高中英语 Lesson 1 EQIQ课件 北师大版必修5

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1、Lesson 1 EQ:IQ .短语翻译把下列短语译语译 成英语语。1某人20多岁时岁时 _2说说服某人做某事 _3以考试试失败结败结 束 _4某人的生活态态度 _5在另一方面 _6与别别人相处处 _7从角度/方面 _8乐乐意做某事 _9与有很大关系 _10对对(态态度)积积极 _答案: 1.in ones twenties 2.talk sb.into,doing sth. 3.end up failing exams 4.ones attitude towards life 5.on the other hand 6.get on with other people 7.in terms

2、of 8.be willing to do sth. 9.have a lot to do with 10.be positive about.课文理解阅读课阅读课 文Success comes with a high EQ,选择选择 正确答案。11Which of the following is true?ASuccess is the result of a high IQ.BSuccess is the result of a high EQ.CSuccess has much to do with a high EQ.DSuccess has little to do with a

3、high IQ.解析: 从文章第一段最后一句话话可知,成功不仅仅是智商的结结果,言外之意也是情商的结结果,再结结合最后一段看出答案为为C项项。答案: C12_to ones success in the future according to the passage.AIQ is more important than EQBEQ is more important than IQCIQ is as important as EQDEQ is at least as important as IQ解析: 从全文特别别是最后一段“EQ is as important,if not more im

4、portant than IQ”判断,对对于一个人的成功来说说,情商至少与智商同等重要。答案: D13If the cleverest student in a class cant get good grades,it is probably because he or she has_.Aa high IQ but a low EQ Ba high IQ and a high EQCa high EQ but a low IQ Da low IQ and a low EQ解析: 既然是最聪聪明的学生,那智商应该应该 很高,根据第三段可知,成绩绩不好的原因应应是情商低,所以答案为为A项项。答

5、案: A14If someone has a low EQ,_.Ahe is open to new ideasBhe is positive about lifeChe is less likely to be troubled by problemsDhe has a harder time surviving in life解析: 从第四段可知,前三项项都是情商高的人的表现现,所以答案为为D项项。答案: D15It is usually believed that ones_is determined by birth.AEQ BIQCattitude to life Dcommunic

6、ation解析: 根据第五段可知,一般认为认为 人的智商是与生俱来的。而第五和第六段说说明情商、对对生活的态态度和交际际能力是可以通过过教育后天培养的。答案: B.语法初试每空填一个单词单词 ,使两句意思相符。16When she was shocked by the bad news,she burst into tears._by the bad news,she burst into tears.答案: Shocked17As the activity is organized by our team,it will surely be a success._by our team,th

7、e activity will surely be a success.答案: Organized18Since the film Hero was directed by Zhang Yimou,it drew more attention of the public._by Zhang Yimou,the film Hero drew more attention of the public.答案: Directed19When the panda was locked in the cage,it refused to eat anything._in the cage,the pand

8、a refused to eat anything.答案: Locked20As she was admired by everyone,she began to grow too proud._by everyone,she began to grow too proud.答案: AdmiredYou are a gifted student who always gets As in exams,but you have just found out you got a C in a recent test.(教材P8)你是一个有天分的学生,考试经试经 常得A,但是你发现发现 在最近的一次

9、考试试中你得了个C。归纳 gifted adj.有天赋赋的be gifted with具有天赋赋be gifted in在方面有天赋赋Guo Jingjing is a naturally gifted sportswoman.郭晶晶是一名具有天赋赋的女运动员动员 。Man is the only creature that is gifted with speech.人类类是惟一被赋赋予语语言能力的动动物。Lang Lang is highly gifted in music.郎朗在音乐乐方面极有天赋赋。拓展 gift n礼物,赠赠品;天赋赋,天才have a gift for有的天赋赋I

10、neglected to bring a gift.我忘了带带一件礼物来。I have no gift for music.我没有音乐乐天赋赋。应用 1.介词填空Your daughter isnt gifted_art,but she has a gift_making friends.答案: in;forAnalyse your problems and come up with a plan to improve your grade.(教材P8)分析你的问题问题 ,制订订出提高分数的计计划。归纳 come up with想出;提出come up withcatch up with赶上;

11、比得上She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.她想出了增加销销售量的新主意。We shall have to work hard to come up with that firm.我们们得埋头头苦干才能赶上那家公司。拓展 常见的come搭配:come on加油,加把劲come out出来;长出;出现;结果;出版come about发生;产生come across(偶然)遇见;碰见;发现come true实现,变成现实come into effect生效when it comes to.当提到时She came across some

12、old photographs in a drawer.她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片。When it comes to getting things done,hes useless.一涉及到做事,他便不中用了。应用 2.完成句子Have you_(想出新主意)?Yeah,Ill tell you later.答案: come up with new ideaGo and see your teacher and try to talk him or her into giving you a better grade.(教材P8)去找你的任课课老师师,想法说说服他(她)给给你提高分数。归纳

13、 talk sb.into (doing) sth.说说服某人做某事My wife talked me into buying her a new car.我太太说说服我给给她买买一辆辆新车车。I didnt want to move abroad but Bill talked me into it.我本不想移居国外,但是比尔把我给说给说 服了。拓展 “说服某人做某事”还可以表达为:persuade sb.to do sth.说服persuade sb.into doing sth.Dont let yourself be persuaded into buying things you d

14、ont really want.不要让别人说服你去买那些你并不需要的东西。提示:表“劝而不服”时用try to persuade sb.to do sth.或advise sb.to do sth.。I tried to persuade my father to stop smoking,but he wouldnt listen to me.我试图劝父亲戒烟,但他却不听应用 3.I_(劝说) my father to give up smoking,but failed.答案: advisedDraw up an agenda and discuss it with the group.(

15、教材P8)起草一个日程表,并同组员讨论组员讨论 。归纳 draw up起草You need to draw up a list of the names of the people attending the party.你应该应该 起草一份参加晚会的人员员名单单。They have held several meetings to draw up this years production plans.他们们开了几次会来制订订今年的生产计产计 划。拓展 与draw有关的短语:draw back后退;撤回draw out拖延;鼓励某人说话draw in收;紧缩开支draw on吸收;利用Hes very shy and needs to be drawn out.他很腼腆,需要鼓励才肯说话。We drew on her experience throughout the project.我们这一项目自始至终都借用她的经验。应用 4.副词填空(1)It



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