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1、Module 2 No Drugs 漫画欣赏 画面描述 A young man is running toward the end of a race,sweating all over.The end line leaves a deep impression on us,for it is both “finish line” and “starting line” if we look at it from a different angle. 寓意理解 Achievement calls for celebration.But life is just like an endless

2、race.An ambitious person will well realize that his success is the starting point for a new race. 重 点 单 词1addictive adj.使人上瘾的;(药物等)上瘾的;上了的瘾The problem with video games is that theyre addictive.电子游戏的问题 在于它们会使人上瘾。剑桥高阶Smoking can be addictive.吸烟容易上瘾。你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?【思维拓展】addiction n(药物等的)上瘾;沉溺,

3、热衷,专心heroin addiction海洛因毒瘾addict vt.使沉迷,使沉溺,使上瘾(常用于被动语态)be addicted to.沉迷于,对上瘾be/become addictive to.沉迷于,对上瘾【温馨提示】(1)和addicted/addiction连用的to是介词,其后要跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语。(2)addicted不能作定语,可作表语和补足语,其逻辑主语是有行为能力的人或动物。addictive可作定语、表语和补足语,作定语时,被修饰语通常是事物;作表语和补足语时,主语一般也是事物。即景活用 Once one is _ to cocaine cigarette,i

4、ts not easy for him to kick it off.Aattracted Babsorbed Cdevoted Daddicted解析:句意:“一个人一旦对可卡因烟上瘾,就不容易戒掉。”考查be addicted to.对上瘾。答案:D2reduce vt.减少,缩小;降低;使陷入某种更坏的状态We bought a television that was reduced(form 500 to 350)in the sales.我们在大减价时,以(从500英镑减至350英镑)很便宜的价格买了台电视。剑桥高阶The fire reduced the forest to a f

5、ew trees.大火把森林烧得仅剩下几棵树。【用法点睛】reduce表示“减少,降低”时,常接介词from.to/by等表示“从降低到;降低了”;表示“使陷入某种更坏的状态”时,构成“reduce sb./sth. to.”结构,其中to为介词,后接名词或动名词。reduce sb. to tears/silence使某人流泪/沉默reduce sb. to doing sth.迫使某人做某事【特别提示】increase与by连用表示“增加了多少”;与to连用则表示“增加到多少”。reduce是increase的反义词。与by连用表示“减少了多少”;与to连用则表示“减少到多少”。即景活用汉

6、译英今年吸烟的人数已减少了30%。The number of smokers has been reduced by 30%.现在一辆自行车的成本已降低到50美元。Now the cost of a bike has been reduced to 50 dollars.大雨过后,那河里的水上涨了20厘米。After the heavy rain the water in the river increased by 20 centimetres.那小村庄的人口已经增加到2 000人。The population of the village has increased to 2,000.3l

7、ikely adj.可能的Its quite likely that well be in Spain this time next year.明年的这个时候我们很可能会在西班牙。剑桥高阶Shes very likely to ring me tonight.她很有可能今晚打电话给 我。【轻巧辨析】possible/probable/likely(1)possible:强调客观上有可能,但也常常暗示“实际上希望很小”,常用句型为“It is possible for sb. to do sth.或It is possiblethat从句”。(注:作表语时不能用人作主语。)(2)probable

8、:主要用来指有根据、合情理、值得相信的事物,带有“大概,很可能”的意味,语气较possible强。常用的句式为:It is probablethat从句。(注:作表语时不用人或不定式作主语。)(3)likely:与probable意思相近。(既可用人也可用物作主语。)即景活用用possible,probable,likely填空It is entirely possible for us to fulfill the task ahead of schedule.It is possible,though not probable,that he will accept these terms

9、.You are likely young people.4disagree vi.不同意;不一致;不适宜;不适合Few people would disagree that something should be done to reduce the level of crime in the area.很少有人会不同意应采取行动减少该地区的犯罪。剑桥高阶I disagree with you about this.对于这件事我跟你意见不同。【思维拓展】 disagree with.与不一致;不符合disagree with sb. on/about sth.(对某事)与某人意见不一致sth

10、. disagree with sb.(气候、食物)(对人)不适合agree with sb.同意某人(某人的话)agree to同意(同意他人的观点、计划等)agree on同意(就达成一致)agreement n一致;同意;协定;协议即景活用In general,we always share the same opinion,but this time he _ me on that point.Adisagreed with Bdisagreed to Cagree with Dagree to解析:句意为:大体上,我们总是观点相同,但这一次关于这一点我们看法不同。答案:A5affec

11、t vt.影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭The entire country was affected by the drought.全国都受到了旱灾的影响。All the people in the room were affected to tears.屋里所有的人都被感动得流下了眼泪。Its a disease which affects mainly older people.这是一种主要侵扰老年人的疾病。剑桥高阶【思维拓展】be affected by被侵袭;被感动be affected by heat中暑be affected with high fever发高烧affection n爱

12、情;感情 【轻巧辨析】affect/effect/influence三个词都有“影响”的意思。(1)affect指“产生的影响之大足以引起反应”,着重“影响”的动作,有时含有“对产生不利影响”的意思。(2)effect作“影响”讲时,通常用作名词,构成have an effect on“对有影响”。effect作动词时,指“使(某事物)产生;使发生;引起”,着重“造成”一种特殊的效果,如This book effected a change in my opinion.这本书使我的看法起了变化。(3)influence指“通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的、潜移默化的影响”。

13、即景活用What you have done will not have _ your fame.Aa good effect on Baffected Ca good affect in Deffected解析:句意为“你所做的事将不会对你的名声有好的影响”。what youhave done为主语从句,have a good effect on表示“对有好的影响”。答案:A经 典 短 语1as a result由于,结果Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.由于最近销售量滑坡,利润下降了。剑桥高阶He d

14、idnt study hard and as a result,he failed in the exam.他不努力学习,结果考试不及格。【思维拓展】as a result of(because of)由于,因为result from起因于,由于,由引起result in以为结果,导致without result徒劳,毫无结果with the result that为此,因此【用法点睛】as a result “因此,结果”,副词短语,常作状语,使用时其前常有一个表示原因的句子。as a result of由于/因为的缘故(相当于because of)即景活用The pain in his b

15、ack _ from a fall several years ago.Adates Bends Cresults Dis due解析:句意为:“他背部的疼痛是由于几年前的跌伤。”result from是固定搭配,意为“由于;因为”;be due to表示原因,而不是be due from。答案:C2used to过去常常She used to love cats but one attacked her and she doesnt like them anymore.她过去很喜欢猫,但自从被一只猫袭击过后,就再也不喜欢猫了。剑桥高阶He used to come to see me onc

16、e a month.他过去每月来看我一次。【温馨提示】 (1)否定式。used to do sth.的否定式有两种形式:used not(usednt)to do sth.didnt use to do sth.He didnt use to (usednt to) like country music,but now he is getting interested.(2)疑问式。used to do sth.的疑问式也有两种形式。其简短回答中的to通常不予省略,但动词原形常被省略。 Didsb.(主语)use to do sth.?Usedsb.(主语)to do sth.?Did he use to play basketball?Use


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