万圣夜传统 李梦

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《万圣夜传统 李梦》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《万圣夜传统 李梦(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、古凯尔特人的萨温节 The ancient Celtic Samhain萨温节-简介 Samhain - Introduction正如比较短的白天象征新一年的开始,日落亦象征新一天的开始;所以每年收割的节日于10月31日晚上开始。不列颠群岛的德鲁伊教徒会燃点农作物作 为祭品,而当他们围着火堆跳舞时,太阳季节便会完结而萨温节随即开始。凯尔特人相信死亡之神Samhain在10月31日的晚上会和鬼魂一起重返人间,寻 找替身。因此他们燃点火炬,焚烧动物以作为死亡之神的献礼。还会用动物 的头或皮毛做成的服饰打扮自己,发出古怪的声音,使死亡之神认不出自己 ,避过灾难。这就是今天万圣节化妆舞会的由来。过了当

2、晚,鬼魂回到阴间 ,一切回复平静。 As the short day marks the beginning of a new year, sunset also symbolizes the beginning of a new day; so the annual harvest festival on the evening of October 31st began. The British Isles druids will ignite crops as a sacrifice, and when they dance around a fire, the sun season w

3、ill end and Samhain began. The Celts believed that the God of death Samhain on the evening of October 31st, will and spirit together back to earth, the seeking of substitutes. So they ignite torch, burning animal as the God of death tribute. Also with the animals head or fur clothing dress, made a s

4、trange sound, so that the God of death did not recognize her, to avoid the disaster. This is the origin of todays Halloween party. After that night, the ghost back to the underworld, everything was back to calm.萨温节-主要节目 Samhain - the main program11月1日早上,德鲁伊把火堆中仍在燃烧的炭烬分给每一家,用来点燃新的厨 房火焰。这些火焰是用来让家里保持温暖

5、,并且赶走恶灵。因为此时被认为 是一年中连接阴阳世界无形之门开启,而且两个世界可能产生相互沟通的时 刻。篝火是节日里的重要节目。村民们把宰牲的牛骨扔到火堆上;据传“篝 火”一词源自“骨头火堆”。篝火燃起之后,村民们把其余的灯火全部熄 灭。然后每个家庭用同一个火种庄严地点燃自家壁炉,以此作为全村人紧密 团结的标志。至今在爱尔兰,仍然有数百处篝火在万圣夜当晚点燃。 The morning of November 1st, the druid to the fire still burning ember to every family, used to light a fire new kitch

6、en. The flame is used to allow the home to keep warm, and drive away evil spirits. Because this is considered to be the door connecting Yin and Yang world invisible year opened, and two of the world may have mutual communication time. Fire is an important program in the festival. The villagers put s

7、laughter bone thrown into the fire; according to “fire“ from “head fire“. After the fire, the villagers put the rest of the lights all went out. Then each household with a fire solemnly lit their fireplace, mark compact as the people of the village. Today in Ireland, there are still hundreds of bonf

8、ires lit on Halloween night.萨温节-习俗 Samhain - Custom萨温节是古凯尔特人的新年。萨温节的意思是“夏天的结束”,一般是在十 月底天气转冷的时候。就其本质而言,萨温节就是在这一季节更替时庆祝所 有重要事情的日子。 Samhain was the ancient Celtic new year. Samhain means “summers end“, is usually at the end of October to the cold weather. By their nature, Samhain is celebrating all the

9、 important things in the seasons when the day.在公元前800年,凯尔特人聚集到一起建立了他们的社会,饲养羊和牛。每年 天气转冷时,牧羊人就将他们的牲畜从山上转移到更近的牧场。这种转移很 大程度上改变了他们的日常生活。冬天,每个人都待在家里或离家很近的地 方做些手工艺品,大家在一起打发时间。萨温节还标志着一年中最后的丰收 ,这在很多文化中都要以节日的形式来庆祝。 In 800 BC, the Celtic people together to establish their social, raising sheep and cattle. Each

10、 year when the weather turns cold, the shepherd will shift their cattle from the mountains to the more recent ranch. This transfer greatly changed their daily life. Winter, everyone stay at home or away from a place very near to do some handicrafts, we spend time. Samhain marked harvest last year, i

11、t should be to celebrate the festival in the form of in many cultures.每年十月三十一日是西方传统的万圣节,有人称之为南瓜节,也有人称之为鬼 节。一般来说,从十月初开始,各家各户就开始作迎接万圣节的准备。装扮住 房,南瓜是少不了的。October 31st each year is the western traditional Halloween, known as the pumpkin festival, also known as halloween. Generally speaking, from the begi

12、nning of ten, families began to make preparations for the halloween. Dress up housing, pumpkin is unavoidable.装饰一新的房屋 The decoration of a new house琳琅满目的节日商品 A superb collection of beautiful things of holiday merchandise在节日期间,除了装扮住房,还有许多集市活动。有些举办单位还布置一些 鬼屋。里面多半是漆黑一团,有各种鬼怪,供人参观。进这种鬼屋胆子可要 大哦,否则心脏病被吓出来也

13、说不定。 During the festival, in addition to dress up the housing market, there are many activities. Some organizers also arranged some haunted house. There are pitch- dark, all kinds of ghosts, for people to visit. In this house is so big Oh, otherwise heart disease was scared out here.万圣节,孩子在是真正的主角,几乎

14、是圣诞节以外的另一个令孩子兴 奋不已的节日。孩子们大都会结伴而行,一般都会有成年人陪伴,沿 着马路挨家挨户地要糖。 Halloween, children is a real leading role, is almost a child excited about Christmas outside. The children most will go hand in hand, there is usually accompanied by adults, from door to door to sugar along the road.戴这个尖顶帽子的是装扮成女巫,也就是女鬼。能看得出来,这些孩子今天过得很愉快,不仅没有被鬼吓着,而且还获得了不错的战绩包包已经沉 甸甸的了,里面没准还有几块挺高级的巧克力。 Wear this pointy hat is dressed up as a witch, also is a ghost. You see, these children had a great time today, not only is the ghost, but also get good record - bag was heavy, there maybe some pretty advanced chocolate.



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