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1、 contra-反,反向,抗,逆,相对 contrastimulant 抗兴奋的,抗兴奋药 contraceptive 避孕剂,避孕的 contrasexual 异性的 contraindication 禁忌症(indication适应症) Tumor treatment is limited by indication, contraindication and side effect of operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, so that therapeutic effect is not good enough. counter-反,抗,

2、反向,逆,对应,匹配,复 counteraction 对抗作用(action作用) anti-,ant-反,对抗,抑制 P44 antibody antigen antibacterial antiviral antifungal antiinflammatory antihistamine anticholinesterase antioxidase antihypercholesterolemic colori-,color-色 colorimeter 比色计 colorimetry 比色法 cortico-,cortic-皮质 cortex adrenocorticosteroid 肾上

3、腺皮质类固醇(甾类) corticoid; corticosteroid; adrenocortical hormone(肾上腺)皮质(激)素 adrenals secreting corticotrop(h)in(-trophin促激素)促皮质(激)素 adrenocorticotropin adrenocorticotrop(h)ic hormone, ACTH促肾上腺皮质激素 pituitary secreting corticotrop(h)in-releasing hormone, CRH促皮质激素释放激素 hypothalamus secreting glucocorticoid;

4、 glucocorticosteroid 糖皮质激素 mineralocorticoid 盐皮质激素 hyperadrenocorticism 肾上腺皮质机能亢进Iatrogenic医源性的 hyperadrenocorticism (also called Cushing syndrome库欣综合征 ) is the result of fat and water-salt metabolic disorders caused by overdoses of glucocorticoids (GCs). Its manifestations are muscle weakness, myoa

5、trophy 肌萎缩, thinning of the skin, trunk obesity向心性肥 胖, a rounded and plethoric多血症的 face 满月脸 (moon face), buffalo hump水牛背, acne痤疮, hairiness多毛, edema水肿, hypertension, hyperlipemia, hypokal(i)emia低钾血症, glycosuria 糖尿, osteoporosis and so on. hypoadrenocorticism 肾上腺皮质功能减退 Addisons disease 阿狄森氏病 ( also c

6、alled adrenal insufficiency肾上腺功能(机能)不全 or hypoadrenocorticism) can be life-threatening. The adrenal cortex releases a large number of steroids类固醇;甾族化合物 into the circulation (outer layer: mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone, deoxycorticosterone去氧皮质酮; middle layer: glucocorticoids such as cortisol皮

7、 质醇 also called hydrocortisone氢化可的松, cortisone可的松; inner layer: sex hormones such as androgen, estrogen ). The hormonal steroids (adrenocorticosteroids) may be classified as those having important effects on intermediary metabolism中间代谢 (glucocorticoids), those having principally salt-retaining activ

8、ity (mineralocorticoids), and those having androgenic雄激素的 or estrogenic雌激素的 activity. In humans, the major glucocorticoids is cortisol and the most important mineralocorticoids is aldosterone. Glucocorticoids (GCs) have a myriad of therapeutic uses. They are potent anti- inflammatory agents and are

9、used to treat joint and bone inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease, bronchial asthma支气管哮喘, dermatitis皮 炎, etc. Systemic inflammations such as in lupus erythematosus红斑狼疮 and rheumatoid arthritis are also treated with GCs. GCs are potent immunosuppressive agents免疫抑制剂 and are used either alone or in

10、 conjunction with other immunosuppressants to suppress organ rejection following transplant, and to reduce the severity of allergic reactions including contact dermatitis, allergic rhinitis过敏性鼻炎 and so on. Adrenal insufficiency either acute or congenital is treated with GCs. In addition, there are o

11、ther uses of GCs. Although they are highly efficacious agents, the adverse effect profile of GCs limits their use typically to short periods. Chronic use of GCs can cause Cushings syndrome (iatrogenic医源性的 hyperadrenocorticism). Immunosupppressive effect leads to susceptibility to infection and poor

12、wound healing. Peptic ulcers消化性溃疡 and osteoporosis are other potential conseqences of GCs use. Chronic use of GCs may produce adrenal suppression and so forth. the contraindications of glucocorticoids:active peptic ulcer; corneal ulcer角膜溃疡; severe hypertension; certain infectious illnesses such as v

13、aricella水痘, measles 麻疹 and active tuberculosis 结核病; pregnancy; hyperadrenocorticism; psychosis精神病; diabetes糖尿病; osteoporosis; or glaucoma青光眼 and so on. -crine 分泌 excretion;secretion endocrine 内分泌(的); 内分泌物 exocrine外分泌的; 外分泌物 hyperendocrinism 内分泌机能亢进,内分泌过多 hypoendocrinism 内分泌机能减退 hypercrine 内分泌机能亢进的 h

14、ypocrine 内分泌不足的 neuroendocrinology 神经内分泌学 Neuroimmunoendocrinology神经免疫内分泌学, a new branch subject of neuroendocrinology and immunology, developed rapidly in recent years. increto-内分泌 endocrine; internal secretion incretology 内分泌学 endocrinology; hormonology incretory 内分泌物,内分泌的 The major glands of the

15、endocrine system are the hypothalamus下丘脑, pituitary垂体,脑垂体, thyroid甲状腺, parathyroids甲状旁腺, adrenals肾 上腺, pancreas胰腺, pineal body松果体, and the reproductive organs生殖器官 (ovaries卵巢 and testes睾丸). The most common conditions leading to premature death were heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, and endocrine problems such as diabetes. Night shift workers are at higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, endocrine disorders内 分泌失调, diabetes and various types of cancers. cry-冷,冰冻,低温 cryalgesia 冷痛觉 cryoscopy 冰点(降低)测定法 cryoprobe 冷冻探针;冷冻器


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