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1、Flowserve - Edward Cast Valves- 爱德华铸造阀门Y型畅流铸钢截止阀冲击手轮 给一个普通的手轮提供多次关 闭力,保证绝对就座关闭,大 尺寸的阀门允许一个人采用气 动扳手操作。止推轴承 减少力矩,消除偏心侧向载荷, 延长阀门寿命。Y型畅流铸钢截止阀阀杆导向轭架 防止阀杆转动,提供阀位指示Y型畅流铸钢截止阀轭架利于盘根拆装的结构空间。Y型畅流铸钢截止阀轭架锁环 利于维修时的快速解体Y型畅流铸钢截止阀阀帽压盖提供作用于压力密封垫片上的密 封载荷。Y型畅流铸钢截止阀阀盖精密加工,并带有硬质合 金的阀杆上密封面,延长 盘根寿命。Y型畅流铸钢截止阀阀杆带ACME螺纹,经精车并

2、热处理以增强强度、硬度 及耐磨性。Y型畅流铸钢截止阀盘根系统利用具有防推出圆环的柔 软石墨填料,以做最佳的 防漏,并经久耐用。 Y型畅流铸钢截止阀压力密封垫片预加载荷,压力增强设计, 供长期可靠的服务。Y型畅流铸钢截止阀阀芯活塞阀体导向,消除不对中,卡 涩及阀杆弯曲的问题。Y型畅流铸钢截止阀平衡管 连接阀芯上部区域与阀门 出口,形成压力平衡。在 较低的压差下,帮助阀芯升 起,在回流情况下迅速关 闭。减少阀芯的运动磨损 。Y型畅流铸钢截止阀导向肋表面为硬质合金,提供阀芯的 阀体导向Y型畅流铸钢截止阀整体司太立21#合金密封面 阀座与阀芯的硬质合金密封 面提供紧固密封及延长寿命Y型畅流铸钢截止阀4

3、5o阀杆倾斜Y型阀体利用优化的流道设计将流体 流向的变化最小化,减少流 经阀门的压降。爱德华铸钢截止阀 司太立21#合金密封面爱德华阀门密封面采用了司太立21#合金,司太立21# 比司太立6#合金的柔韧性及耐冲击能力强,虽然司太 立21#合金的表面硬度稍低于司太立6#,但司太立21# 合金加工后强度硬化系数是原来的5倍,在车削或研磨 后,在本质上具有优于司太立6#的表面硬度。另外司 太立21#还有一个优点,当阀座在某一点有了严重损伤 ,可以在线将阀座修理及研磨至原状;而在此类情况 下,如果阀门在焊接前没有进行充分预热,司太立6# 合金可能会在修理过程中碎裂,这样就会导致阀座甚 至整个阀体报废。

4、如图所示,在阀芯和阀座互相接触 的表面各有一层硬质合金堆焊层。使用硬质合金密封 面一方面大大的提高了在使用过程中抗损伤的能力, 使阀门保持无泄露的时间大大延长,另一方面,在使 用了一定时间后当密封面出现磨损时还可以对密封面 进行修复,这时,硬质合金堆焊层为密封面的修复提 供了充足的加工余量。只要正确使用、维护和保养, 就可以使阀门在高温高压的系统条件下拥有足够长的 使用寿命。爱德华铸钢截止阀 堆焊硬质合金的上密封面爱德华铸钢截止阀 (改进的组合式压力密封垫片)改进型组 合式压力 密封垫片常用型压 力密封垫 片Class 600* - 2500*Size 8 inch thru 30 inch

5、爱德华铸钢截止阀 (阀体导向阀芯)Y型畅流铸钢截止阀 Parallel SeatingIndustry Standard: MSS SP-61, 10 ML/HR/InchEdward Standard: MSS SP-61, 2 ML/HR/InchParallel SeatingLine SeatingY型畅流铸钢截止阀ClassTypeButtweld NPSFlanged NPS300*Y-Pattern2-1/2 thru 162-1/2 thru 16600Y-Pattern3 thru 322-1/2 thru 16900Y-Pattern3 thru 163 thru 1611

6、00Y-Pattern3 and 41500Y-Pattern3 thru 241800Y-Pattern3 and 42000Y-Pattern12 and 142500Y-Pattern3 thru 242900Y-Pattern3 and 43600Y-Pattern16 and 244500Y-Pattern4 thru 10* Also available as socket weld and threaded as 2-1/2 NPS Equiwedge Gate ValveEquiwedge Gate vs Parallel Slide Gate ValveParallel Sl

7、ide Edward do not offer parallel slide 2 gates in parallel moving into and out of engagement with the body seats Gates are keep in contact with seats by spring (or set of springs) or internal wedge mechanism Downstream gate is free to align to downstream seat and will seal as long as there is suffic

8、ient differential pressure across the valve Leakage may occur at very low DP e.g during low pressure start up Continous sliding contact between the gates and seats resulting in high wear and possible scoring under high DPEquiwedge Gate vs Parallel Slide Gate ValveIn prototype tests, we found our Edw

9、ard valves always opened with less than the design closing torque when exposed to extreme pipe-bending and severe thermal cycle (heat-up & cool down) Body guides support the wedges. The seating surfaces of the wedge and seat are in sliding contact only through a small portion of the opening /closing

10、 travel (3%-5%). Thus minimize wear on seats Side loads are transferred from seats to body guides. Wear or scoring of body guides does not affect sealing We have tested the guiding system under “blowdown” services where high DP is applied across partially opened gates.楔式双闸板闸阀ClassTypeButtweld NPSFlanged NPS600Equiwedge2-1/2 thru 322-1/2 thru 28900Equiwedge2-1/2 thru 322-1/2 thru 281500Equiwedge2-1/2 thru 242-1/2 thru 242500Equiwedge2-1/2 thru 242-1/2 thru 243600Equiwedge16 and 24



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