商务英语unit 10观摩课件

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《商务英语unit 10观摩课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语unit 10观摩课件(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、CENTURY BUSINESS ENGLISH 世纪商务英语综合教程Lecturer : David LeeAsk for more!Just do it!We do chicken right!Go believe!Unit 10 Business AdvertisingAdvertising is any of various methods used by a company to increase the sales of its products or services, or to promote a brand name. Advertising is also used by

2、 organizations and individuals to communicate an idea or image, to recruit staff, or to publicize an event. To ensure that their advertisements will appeal to those most suited to their products, advertisers must have a target audience in mind when they design their campaign. The media used by the a

3、dvertisers are newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and posters etc.FunctionsMethods1. What are the functions of advertising? 2. What makes a good advertisement? 3. Which advertisement impresses you best? Why? Do you take advertisements as references when you want to purchase something? Why?Dis

4、cussionWarm UpWork with your group. Development an advertisement for anything you are interested in and make it as interesting and attractive as possible. Role play the advertisement to the class and see if any of your classmates would like to buy your product. Role-PlayWith the development of marke

5、t economy, advertisements have become a dominating feature in television industry. Some people say that advertisements brainwash us into buy things we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that will improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Reflect

6、ion:Read the passage about advertising and answer the following questions1. How do the producers make their products reach more consumers?2. What is the widely accepted standard for a good television commercial? 3. What should we do to succeed in advertising? 4. How can we tell that the television c

7、ommercial mentioned in the text is a good one? 5. What results should a successful television commercial achieve?Reading1Text AUnit101 Television is very popular throughout the world, for it is a very channel to information. In order to make their products reach more consumers, producers will their

8、products on television. What should a good television be? Different people will have different viewpoints because they have different experience and knowledge.nowadays ad. now, at the present Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in any big city. Television CommercialsTrannowadays*在此句中,fo

9、r后面的分句表示原因,相当于一个原因状语从句 efficient a. have good effect on sth, effective This new copy machine is more efficient than the old one. efficiency n. Antonym: inefficientefficientcommunicate vt. to make sth known, convey sth Generally speaking, teachers are able to communicate their ideas clearly. vi. to e

10、xchange information, news, ideas, etc The Minister for Foreign Affairs has already communicated on this event with the American President. communication n. communicative a. communicateReach more consumer的意思是让更多的消费者了解产品;In order to. 是不定式短语,在这里充当目的状语 *advertise vt. to make sth generally or publicly kn

11、own It may be safer not to advertise your presence. vi. to praise sth publicly in order to encourage people to buy or use it The company advertised for a new secretary. advertisement n. advertiser n. advertising a. advertisecommercial a. sth about business or trade A commercial college teaches thing

12、s that would be useful in business. n. an advertisement on TV or radio The aim of the repetitions of the same commercial on television is nothing but to brainwash consumers into compulsive consumption. commercial电视广告现在,电视在全世界都非常流行,因为它是传播信息的有效 工具为了让更多的消费者了解产品,生产商会在电视上对他们 的产品进行广告宣传那么,什么样的电视广告才算好广告呢 人们

13、由于阅历和知识结构不同会有不同的观点 Text AUnit10Here is a widely accepted standard: a good advertisement should reach at the lowest possible cost the most people who can and will buy what the producer sells. The first thing one must do to succeed in advertising is to have the attention of the reader. That means to b

14、e interesting. The next thing is to stick to the truth, and that means whatever is wrong in the merchants business.rectifying*rectify vt. to put sth right, correct rectify an error to rectify the mistakes in my bill rectifiable a. rectification n. Tran在此句中the most people是reach 的宾语at the lowest possi

15、ble cost充当了句子的状语,who 引导了一个定语从句, 先行词是people,最后的what the producer sell是buy的宾语 *在此句中the first thing后面省略掉了定语从句的引导词 that; to have the attention of the reader是不定式短语做表 语 下面是人们普遍接受的一个标准:一个好的广告应当能够以最低的成 本让尽可能多的想买又买得起所广告产品的消费者了解该产品要想 广告取得成功,要做的第一件事就是引起读者的注意,这就意味着广告 必须非常有趣另外,广告应实事求是,也就是说对生产商为了扩大销售 而做出的一些夸张性的宣传

16、要予以纠正 Text AUnit10Television Commercials2 The following television commercial is a very good example.3 On the television screen we see the announcer holding up a cereal box with the name WAKE-UPS in big letters.4 Announcer: Do you wake up feeling tired? Do you start the day with a yawn instead of smile? Try WAKE-UPS, the new, improved breakfast cereal, the cereal that athletes ea



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