m5 u1教学案(1)

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1、 Module 5Getting along with others(1)I、Key wordsbetray primary academic stupid overlook cheerful admit deliberately swear forgive tease friendship dilemma brilliant focus absent-minded afterwards yell mean guilty cruel stand awkward outgoing apologize bitter athletic right unlikely blame doubt behav

2、ior jealous embarrass gifted strength teammate unfair stubborn disagreement ruin delay 1.出卖 vt._ pt./pp._ n._ 背叛者,告密者_ 2.初步的,主要的 _ 3.学习良好的 _ n.学院,研究院 _ 4.愚蠢的 _ 5.忽略, 忽视, 俯瞰v._ 6.愉快的 _ 7.承认 vt._ pt./pp._ n._ 8. deliberately _ 9.发誓 vt. _ pt._ pp. _ 10.原谅 vt._ pt._ pp. _ betraybetrayed betrayalbetrayer

3、 primary academicacademy stupidcheerfuloverlookadmitadmitted admission 故意地 swearsworesworn forgive forgave forgiven 11.奚落,嘲笑 _ 12. 友谊 _ adj._ 13. 优秀的 _adv. _ 14. 集中注意力 _ 15.心不在焉的 _ 16.后来 adv. _ 17.吝啬的,刻薄的 _ 18.内疚的 _ n. _ 19.残酷的 _ adv._ n._ 20.容忍 _ 21.别扭的,笨拙的 _tease friendship friendly brilliant focu

4、s absent-minded afterwardsguiltbrilliantlycrueltycruellyawkwardstandcruelguiltymean22.友好开朗的 _ 23.道歉 vt._ n._apologist n._24.苦的,怀恨的 _ n. _ 25.权利 n. _ 26.不太可能的 _ 27.责备 vt. _ 28.怀疑 vt. _ adj._ 29.行为 n. _ v._apology辩解者,辩护者 bitternessbehavebitter right unlikely blame doubt doubtful behaviourapologizeoutg

5、oing33.嫉妒的 _ n._ 34.使尴尬 vt._ n._ 35.有天赋的 _ 36.力量 n._ adj._vt._ 37.队友 _ 38.不公平 _ 39.顽固的 _ 40.分歧 n. _ 41. 破坏,使毁灭 vt._ 42. 耽搁 vt._jealous jealousyembarrassgiftedstrengthembarrassmentstrong strengthen teammate unfair stubbornruin delaydisagreementII. Patterns transformation He must have deliberately tol

6、d everyone about my mark.He must have told everyone about my mark on_/ by _. 2. I have lost my best friend and everyonelaughs at me.Everyone _me for having lost mybest friend.purposedesignteases3. I feel really guilty because I said really cruel things. I feel I am a man of_ because of what I said.

7、4. We won the game and each player tried their best.Our team _theirs because each player played to their_.guiltstrengthsbeat/defeated1.感到被背叛 2.信守诺言 3.处于进退两难的境地 4.感到内疚5.为向某人道歉 6.一次难忘的经历 7.为感到羞愧 8.对有疑问 III、重点短语:feel betrayedkeep ones word/promise have a dilemma in a dilemma feel guilty about apologize

8、 to sb. for /make an apology to sb. for an unforgettable experience feel ashamed of have doubts aboutbe guilty of IV、知识归纳: 1.admit vt. (入学、入会)许可他承认自己的罪行。He admitted _.= He admitted that_.his guilthe was guilty承认(事实,错误等); 承认做了;承认为; 准许入场;录取admission你承认打破窗户了吗?Will you admit _ _the window?=Will you admi

9、t that you_ _ the window? 我们都认为他是个傻瓜。今年有多少学生获准入学?这大厅可容纳 2000人。这项计划无改进的可能。 This plan doesnot _ _improvement.We all _ _ _ _ foolish. How many students _ _ _ _ the school this year?This hall_ _ _.having broken have brokenadmit him to be have been admitted (in)toadmits 2000 peopleadmit of2. focus vt.foc

10、us (sth) on 把.集中于 我们必须把注意力集中在紧急的问题上。 We must _urgent problems. focus n. 焦点;焦距;(兴趣、活动等的)中心,焦点 the focus of _ 注目的焦点 the focus of the _议论的中心/焦 点focus (our attention) onattention argument3mean adj. 刻薄的;卑鄙的;吝啬的;寒碜的;感到惭愧的 他为对我的不仁而道歉。戏耍她你真是卑鄙。他对钱很吝啬。我发了脾气, 感到很惭愧。He apologized to me for _ _ _me._ _ _ _you t

11、o tease her.He is _money.I _ _ _ getting angry.being mean toIt is mean ofmean over/about/withfelt mean for4. mean vt. (meant,meant ,meaning) 意思为; 意味;打算; 指的是;意欲mean sth /-to do / be meant to do /be meant for/ had meant to do=meant to have done/ mean thatThe sign _(mean) the road is blocked. I mean _(

12、go) to tomorrow. Missing the bus means _(wait) for another hour. The magazine _(mean) for teenagers. The _ (mean) of a word depends on a particular situation . I meant _ (call) on you, but I was so busy. means to go waitingis meant meaningto have called4. stand 容忍,忍让(常用于否定句、疑问句,不可用进 行式); 经受, 遭受我无法忍受这炎热的天气。这衬衫不耐洗。I cant _ _ hot weather.This shirt didnt/doesnt_ _. This building has stood the test of time.stand thisstand washing经历了时间的考验5. blame vt. 责备,谴责 n. 责备,非难blameless adj. 无过失的,无可责备的为责备某人 blame sb for sth= blame sth on sb某人该受责备,Sb be to blame for.put / lay the bla


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