内蒙古鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗九年级英语下册 module 4 rules and suggestions unit 2 we must keep the camp clean学案(无答案)(新版)外研版

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内蒙古鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗九年级英语下册 module 4 rules and suggestions unit 2 we must keep the camp clean学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第1页
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内蒙古鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗九年级英语下册 module 4 rules and suggestions unit 2 we must keep the camp clean学案(无答案)(新版)外研版_第2页
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《内蒙古鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗九年级英语下册 module 4 rules and suggestions unit 2 we must keep the camp clean学案(无答案)(新版)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《内蒙古鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗九年级英语下册 module 4 rules and suggestions unit 2 we must keep the camp clean学案(无答案)(新版)外研版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1UnitUnit 2 2 WeWe mustmust keepkeep thethe campcamp cleanclean学习目标:学习目标: 1.1.熟悉单词、短语。熟悉单词、短语。2 2 能够读懂文章,并获取细节信息。能够读懂文章,并获取细节信息。3 3 谈论谈论规则和建议。规则和建议。学习重点学习重点能够谈论规则和建议。能够谈论规则和建议。学习难点学习难点能够运用情态动词写有关规则和建议的文章。能够运用情态动词写有关规则和建议的文章。 学习过程(学案)备注【自主学习自主学习】 一、一、结合课本词汇表的音标,自学自读本单元单词,把结合课本词汇表的音标,自学自读本单元单词,把不会读的单词

2、在书上不会读的单词在书上画出画出 来来并根据汉语意思写出下列单词并根据汉语意思写出下列单词 (1) 帐篷_(2)变成;进入 _ (3)入睡 _(4) 悬挂_ (5) 突然的;急剧的_6)枪_ (7)软的_(8)静止的;不动的_(9)树林_ (10)血液_ 二、根据课文或学习资料找到并写出下列二、根据课文或学习资料找到并写出下列词组词组。 1 小心 _ _ 2 在第一天晚上 _ _ 3. 在半夜_4.向外看 _ 5.做早餐 _ 6.支起帐篷 _ 7.打扫干净 _8 .第二天 _ _ 9.看见某人正在做某事 _ 10.伸出手 _ _ _ 11.向我跑来 _12.变得苍白 _ 13.从我身旁跑过 _

3、14.再接下来的十天里 _ 【口语训练口语训练】:大声朗读三:大声朗读三遍并背会。遍并背会。Bears can climb trees. They can smell food from a distance. Bears can run fast. There are eight main types of bear: American black bears, Asian black bears, brown bears, giant pandas, Polar bears, Sloth bears, Spectacled bears and Sun bears. The largest

4、of all bear species is the brown bear, weighing as much as 2200 pounds. Polar bears are the most skilled swimmers of all bear species. 【合作探究合作探究】ReaRead d andand choosechoose ( ( )1.According to the passage we know the best placeto keep food safe from bears is_.A. in a high tree B. in a tentC. on th

5、e ground D. in a small tree( )2.Which of the following is wrong if they see a bear?A. They mustnt make any sudden moves. B. They mustnt make a sound.C. They mustnt use a gun to keep them safe.D. They mustnt run . ( )3. What was the noise behind the writer?A. A baby bear B. A mother bearC.A baby monk

6、ey D. A mother monkeyReadRead carefullycarefully andand finishfinish thethe followingfollowing taskstasks2(本文来自微传网:)1.We should hang the food in a tree.句中划线单词 “hang” means_.A. 悬挂 B. 绞死 C.手2.They can smell the food from a long way away.句中 they 指代_3.If we make some noise, the bears may not come close.

7、(“T” or ”F”)4. A bear runs faster than anyone in the forest.(找同义句)_5. What did the writer do while the others were resting the next day?(回答问题)_6.For the next ten days ,every time there Was a sudden noise, my blood went cold. (英译汉_ )_【检测反馈检测反馈】根据汉语完成下列句子。根据汉语完成下列句子。1.1.当心玻璃!当心玻璃! _ _ forfor thethe gl

8、assglass ! !2.2.我伸出手去够香蕉。我伸出手去够香蕉。 I I _ _ a a handhand forfor thethe bananabanana . .3.3.昨天晚上他太伤心了以至于不能入睡。昨天晚上他太伤心了以至于不能入睡。LastLast nightnight , , hehe waswas tootoo sadsad toto _ _ . .4.4.作为一名学生,最重要的是他作为一名学生,最重要的是他应该努力学习。应该努力学习。AsAs a a studentstudent , , _ _ , , hehe shouldshould studystudy hardh

9、ard . .5.5.她抬头看了看并且朝我微笑。她抬头看了看并且朝我微笑。SheShe andand smiledsmiled atat meme . .【拓展延伸拓展延伸】Writing:】Writing:LookLook afterafter thethe countryscountrysideide andand yourself.yourself.WhereWhere isis it?it?WhyWhy dodo peoplepeople gogo there?there?AreAre therethere anyany dangersdangers fromfrom animals?animals?HowHow cancan wewe protectprotect ourselves?ourselves?WhatWhat shouldshould wewe dodo toto looklook afterafter thethe place?place?_反思:



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