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1、全肠道灌洗治疗急性中毒全肠道灌洗 whole bowel irrigation 定义:通过胃管内注入大量的等渗聚乙二醇电解质溶液(PEG-ES)来诱导中毒患者排出液态粪便,目的在于清除胃肠道内未被吸收的毒物主要内容中毒流行病学 荟萃分析,1994.12007.9,24篇,27908例 毒物分类:药物26.5,乙醇22.8,CO 14.9 ,食物10.9,农药10.7,杀鼠剂4.2,亚硝 酸盐2.5% 自杀最常见(57.9),80.8为口服中毒医学综述,2008,14(15):2374-2376洗胃的实验研究groupTime(min )formulationdrugrecoveryReduct

2、ion AUCAnimal20liquidbarium sulfate29%30liquidbarium sulfate26%60liquidbarium sulfate8.6%Voluntee r5tablet90%5liquidTc99m-DTPA80-85%10tablet45%19tablet30.3%60tabletsalicylate32%60liquidacetaminophen20%被忽视的肠道毒物 普罗帕酮自杀中毒38例 导泻仅4例(10.5%) 氯氮平中毒的临床特征和诊疗现状 成人组60例,导泻10例(16.7)中国急救医学,2011,31(3):244-246中华急诊医学

3、杂志,2007,16(7):773-774影响毒物吸收的因素PoisonPatientPathophysiologydose/concentrationTotal absorptive surface area AgeAnticholinergic effects due to the poisonPhysical form:solid (immediate release, controlled release, seed), liquidSaturability of transport proteins Enterohepatic recirculationHypotension or

4、hypothermia causing hypoperfusion to the gut HypoxaemiaPhysicochemical properties(pKa、solubility)Gastrointestinal motility Gastrointestinal milieu: food, enzymes, bacterial flora, pHGastric irritation (increased gut motility) Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (11): 897-939清除肠道毒物的必要性 大部分经肠道吸收中毒 洗胃对毒物的清除有限

5、毒物的延迟吸收(缓释/控释、肠溶、转运蛋白、 肠蠕动减弱、肠道低灌注/缺氧)主要内容适应症 经口大量摄入缓释药物或肠溶药物 口服大量铁(吸收依赖转运蛋白) 消除非法药物摄入包American Academy of Clinical Toxicology 11:495504志愿者研究 Three studies involving dosing with ampicillin, delayed-release aspirin and sustained-release lithium showed significant reduction in bioavailability of 67%,

6、73%, and 67%Journal of Toxicology, 2004,42(6):843854临床研究 Iron, lead, arsenic, mercury, potassium sustained-release verapamil, delayed-release fenfluramine almodipine body packing: cocaine or herinJournal of Toxicology, 2004,42(6):843854主要内容Case 1 女 28岁 既往安装心脏起搏器,边缘人格 Episode 1. 2年前口服KCl缓释胶囊100片(75克)

7、3h后至ED,血 钾7.2mmol/L,很快心脏骤停 ,CPR时静注肾上腺素后室颤,除 颤后气管插管收入ICU,查血钾9.2mmol/L ,起搏心律,血压 90/35 mmHg. 静注钙、碳酸氢钠、糖胰岛素,胃管内注入聚苯 乙烯磺酸钠树脂8h内血钾 9.2 6.9 7.5 9.5 mmol/L 血透4h,血钾恢复正常,2d后转心理科 No GI decontamination was performedClinical Toxicology 2008,46 :1102-1103Case 1 Episode 2. 4.5 months later 口服KCl缓释胶囊100片(75克)1h后至ED

8、 ,查血钾5.1mmol/L 收入ICU时起搏心律、血压140/60 mmHg,麻醉后气管插管,洗 胃,入ICU2h后血钾6.9 mmol/L ,静注钙、碳酸氢钠、糖胰岛素 ,口服聚苯乙烯磺酸钠树脂X线发现胃内大量胶囊, WBI ,12h内10 L PEG-ES (胃管),排 泄物中大量胶囊碎片和一些完整胶囊 血钾6.2 6.8 5.7 5.3 4.4mmol/L,24h后脱机拔管转心 理科Clinical Toxicology 2008,46 :1102-1103Case 1 Episode 3. 70粒,2.5h至ED,血钾 7.1 mmol/L ,窦律 70次/分 ,T波髙尖,呕吐1次

9、(呕吐物中见4粒氯化钾),麻醉后气管 插管,静注碳酸氢钠、糖胰岛素X线发现胃内大量胶囊,WBI ,6 h内4 L PEG-ES ,排泄物中大量 胶囊碎片和一些完整胶囊 血钾 6.5 3.9 4.9 5.5 4.4 11h后腹部X线证实胃肠内无胶囊Clinical Toxicology 2008,46 :1102-1103Case 2 A 41-year-old man ingested an arsenic-containing herbicide At 2 hours he had several bouts of emesis and diffuse abdominalpain At 4 hours, an abdominal radiograph showed radiopaque material in the small bowel WBI 2 L over 3 hours, resulted in rectal effluent with the characteristic garlic odor of arsenic and a clear radiographAm J Emerg Med, 1995, 13:244245展望 临床研究 急性农药中毒 大量药物中毒 耐受性和安全性研究 基础研究 与导泻的比较 联合活性炭后毒物的清除釜底抽薪-中毒治疗成功的关键



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