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1、a ) 后接of的动词:accuse kjuz vt. 指责, 控告(常用被动语态) accuse of 控告 He was accused of murdering his wife. 他被指控杀害了他的妻子。approve pru:v v. 赞成, 同意 approve of 赞成 Her father will never approve of her marriage to you.assure u v. 使确信, 使放心 assure of 保证 We can assure you of our full support. 我们保证全力支持你。beware biw v. 谨防, 当心

2、 beware of 谨防 Beware of fire. 小心火烛。 Beware of pickpockets. 谨防扒手。boast bust v. 自夸 boast of (or about) 夸耀 The library boasts first edition of Shakespeare. 这个图书馆以藏有初版的莎士比亚集而 自豪。complain kmplein v. 抱怨, 诉苦; 投诉 complain of 诉说(病情或疼痛); Her husband began to complain of headaches. 她 丈夫开始主诉头痛。 complain about 抱

3、怨 We complained about the awful service. 我们抱怨服务糟透了 。consist knsist vi. 组成, 构成 consist of 由组成 The entire world consists of matter. 整个世界都是由物质组成的。convince knvins vt. 使相信信服,说服 convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信 某事 Roberts expression had obviously convinced me of his innocence. 罗伯特的表情 显然使我相信他是清白的。cure v. 治愈 cure

4、 of 治愈 he was cured of the disease. 他的病治好了。 disease dizi:z n.疾病despair disp vi. 绝望 despair of 丧失希望 Never despair of success! 不要丧失(获得成功的)信心。dream v. 梦想 dream of (or about) 幻想; My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland.expect v. 期待,期望 expect of (or fr

5、om) 期望 I think my parents always expected too much of me. 我认为父母总是对我期待过 高。 We expect good results from our employees. 我们期待员工绩效良好。 resultrizlt n.结效果rid rid v. 使摆脱, 解除的负担 be/get rid of 摆脱 she couldnt wait to be/get rid of us. 她急不可待地要摆脱我们。hear v. 听到 hear of (or from) 听到消息,接到信 nobody had ever heard of my

6、 college. 没人听说过我的大学。 I hear from my mother every month. 我每月都接到母亲的信。smell v. 嗅、闻 smell of 闻到,有的味道 The house smells of paint. 这房屋有油漆的气味。 His talk smells of the shop. 他说话带有商人气息(也可以说是三句话不离本行)suspect sspekt v. 怀疑 suspect of 对猜疑; suspect sb. of giving false information 怀疑某人提供假情报think (thought:t) v. 想; 考虑;

7、 认为 think of (or about) 思考 I cant think of his name at the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字。tired adj. 疲乏的(with); (对.感到)厌倦(of) tired of 对感到厌烦 Im tired of your stupid remarks. 我听烦了你的蠢话。 remark n. 评论,言语warn w:n v. 警戒告(against, of) warn of (or against) 警告有危险. his father had warned him of what might happen. 他父亲已经警告他可

8、能发生 的事情。b) 后接from的动词:borrow from 从借; He has never borrowed money from me.differ dif vi. 相异, 不同 differ from 有别于 the second set of data differed from the first. 第二组数据和第一组不同。dismiss dismis vt. 使退去; 让离开; 开除(学生、工人等) dismiss from 解雇 He dismissed me from the club. 他把我开除出俱乐部。draw dr: v. 拉, 抽(出); 拔(出) draw f

9、rom 从中得出 At times of crisis, we drew strength from each other. 危难时我们彼此鼓劲。 crisis kraisis n.危机defend difend v. 防守, 保卫(国家等) defend from (or against) 保护使免于 defend oneself against enemy 防御敌人。emerge im:d v. 出现, 暴露 emerge from 从出现; black ravens emerged from the fog. 黑色的渡鸦从雾中飞了出来。escape iskeip v. 逃走, 逃避 es

10、cape from 从逃出 escape from prison 越狱 escape from danger 幸免于难excuse from (or for) 允许不 it will not be possible to excuse you from attendance. 你免予参加是不可能的。hinder hind v. 妨碍, 阻止 hinder from 阻止 his disability hinders him from using the usual facilities. 他的残疾妨碍他使用常 用的设施。prevent privent v. 防止, 阻止挡 prevent fr

11、om妨碍 No one can prevent you from attending this meeting. 没人能阻止你参加这次会议 。prohibit prhibit vt. 禁止, 阻止 prohibit from不准许; he is prohibited from being a director. 他被禁止担任主任职务。protect prtekt v. 保护 protect from (or against) 向提抗议 he tried to protect Kelly from the attack. 他尽力保护凯丽不受袭击。receive from 接到; v. She n

12、ever thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland.separate sepreit v. 分开, 切断 separate from 把分开 separate the good ones from the bad ones. 把好的和坏的分开suffer sf v. 遭受, 忍受 suffer from 受难 suffer from cold and hunger 饥寒交迫c 后接in的动词: believe in 信仰、相信 They believe in C

13、hristianity. 他们信基督教。 The manager believes in him. 经理信任他。delight in 喜欢 delight in travels 喜欢旅行employ(ed) in 从事; v. Will and Joe were busily employed in clearing out all the furniture. 威尔和乔正忙于处 理掉所有的傢具。encourage inkrid vt. 鼓励 encourage in 在 方面鼓励 Her head of department encouraged her in her research wo

14、rk. 部门主管鼓励她做研究工 作。engage ineid v. 常用被动语态从事, 忙于(in) engaged in 正做某事 some are actively engaged in crime. 有些人积极从事犯罪活动。experienced adj.有经验的 experienced in 在有经验 she was experienced in marketing. 她有丰富的营销经验。share v. 分享 share in 分享 They shared in using the computer. 他们共用这台计算机。fail in 在方面失败,缺乏 He fails in courage. 他不够勇敢。help in (or with) 搀扶着进入;帮助干, 在方面帮助 He helped his grandmother in. 他搀扶着祖母进屋。 Please help me in fixing the washing-machine. 请帮我安装一下洗衣机。indulge indld v. 沉迷; 放纵(感情、欲望等) indulge in 沉醉; indulge oneself in eating and drinking 纵情于吃


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