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1、七王国的骑士翻译错误zionius2015.2版本George R.R. Martin, Tales of Dunk and Egg: The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword and The Mystery Knight.乔治.R.R.马丁, 七王国的骑士. 重庆出版社, 2014.雇佣骑士 The Hedge Knight1.“瓦拉尔王子有幸成为守护岑佛德小姐的冠军,”罗兰爵士解释,“他的两位堂弟加入了挑战者的行列。我们其他人旁观。”“Prince Valarr has the honor to be one of Lady Ashfords champions,

2、” explained Ser Roland, “and two of his cousins mean to challenge. The rest of us have come only to watch.”岑佛德伯爵为庆祝女儿十三岁命名日举办了这场比武会,按照传统,这位美少女会坐在他身边,成为爱与美的皇后,而接受她信物的五位冠军将捍卫她的荣誉。其他人都是挑战者,战胜任何一位冠军就可接替其位,直到被另一位挑战者击败。长枪比武持续三天,最终剩下的五位骑士决定是让美少女保留爱与美的后冠,还是给予别的女人。Lord Ashford was staging this tourney to cel

3、ebrate his daughters thirteenth nameday.The fair maid would sit by her fathers side as the reigning Queen of Love and Beauty. Five champions wearing her favors would defend her. All others must perforce be challengers, but any man who could defeat one of the champions would take his place and stand

4、as a champion himself, until such time as another challenger unseated him. At the end of three days of jousting, the five who remained would determine whether the fair maid would retain the crown of Love and Beauty, or whether another would wear it in her place.后面还有许多,就不列举了。这里 champion 不当作“冠军” ,而当作“

5、护卫” 或“代理战士”解,是比武中与 challenger 相对的角色。事实上在正传中,一般都翻译成护卫或战士。一个典型的例子是卷三 Bran II 梅拉讲的故事。2. 小时候他一直在想住房子里是什么滋味,每晚睡觉都有屋顶罩,每天醒来都被墙围绕 。很快我就知道了 ,他心想 ,届时伊戈也有份。好运常在嘛 。When he was smaller, he used to wonder what it would be like to live in such a place; to sleep every night with a roof over your head, and wake eve

6、ry morning with the same walls wrapped around you. It may be that soon Ill know. Aye, and Egg too. It could happen. Stranger things happened every day.虚拟语气变成了肯定或许我很快就会知道了,到时伊戈也有份。这完全有可能,毕竟每天都有奇事发生。3.“我说了,没时间。”马房掌管看都没看快步一眼。“I have no time, I tell you.” The man gave Sweetfoot no more than a glance. 看了

7、一眼4. 杂耍艺人开始耍杂技,木偶师刚结束一场比斗。邓克停步观赏,不多久,木偶骑士再次砍下木偶龙的脑袋,里头的红色锯末撒在草地上。邓克哈哈大笑,抛给那女孩两枚铜板。 jugglers were juggling, and the puppeteers were just finishing another fight. Dunk stopped to watch the wooden dragon slain. When the puppet knight cut its head off and the red sawdust spilled out onto the grass, he l

8、aughed aloud and threw the girl two coppers. 过去进行时,不是完成时。所以后面不是又看了一场,而是看完了这场的结局。为了弥补前后不一的漏洞,译者脑补出了”再次“。杂耍艺人开始耍杂技,木偶师刚要结束一场比斗。邓克停下来观赏最后的屠龙,不多久,木偶骑士砍下木偶龙的脑袋,里头的红色锯末撒在草地上。邓克哈哈大笑,抛给那女孩两枚铜板。5. 他喜欢小家伙的直率,他自己也是口无遮拦 。我的侍从比我更勇敢、更聪 明。He liked the boldness. He needed to be bolder himself. My squire is braver t

9、han I am, and more clever.Dunk 虽然行动鲁莽,嘴还是挺紧的。他喜欢小家伙的直率,他自己也应该更直率些。 我的侍从比我更勇敢、更聪明 。6. 男孩不再吭声。 或许是觉得拘束 ,邓克心想。The boy said nothing. Perhaps he fears to enter a lords hall, Dunk reflected. 男孩不再吭声。 或许他不敢走进领主的大厅 ,邓克心想。7. 明媚阳光照耀在王子扣住披风的金手徽章和额头的细王冠上,除此之外,他比大多数领主更朴素。Sunlight flashed golden off the shoulder c

