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1、安子岭总校 上课老师:袁亮初中英语作文写作精讲作文写作的字、词、句、段、篇字:工整、清楚;词:不拼写错误;能适当掌握高级词汇;句:不出现语法错误;句子要逐渐使用复杂 的从句句型,为文章添彩;段:段落内容有逻辑性;篇:合理安排文章布局;要有逻辑与联接;绝对好用的替换词Good wonderful, excellent, gorgeous, fabulous, amazing, magnificent;Important significant, essential, necessary, carry a lot of weight;ButHowever,Sotherefore, hence,Pr

2、imarily, Firstly, one of the most essential reasons, to stress firstSecondly, above from the first point, In additionThirdly, Last but no least,In conclusion, to make a conclusion, to summarize举例For exampleFor instance, to take .as an example, to state a fact as an vivid example,经典句型:1、Its said that

3、2、No matter what/which/who/where/when/who se+从句3、It is/was +被强调部分 +that (who) +剩余部分4、It happened (chanced) that +从 句=sb. Happened/chanced to do sth.= sb.did sth by chance 5、由as引导的非限制性定句从句/由 where, when引导的定语从句6、It +谓语+时间段 +before +主语 + 谓语(before引导的是时间状语从句)7、When/ So long as/ As long as/ Once +从句,+主句(

4、从句也可放在 主句之后)8、No sooner + had +主语 +donethan +主语 + did9、倍数表达句型倍数+more than,倍数+as much as10、形容词、副词、名词 + as/though + 主语 +谓语 +主句句式多变化要抓住英语高考作文得高分的”关键点”,就 需要把好增加句子复杂性和使用高级词汇这 两道关。(1)句式要有变化。改变句子的开头方式, 不要一味地以主语开头,接着是谓语,宾语 ,最后再加一个状语。可以把状语放在句首 ,或用分词作状语等。原文 We met at the school gate and went there together ea

5、rly in the morning.修正 Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together.原文 The young man couldnt help crying when he heard the bad news.修正 Hearing the bad news, the young man couldnt help crying.(2) 在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两个句式,要 灵活运用诸如到装句、强调句、主从复合句、分 词状语从句等。强调句原文 My parents praised Ah Fu

6、warmly. It had saved my little sister bravely.修正 My parents praised Ah Fu warmly. It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister bravely. 由what等引导的从句,此处的what相当于 中文中的“所 ”,有很强的概括,如:原文 We had to stand here to catch offender. 修正 What we had to do was ( to ) stand there, trying to catch the offend

7、er. 由with或 without引导的短语。如:He sat in a chair with a newspaper in the hand. 分词短语如: Satisfied with the result, he dicided to go on with a new experiment.倒装句Only in this way can we achieve our goal.Never before have I seen such a wonderful film. 省略句If so, victory will be ours.You can make some changes w

8、herever necessary. 对比,这在中文中也是常使用的方法如Failure is not a crime, but failure to learn from failure is.When I play, I feel excited, and after it I feel relaxed.(3) 通过分句和合句,增强句子的连贯性 和表现力。原文 He stopped us an hour ago. He made us catch the next offender.修正 He stopped us an hour ago and made us catch the next

9、 offender.原文 We had a short rest. Then we began to play happily. We sang and danced. Some told stories. Some played chess.修正 After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes and playing chess.2012年河北省中考写作题:Write at least 60 words on the topic “A Story about My Parent(s)”. ( 以“

10、爸爸 / 妈妈的故事”为题写一篇不少 于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)( 注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名 及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)我的父亲母亲先中文构思尽量避免复杂的词句将中文翻译成英文加入适当的连词,组成文章注意全文用过去式写作关于职业的单词scientist 科学家 detective侦探 fisherman 渔夫 fire fighter 消防员 journalist 新闻记者 lawyer 律师 barber 理发师 singer歌手 engineer 工程师 worker工人 painter画家 writer/author 作家 businessman 商人 pil

11、ot 飞行员 dentist牙医 nurse护士 accountant 会计 waiter/waitess服务员 librarian图书管理员 surgeon 外科医生 pharmacist药剂师 anesthetist 麻醉师 manager经理 governor政府官员 President总统 policeman 警察 policewoman 女警察 waiter 服务员 waitress 女服务员 driver 司机,驾驶员真题举例1)A Story about My Parent;2) In mums family, there were seven people: mums pare

12、nts, mums two brothers and two sisters and mum. When mum was young, her father was a doctor in the small village and her mother was just a worker;3) At that time, for lack of TV and computer, everyday after school mum along with her brothers and sisters would go home to help their mother with the ho

13、usework. For example, they helped to make supper or wash clothes. Mum told me that though the life at that time was very hard, she felt happy.My mum was born in a small village. In her family, there were seven people: mums parents, mums two brothers and two sisters and mum. When mum was young, her f

14、ather was a doctor in the small village and her mother was just a worker. At that time, for lack of TV and computer, everyday after school mum along with her brothers and sisters would go home to helped their mother with the housework. For example, they help to make supper or wash clothes. Mum told

15、me that though the life at that time was very hard, she felt happy.比较型作文写作常用词组: Prefer A to BI show my strong preference to A.Compared with A, I shed more light on B.In comparison with A, I find that B is more文章层次1、开启段落,指出自己的选择结果。2、列出原因,将一些可比项进行比较。横向 与纵向。3、总结开启段落In facing the high school entrance examination, we have to make choices about which school to attend. Between the two choices, I will choose The reason for that is are as following. 学会对比南方大学:学费8000/年 招生20人 无优惠政策北方大学:学费5000/年 招生10人 加20分优惠选择南方:1、虽然学费贵,但是招生人数比北 方的多;2、自己是南方人,适合南方的生活, 离家近。选择北方:1、学费便宜;2、有



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