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1、人教课标 高二选修6Unit 1IF ALL WERE ONE If all the apple trees were one tree, what a big tree it would be. If all the apples were one apple, what a big apple it would be. If the big apple fell off the big tree and hit Newton2, what a great pain it would be.虚拟语气 Subjunctive Mood (I)GRAMMER 语法2018/8/44陈述语气 I

2、went to the theatre yesterday.4祈使语气 Lets go. Dont touch anything on the table until the bell rings.一. 语气的分类 英语的动词一般可带三种不同的语气: 陈述 语气, 祈使语气和虚拟语气。不同的语气用 动词的不同形式来表示。4虚拟语气 If I were you, I would not leave her alone.Our teacher suggested that we go to the library this afternoon.虚拟语气用来表示说话人 所说的话不是一个事实, 而只是

3、一种愿望、假设、 怀疑、猜测、空想等。The Subjunctive MoodThe Subjunctive Mood条件句表示主句的条件真实条件句:表示条件是真的或有可能实 现的, 采用陈述语气。 (主将从现) If he comes, he will bring his canvas.非真实条件句:表示条件是无法实现或几 乎无法实现的, If I were you, I would choose impressionist paintings.1. 虚拟语气用于条件状语从句中(1) 表示与现在事实相反的假设, 条件 状语从句中的谓语动词用“过去式(be 动词的过去式用were)”, 而主句

4、中的谓语动词“would / should/ could / might + 动词原形”。 虚拟语气If I were a boy, I would join the army.If I had a lot of money, I would buy a villa.If I _ a teacher, I.were2. 与过去的事实相反从句的谓语用had过去分词, 构成If I (we, you, he, they)had过去分词的形式; 主句的谓语用should(第一人称)/would ( 第二、三人称) /could/might have 动词过去分词。If he _ more caref

5、ully, he _ the car accident yesterday.had driven would not have had If I _ how to swim,I _ trapped in this island.had learnt would not have been a. If Tom _ (be) more careful in the exam, he _ (pass) it already.b. If you _ (get) up earlier, you _ (catch) the first train.had beenwould have passedhad

6、gotwould have caughtPRACTICE 2: Fill in the blanks.3. 与将来事实相反从句的谓语用If I (we, you, he, they) 动词过去式或 were to do 或should do 形式, 主句谓语用should(第一人称) /would (第二、三人称) /could/ might 动词原形。If I were to have a lot of money tomorrow, I would build a hope primary school.If he got up early, he would be on time.假如他

7、来了, 我们对他说什么呢?If he were to come, what should we say to him.假如他看见我, 就会认识我。If he should see me, he would know me.a. If there _ (be) no natural resource any more, we _ (make) use of nuclear power.b. What _ (happen) if you _ (get up) too late tomorrow?should beshould makewould happenshould get upPRACTIC

8、E 3: Fill in the blanks主从句时间不一致时,动词根据它所表达的 时间作出调整。 e.g. 如果昨天你问了他,你现在就知道该 做什么了。错综时间条件句If you had asked him yesterday, you would know what to do now.If the work had been more careful, the mall would not be on fire now.条件 从句If 从句的谓语谓语 形式主句的谓语谓语 形式现现在过去时 (were)would/could/should /might +v. (原)一. 虚拟语气在条件

9、状语从句中的用法。条件 从句If 从句的谓谓 语语形式主句的谓语谓语 形式过过去 过去完成时would/could/should/might + have done条件从句If 从句的谓语谓语形式主句的谓语谓语 形式未来1. 过去时2. should+ v.3. were to dowould/could/ should/ might +v. (原)省略句在条件句中,可省略 if,把were ,had, should 提 到句首,变为倒装句式If +主+were/should/had+其它Were/should/had +主+其它 If I were at school again, I wo

10、uld study harder.Were I at school again, I would study harder.If you had come earlier, you would have met him.Had you come earlier, you would have met him.If it should rain tomorrow, we would not go climbing.Should it rain tomorrow, we would not go climbing. When I was young I wished I could have be

11、en a model. But I was not tall enough, so I couldnt become a model. If I had grown taller, I would have been a model.Everyone has wishes!1) “但愿”wish +宾语从句1.动词过去式 (表“现在的愿望”) 2.had done (表“过去的愿望”) 3.would+动词原形(表“将来的愿望 ” )I wish I _ (attend) your party yesterday.had attendedI wish it _ (be) spring all

12、the year around.wereI wish you _(go) with us tomorrow.would go时态往过去推2) 用在would rather 引导的宾语从句中谓语动词用1.过去式(表现在的假设) 2.had done (表过去的假设) 3.would+动词原形(表将来的假设)I would rather we _ (stop) now.stoppedI would rather she _(do) that yesterday.had not done谓语动词用3) 用在as if (as though)“似乎”引导的表语从句或 状语从句中1.过去式(表现在的假设

13、) 2.had done (表过去的假设) 3.would+动词原形(表将来的假设)He looks as if he _ (be) an artist.wereHe speaks English so fluently as if he _(study) English in England before .Had studied4) if only +要是就好了1.过去式(表现在的假设) 2.had done (表过去的假设) 3.would+动词原形(表将来的假设)If only I _ a bird!wereIf only I _ (take) his advice!had taken

14、1) 用在形式主语句型中: It is +important (necessary, natural, strange,) +that 从句 It is a pity (a shame羞愧, no wonder难怪) + that从句 It is suggested (decided, ordered, demanded, required) + that从句例: It is necessary that we should clean the room every day.It was a pity that you be so careless.It will be suggested t

15、hat she should finish her homework this afternoon.Should +动原2) 用在表语从句、同位语从句中 作advice , idea , order, demand, plan, proposal, suggestion, request等名词的表语从句和同位语从句, 其谓语动词要用虚拟语气的结构“(should )+动词原形” 。例: We all agreed to his suggestion that we (should) go to Beijing for sightseeing.My idea is that he (should ) do exercises first.3)表示要求,命令,建议的虚拟语气。1.insist一坚持 2. order, command两命令 3. advise, suggest, propose三建议 4. demand, require, request, desire四要求这些动词后面的宾语从句的动词用 should + 动词原形,或者将should省略。e.g. 我们建议Tom 去休息一下。他们要求我们派他们去那儿工作。We suggested that Tom (should) have



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