 3、收款人(Payee):the party to whom the drawee is directed to make payment. The payee has the right of recourse to the drawer if he is refused by non-payment or non-acceptance. When an instrument is payable to order ot bearer, the payee may transfer the instrument

13、by endorsement and delivery or merely delivery.国际结算第二章21(二)other parties: 1、Acceptor(承兑人):The acceptor is the drawee that has accepted an usance bill. By accepting a bill, the drawee engage that he will pay it as stated in the bill. The acceptor becomes the party primarily on the bill. 付款人在承兑后不能以“票据

14、行为要式欠缺 ”为由拒绝付款。国际结算第二章222、endorser(背书人); 3、endorsee(被背书人) The payee or holder who has signed his name on the back of a bill and has transferred it is called an endorser , and the person whom the bill is transferred is called an endorsee . ABCDEDs prior partiesDs subsequent parties国际结算第二章23 By endors

15、ing an instrument, the endorser guarantees to the endorsee(s) that at the time of its endorsement the instrument is valid, he has good title to the bill,on due presentment it shall be accepted or paid as specifiedIf it is dishonored he will compensate the holderEndorsers engagement = drawers. 国际结算第二

16、章24Question: 一张票据,其转让的次数越多,这张票据的信用度上升还是下降? 国际结算第二章25 4、持票人(Holder):the person who possesses an instrument. He may be the payee, endorsee or bearer(执票来人). (1)holders rights: the right to demand payment or acceptance; the right to recourse when dishonor; transfer the instrument if transfer is not prohibited。国际结算第二章26(2)type of holder Holder


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