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1、Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China 漫画欣赏 画面描述 A boy is absorbed in fishing.Three other boys are leaving,emptyhandedthough therere many fish in the water. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?寓意理解Success calls for patience.If we stick to what we are doing,well achieve our goal in time. 重 点

2、 单 词1equal adj.相等的;同样的;n.相等的人或物;vt.等于Most people want to be treated as equals.大多数人都希望被平等对待。美国传统It is reasonable to demand equal pay for equal work.要求同工同酬是合理的。【知识拓展】equally adv.同样地;相等地equality n相等;平等;同等equalize vt.使相等;使平等equalization n相等;平等equal+n.(in+n.)(在方面)比得上,与匹敌;与相等be equal to sth./doing sth.等于;

3、能胜任be equal with与平等without (an) equal无人可比的即景活用In my opinion,no search engine can _ Baidu in search scopeand speed.Acompete Bequal Cwin Dsuit解析:句意:“就我看来,没有搜索器在搜索范围和速度方面能和百度相媲美。”考查equal(vt.)“相等,一样,胜任”,故答案是B。答案:B2.order n秩序,次序,顺序;命令,订购,订单;vt.命令,订购,订制The names are listed in alphabetical order.姓名是按字母顺序排列

4、的。Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order.有些老师觉得难以维持课堂秩序。The sergeant ordered the soldiers to attention.士官命令士兵立正。美国传统【相关链接】in order of.照(依)排列out of order不整齐,状况不佳in good order井井有条in order处于正常情况,情况良好,整齐keep order维持秩序in order to do.为了in order that.为了by order of奉之命made to order定做的

5、place an order for sth.定购某物order sb. to do sth./order sth. to be done即景活用His order was that he _ next day.Areturned Breturn Cwas to return Dwould return解析:句意:“他的命令是他应该第二天回来。”thatclause 是表语从句,受order的制约,应用虚拟语气,谓语动词(should)+v.原形。答案:B3resign v辞去,辞职;n.辞去(职务)She resigned her job as a bus driver.她辞去了公共汽车司机

6、的工作。美国传统The manager was forced to resign his post after allegations of corruption.在涉嫌贪污后,经理被迫辞职。【知识拓展】resigned adj.已辞职的,已放弃的resignation n辞呈,辞职resign from.从辞去职务resign ones post/position辞职resign oneself to(doing)sth.使自己安于(做)某事(尤其指无法避免的不愉快的事)resign.to.把托付给即景活用I think you must _ yourself to that fact.Ap

7、ersuade Bresign Ctell Daccept解析:句意:“我认为你必须听命于那个事实。”考查resign oneself tofate/fact听天由命。答案:B4condition n条件,条款;状态,情形,健康状态I agreed to the condition of the contract.我同意这合同的条件。They worked hard to restore the old house to its original condition.他们努力把旧房子修复到最初的状态。美国传统Exercise keeps you in good condition.锻炼使你保持

8、健康。美国传统【知识拓展】conditions n(生活或工作的)条件;环境on condition(that)在条件下,倘若on no condition一点也不,绝不make it a condition that.以为条件be in good condition身体很好;完好无误be out of condition身体不适be in(a)condition(to do sth.)能做,有做的条件be in no condition to do sth.(身体状况)不适宜即景活用The flooded area is in _ of total neglect.The people ha

9、ve to livein makeshift tents under the most appalling _.Aa condition;condition Ba condition;conditionsCconditions;condition Dconditions;conditions解析:句意:“被洪水淹没的地区完全处于没人照管的状况。人们被迫住在移动帐篷里,处在最令人沮丧的条件下。”考查be in a conditionof.和under.conditions,故答案是B。答案:B经 典 短 语1bring up抚养;呕吐;提出;把某物从低处提到高处The orphan was br

10、ought up by his uncle after his parents died.这个孤儿在父母去世后由他叔叔抚养成人。I was surprised when they brought up such personal matters.当他们谈及此等私人问题时,我感到很惊讶。美国传统【相关链接】bring back带回bring down使降低,转到下页(下栏)bring forward提出(问题、论点等)bring in拿回来,赚得,挣得bring out拿出来bring on引起,带来,导致即景活用This is the place where the writer was bo

11、rn and _.Abrought out Bgrown up Craising Dbrought up解析:bring up养育;bring out显出,发表,说明,出版,产生;growup长大;raise vt.举起,提出,饲养。答案:D2be proud of对感到自豪或骄傲,为自豪He is proud of his daughters ability to speak four languages.他为女儿能说4种语言而骄傲。Were particularly proud of our companys environmental record.我们为我们公司在环保方面的良好记录感到

12、特别自豪。剑桥高阶【知识拓展】be proud of因而自豪,常用于褒义be proud about因而骄傲,常用于贬义do oneself proud养尊处优,自奉优厚do sb. proud给面子,使某人感到荣幸take/feel (a) pride in以自豪【指点迷津】proud是形容词,与系动词be连用;pride为名词,与及物动词take连用。即景活用Parents always take great _ in the success of their children.Apride Bproud Cpleasant Dhappy解析:take pride in=be proud

13、of因/为而自豪。答案:A重 要 句 型1Treat others in the way you want to be treated.以你希望别人对待你的方法对待别人。此句中“you want to be treated”是一个定语从句,修饰先行词the way。当way用作先行词时,定语从句引导词可用in which,that或省略。Thats the way I do things.那就是我做事的方法。Each successful manager has a unique way that is used to express his views.每一个成功的经理都有他自己独特的方式表

14、达他的意见。【特别提示】注意下面两个句子中关系词的不同,试比较:thatThe way whith he explained to us was quite simple.不填他向我们解释的那种方法很简单。thatThe way in which he explained the sentence to us is not difficult to understand.不填表他向我们解释句子用的那种方法不难理解。即景活用The way _ he explained to us was quite difficult to understand.Athat Bin which Cby whic

15、h DA or B解析:此处定语从句可用that或which引导,因为在定语从句中作宾语可省略。答案:A2Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius.孟子是一位思想家,他的学说与孔子的学说极为相似。此句中that用来替代前文中的名词teachings(学说)。The population of China is larger than that of Japan.中国的人口比日本多。For a number of pupils,their teachers advice is muc

16、h more important than that of their parents.对很多小学生来说,老师的建议比家长的建议重要得多。【轻巧辨析】that/one/ones/those/it(1)that用来代替前文所提到过的不可数名词或单数可数名词,其复数形式是those。指代可数名词时,that相当于the one;those相当于the ones。(2)one用来替代同名异物可数名词单数。(3)ones替代同名异物可数名词复数。(4)those替代同名异物可数名词复数,可与the ones换用,常带of短语作后置定语。(5)it替代同名同物名词,不能带修饰语。即景活用用one,one



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