10、lasp that held his cloak and the slim coronet about his temples, but otherwise he dressed far more simply than most of the other lords.crown 是国王王后王储戴的,coronet 是王子公主以及贵族戴的。身份不同,冠的形式也不一样,否则就是逾制。参看 http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronet。Prince Baelor作为第一继承人,是有权戴 crown 的,不过这里他只戴了 coronet。戴 coronet 的未必是王,一般

11、译作“小冠”或“ 宝冠 “。8. 紧接着全身披挂的雷蒙佛索威冲出人群,长剑在手。他堂哥史蒂芬爵士跟在后面,同样亮出了武器。Then the crowd parted for Raymun Fossoway. He had donned mail and helm, and his hand was on his sword. His cousin Ser Steffon, just behind him, had already bared his blade.already 暗示得很清楚,雷蒙没有拔剑。紧接着全身披挂的雷蒙佛索威冲出人群,手按剑柄。他堂哥史蒂芬爵士紧随其后,已经亮出了长剑。9

12、. 这番话变得奇怪地清晰,邓克本以为差不多全忘了。也许到头来,老人是对的吧。Queer how strong that memory seemed. Dunk had quite forgotten those words. And perhaps the old man had as well, toward the end.这番话变得奇怪地清晰,邓克本以为差不多全忘了。也许到头来,老人也忘了吧。10. “那是伊耿的简称,我哥伊蒙给取的。他现下去了学城,将来要当学士,他走后戴伦和姐姐们有时也这样叫。”“Its short for Aegon. My brother Aemon named m

13、e Egg. Hes off at the Citadel now, learning to be a maester. And Daeron sometimes calls me Egg as well, and so do my sisters.”这里 sisters 指的是 The Sworn Sword 里头提到的 Daella 和 Rhae。之前一直无法确认她俩和 Egg 谁大谁小,怎么译都成。但译者的问题是在此处把她俩当成姐姐,到了誓言骑士里又把她俩当成了妹妹,体系混乱。在 2014 年 The World of Ice and Fire 发行后,这一问题已经解决,Daella 比

14、 Egg 大一岁, Rhae 比 Egg 小。“那是伊耿的简称,我哥伊蒙给取的。他现下去了学城,将来要当学士。戴伦和我的姐妹们有时也这样叫。”11. “伊利昂早就在搬弄是非,戴伦的话更是火上浇油。为开脱自己的懦弱,他谎称在路上遇到个高大的强盗骑士,力不能敌,被掳走了伊耿很不幸,他口中的强盗骑士是你,爵士。在戴伦的故事中,他为追回亲弟弟,披星戴月地追赶你。”“Aerion has already filled his fathers ear. And Daeron has not helped you either. To excuse his own cowardice, he told my

15、 brother that a huge robber knight, chance met on the road, made off with Aegon. I fear you have been cast as this robber knight, ser. In Daerons tale, he has spent all these days pursuing you hither and yon, to win back his brother.”从后面 Daeron 的话可以看出,他只是随口编了一个强盗的故事,没料到真出现了替罪羊。“伊利昂早就在搬弄是非,戴伦的话更是火上浇油

16、。为开脱自己的懦弱,他谎称在路上遇到个高大的强盗骑士,力不能敌,被掳走了伊耿很不幸,他口中的强盗骑士被当成了你,爵士。在戴伦的故事中,他为追回亲弟弟,披星戴月地追赶你。”12. 铁卫之后是梅卡王子及其两个儿子,伊利昂骑一匹灰斑骏马,马饰上的橙、红流苏一路耀武扬威;他弟弟的战马小一号,通体裹着黑金鳞甲,戴伦的头盔上飘扬着绿丝羽毛。Daeron 是长子。铁卫之后是梅卡王子及其两个儿子,伊利昂骑一匹灰斑骏马,马饰上的橙、红流苏一路耀武扬威;他哥哥的战马小一号,通体裹着黑金鳞甲,戴伦的头盔上飘扬着绿丝羽毛。13. 邓克踌躇地握住剑柄,皱起眉头。“雷蒙,我 我不知道。”Frowning, Dunk moved a hand to the hilt of his longsword, then hesitated. “Raymun, I . I should not.”有个理论认为邓克没有被老人封为骑士,此处他不肯封雷蒙为骑士是证据之一。参看http:/


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