七年级英语下册 unit 8 the seasons and the weather句式精讲精练 (新版)仁爱版

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《七年级英语下册 unit 8 the seasons and the weather句式精讲精练 (新版)仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语下册 unit 8 the seasons and the weather句式精讲精练 (新版)仁爱版(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1UnitUnit 8 8 TheThe SeasonsSeasons andand thethe WeatherWeather句式精讲精练句式精讲精练【句式精讲句式精讲】1.1.HowHow isis thethe weatherweather inin winter?winter?此句型是用来询问天气的句型,类似的还有:Whats the weather like?如果要询问某地的天气情况,常用 Whats the weather like in?或 Hows the weather in?其中介词 in 后跟表示地点的名词。对这些句型的回答常用“It is”或“The weather i

2、s” ,is 后跟描述天气状况的形容词或动词-ing 形式,其中描述天气状况的形容词可以是 warm; hot; cool; cold 等表示冷暖的词,也可以是 sunny; rainy; windy; cloudy; snowy 等表示天气的词。例如: Whats the weather like in Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样? Its cloudy. / Its cool. / Its raining. 多云。/ 凉爽。/ 正在下雨。2.2.WhichWhich seasonseason dodo youyou likelike best?best?句式“likebest” ,

3、意为“最喜欢的是” ,是用于描述个人喜好的句式,与“ones favorite is+名词”为同意句式。例如:What subject do you like best? = Whats your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么?I like Math best. 2我最喜欢数学。【拓展】(1)favorite 是形容词,意为:“最喜欢的,最喜爱的” ,通常被用来作定语,没有比较级和最高级形式,在含义上等于 like best。另外注意 favourite 为英式英语拼法,其美式英语拼法为 favorite,两种拼写方法通用。(2)句式“My favorite+名词+

4、is/are+名词”意为“我最喜欢的是” ,用于描述个人爱好。例如:What is your favorite fruit? 你最喜爱的水果是什么? My favorite fruit is apple. 我最喜爱的水果是苹果。3.3. IdId likelike toto visitvisit somesome placesplaces ofof interestinterest inin China.China.would like 意为“想,想要” ,相当于 want,没有人称和数的变化,would 可以和它前面的代词进行缩写。would like 有以下用法:(1)would like

5、 sth.意为“想要某物” ,相当于 want sth.。例如:Id like some apples. 我想要些苹果。(2)would like to do sth.意为“想要做某事” ,相当于 want to do sth.。例如:Id like to drink some water. 我想喝些水。4.4. ItIt soundssounds veryvery interesting!interesting!sound 作系动词,后接形容词作表语;也可以接介词 like,构成 sound like,表示“听起来像” 。例如:The song sounds wonderful! 那首歌听起

6、来太精彩了!That sounds like a good idea. 那听起来像一个好主意。【拓展】 (1)look,sound,smell,taste,feel这五个动词都与人的感觉有关,可称之为“感官”3动词。这五个动词均可作连系动词,后面接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。其意思分别为“看/听/闻/尝/摸起来” 。除look之外,其它几个动词的主语往往是物,而不是人。例如:The old man looks very happy. 那个老人看起来很幸福。These flowers smell very sweet. 这些花闻起来很香。The tomatoes feel very sof

7、t. 这些西红柿摸起来很软。(2)look,sound,smell,taste,feel这些动词后面也可接介词like短语,like后面常用名词。例如:He looks like a famous movie star. 他看起来像一个电影明星。What does the perfume smell like? 这种香水闻起来怎样?5.5. YouYou shouldshould visitvisit DaliDali andand Lijiang.Lijiang.should 是情态动词,意为“应当,应该” 。表示义务、责任,可用于各种人称,无人称和数的变化,也不能单独作谓语,只能和主要动词

8、一起构成谓语,表示说话人的语气和情态;否定形式为 should not,缩写为 shouldnt。其主要用法有:(1)表示责任和义务,意为“应该” 。例如:You should take your teachers advice. 你应该听从你老师的建议。You shouldnt be late for class. 你不应该上课迟到。(2)表示推断,意为“可能,该” 。例如:The train should have already left. 4火车可能已经离开了。6.6. DontDont gogo toto dangerousdangerous places.places.(1)这是一

9、个祈使句,祈使句的肯定形式是以动词原形开头,省略第二人称主语,表示命令、邀请、请求等语气。例如:Open the door, please! 请打开门。Come in, please. 请进。(2)祈使句的否定句,一般在句子开头加 dont 即可。例如:Save the document before you turn off the computer.(肯定句)关电脑之前保存一下文件。Dont forget to save the document before you turn off the computer.(否定句)关电脑之前别忘了保存文件。【句式精练句式精练】I.I. 句型转换,按

10、要求完成下列句子。句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。1. He helps me. I help him.(合并为一个句子)He and I help .2. came back to life, Christ, on that day.(连词成句)_ 3. Jack decorates Christmas trees with his parents every year. (用 last year 改写句子)Jack Christmas trees with his parents year.4. Christmas is on December 25th. (对划线部分提问)Christma

11、s?5. October 1st is Chinese National Day.(改为同义句)October 1st is the of .6. Lucy studied English two years ago. (对划线部分提问)5_ _ Lucy _ English?7. Dont talk with others during the class. (改为同义句)You _ _ with others during the class.8. My cell phone isnt the same as yours. (改为同义句)My cell phone is _ _ yours

12、.9. The rain stopped. Dont wear your raincoat. (改为同义句)The rain stopped. _ _ your raincoat.10. Id like to visit Tibet with my aunt during my holidays. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you like to visit Tibet_ during your holidays?II.II. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。根据汉语提示,完成句子。1.你最喜欢哪个季节?_ _ do you like _?2.冬天里我们可以堆雪人。We _ _ _ in winter

13、.3.下个月是登山的好时间。Next month is a good time _ _ _.4.昨天他从树上掉下来,好长一段时间后才苏醒过来。He fell from the tree, and _ _ _ _after a long time yesterday.5. 今天天气怎么样? 今天很暖和。Whats the weather like today?Its _ _ _.6. 我正忙着准备考试。I _ _ _ _ the examination.7. 天气很冷,她穿上了外套。It was very cold. She _ _ the coat.8. 春天是放风筝的好季节。6Spring

14、is a good season _ _ _.9. 我想在放学之后和朋友们一起打篮球。I _ _ _ play basketball with my friends after school.10. 你最好先作一下自我介绍.You_ _begin by introducing yourself.III.III. 情景交际情景交际 根据对话的情景从方框中选择适当的句子填在划线处,使对话完整通顺。其中有两项 是多余的。A: Last Sunday I went to the zoo. What about you?B: 1 What was the weather like last Sunday

15、?A: 2 Why not play soccer?B: I had much homework to do.A: And what are you going to do this afternoon?B: It depends on (依而定) the weather. 3 A: Its sunny and warm. 4 B: The weather is good. Im going to fly kites.A: How interesting it is!B: Yes. 5 A: Great. Id like to.A. Would you like to go with me?B. Hows the weather today?C. The temperature is 21.D. I was in hospital.E. It was warm.



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