法国大餐french cuisine

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《法国大餐french cuisine》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《法国大餐french cuisine(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、French cuisine法式洋葱汤French Onion Soup烟熏三文鱼Smoked salmon法式洋葱汤 French Onion Soup洋葱汤在法国是最受欢迎的家常菜品之 一,它在法国的地位,如同味噌汤之于 日本,红菜汤之于俄罗斯,是传统饮食 中的经典,展现着国家特有的饮食习俗 和习惯。Onion soup, cooked food is one of the most popular in France, its position in France, like miso soup in Japan, red vegetable soup in Russia, it is

2、traditional food in the classic, showing the diet custom and habit of country specific.烟熏三文鱼 Smoked salmon1 烤箱预热375F (190C)Preheat the oven to 375F 2 洗净的三文鱼用柠檬汁抹匀 Wash salmon with lemon juice blend 3 三文鱼表面刷上橄榄油,手指按摩一下使油溶入, 均匀撒上盐和胡椒在三文鱼两面 Brush the surface of salmon on olive oil, finger massage oil i

3、nto, evenly sprinkle with salt and pepper on both sides of salmon4 用Herbes de Provence铺满三文鱼 Herbes de Provence with salmon 5 放进烤箱烤15到20分钟 Put in the oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes 6 最后五分钟时放入几个大杏仁同烤,再撒 些新鲜Dill碎在表面 The last five minutes into several big almond with roasted, sprinkle chopped fresh

4、surface in Dill法国蛋糕法国蛋糕法国蛋糕法国蛋糕 法国蛋糕就象法国人一样,精致、浪漫、 有品位。无论是白色、水粉、水蓝,还是 米色、红色、咖啡色,法国厨师一项运用 的随心所欲;款式则极尽浪漫之能事;细 节上蕾丝和各种各样的花是绝对少不了 的。 French cake like French, delicate, romantic, have grade.It has different colours and styles.欧培拉(Opera) 法国知名甜点,是款有着数百年历史的蛋糕,里边那股浓郁的巧克 力味与咖啡味令每个爱好巧克力与咖啡的人都迷恋不已。传统的欧培拉共有六层,包

5、括三层浸过咖啡糖浆的海绵蛋糕,以及用生油、鲜奶油和巧克力奶油做成的馅。整个 蛋糕充满了咖啡与巧克力的香味,入口即化。欧培拉欧培拉欧培拉欧培拉 (OperaOperaOperaOpera) 慕斯蛋糕(Mousse Cake )法国的另一款著名甜食,是厨 师们最初在奶油中加入各种口感 和风味的辅料后诞生的产物。由 于慕斯蛋糕无论是外型、色泽、 结构还是口味均变化丰富,且口 感自然纯正,再加上将其冷冻后 食用便会愈加其味无穷的特点, 因此它立刻成为蛋糕中的极品存 在。WHAT IS THIS?WHAT IS THIS?木材蛋糕(Yule log)法国节日必备点心,其名字中的 “Yule”其实是圣诞节

6、的旧称,因为从维京时代至今的冬季庆典 ,英格兰的人们在圣诞节时都会在林子里砍下树木拖回去放置 在壁炉内,从平安夜开始烧上12天,所以这种树木就被叫做 “Yule log”(圣诞树)。 木材蛋糕- 寓意 原本为法国人在度过耶诞节必备的应景年节点心。法国人在耶 诞夜时,不管在哪里工作的游子都会赶忙回乡团聚,就象中国 人守岁一样,有全家团圆守夜的习惯。当守到半夜的时候,通 常会全家聚在暖炉前,一起吃木材蛋糕,配着咖啡或红茶,一 面驱赶寒意,另一方面也借机联络家人间的感情。 When keep to the middle of the night, usually the whole family g

7、athered in front of the heater, wood cake together, with coffee or tea, a driven cold, on the other hand also the opportunity to contact the familys feelings.Do you want to know how to cook?材料:鸡蛋600克,白糖300克,low-gluten面 粉290克、可可粉30克,黄油100克油、脱 脂牛奶。 电器:搅拌桶、筛、锅垫纸,蛋糕圈,烤 盘、蛋糕盘。 方法: (1)烤箱预热到180(或点燃, 180,16

8、5)下火备份。 (2)鸡蛋混合鼓,添加糖在混合器和鞭打牛 奶成泡沫状白色稠厚。1, cocoa sponge cake Materials: eggs 600g, sugar 300g, low-gluten flour 290g, cocoa powder 30g, butter oil 100g, skim milk amount. Appliances: mixing bucket, sieve, pot, pad of paper, cake circle, baking tray, cake plate. Method: (1) Preheat oven to 180 (or lit

9、 and 180 , fire under 165 ) backup. (2) the eggs into the mixi(3) low-gluten flour and cocoa powder have been screened using a sieve and gently poured into the mixing bucket and add cooled melted butter and oil and skim milk, cake mix evenly into the Division. (4) Division of cake into a good mattre

10、ss pad of paper, on a cake tray in the circle and smooth hand homeopathy, into the baking oven. (5) baked about 30 minutes, until cake is completely cooked out in the cake while it is hot review board, after cooling to use.(3)low-gluten面粉和可可粉用筛子 筛选和温柔地涌入搅拌桶和添加冷 却融化的黄油和石油和脱脂牛奶, 蛋糕粉均匀地划分。 (4)蛋糕分成一个好的床垫垫纸,在 圆蛋糕托盘和光滑的手顺势疗法, 烘箱。 (5)烤30分钟左右,直到蛋糕完全煮 熟的蛋糕虽然热审查委员会,冷却 后使用。奶酪蛋糕 (Cheese Cake)有 名芝士蛋糕,以海绵蛋 糕、派皮等为底坯,将加 工后的乳酪混合物倒入上 面,经过烘烤、装饰而成 的制品。产品包括美式乳 酪蛋糕、酸奶乳酪蛋糕 等。乳酪类蛋糕单从材 料、制作工艺以及口感与 其他几种蛋糕相比稍有不 同,这类蛋糕介于蛋糕和 甜点之间,因越来越受人 关注。奶酪蛋糕奶酪蛋糕 (CHEESE CAKE(CHEESE CAKEThe endThe end


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