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1、新视野英语教程 读写教程二 单词例句详解 1 / 107fry n.(chips, BrE) (usually plural) (also French fries) a long thin piece of potato that has been cooked in hot oil 炸薯条例 Id like to have small fries and a hamburger. 我想要一个汉堡包和一份小薯条。例 Having too many fries will do no good to your health. 吃太多炸薯条对你的身体健康不利。v.cook or be cooked

2、 in hot fat or oil 炸;煎例 Do you prefer to fry eggs or boil them? 你喜欢煎鸡蛋还是煮鸡蛋?例 The smell of frying ham hit me when I opened the door. 我一打开门,一股煎火腿味扑鼻而来。southern adj. of or belonging to the south part of the world or of a country 南方的;属于南方的例 She was born in a city in southern China. 她出生在中国南部的一个城市。例 I on

3、ce lived in southern California. 我曾在加州南部居住过。golden adj. 1. of the color of gold 金色的;闪金光的例 The blue carpet goes with the golden curtains. 蓝色的地毯和金色的窗帘很相配。例 The whole room was flooded with warm, golden sunshine. 整个房间充满温暖的金色阳光。2. made of gold 金制的例 She got a golden ring as a gift. 她收到一枚金戒指作为礼物。例 How much

4、 did you pay for the golden watch? 你买金表花了多少钱?arch n.C something with a curved top and straight sides 圆拱;拱形物例 The bridge has five arches for ships of different sizes. 这座桥有 5 个拱门,供不同大小的船只通过。例 This arch is the best feature of the whole building. 这个拱门是整个建筑物最有特色的部分。danger n.U the possibility of harm or l

5、oss 危险例 Children can play on the grass without danger. 孩子们可以安全地在草地上玩。例 A red flag was placed there as a sign of danger. 那儿插着一面红旗,以示危险。destroy vt.damage something so badly that it cannot be used or repaired 破坏;毁坏例 We must live in balance with nature, or we will destroy the earth we share. 我们必须与自然和谐相处

6、,否则会毁了我们所共享的地球。例 Dont let anger control you and destroy your life. 别让怒气控制你并毁了你的生活。damage vt.cause damage to 毁坏;损害例 The building was badly damaged by the explosion. 大楼因爆炸而严重受损。例 Some people dont believe that smoking can damage ones health. 有些人不相信吸烟有害健康。n.U the process of spoiling the condition or qua

7、lity of something and the harm or loss that results 毁坏;损害例 Loud noises can cause hearing damage or loss. 大噪音会导致听力损害或失聪。例 His behavior will do lots of damage to his political reputation. 他的行为将大大削弱他的政治声望。earthquake n.C a violent shaking of the earth 地震例 Money is being raised to help those who became h

8、omeless in the earthquake. 大家正在集资帮助那些在地震中失去家园的人们。例 The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 caused over $200 million worth of damage. 1906 年的旧金山大地震造成了价值超过 2 亿美元的损失。新视野英语教程 读写教程二 单词例句详解 2 / 107resident n.C a person who lives in a place 居民;定居者例 Tokyo has about 2.5 square meters of park for each resident.

9、东京的每位居民享有约 2.5 平方米的公园面积。例 Most of the residents are complaining about the citys bus system. 大部分居民在抱怨城市的公交系统。adj. living (in a place) 居住(在某地)的例 The towns resident population is over 10,000. 这个镇的居民人口超过 10,000。例 His resident permit is good for five years. 他的居住证有效期为 5 年。public n.(the ) people in general

10、 公众;大众;民众例 This park is open daily to the public. 这个公园每日向公众开放。adj. 1. for the use of everyone; not private 公共的;公用的例 Smoking is generally not allowed in public places. 公共场所通常不准抽烟。例 There is a public library near my company. 我的公司附近有一座公共图书馆。2. of, for or concerning people in general 公众(事务)的例 He should

11、improve his public image. 他应该提升自己的公众形象。例 Quality education is a matter of public concern. 素质教育是公众关心的问题。location n.C a special place or position 位置;场所例 We must decide on the location of our new house as soon as possible. 我们得尽快选定新房的位置。例 Its a very desirable location for a large department store. 这儿开一家

12、大型百货商场很合适。inspector n.C an official who inspects something 检查员;督察员例 The ticket inspector asked every passenger to show the ticket. 查票员要求每位乘客把车票拿出来验票。例 Our quality inspector is a college graduate. 我们的质检员是位大学毕业生。structure n.1. C something formed of many parts, especially a building 建筑物;结构物例 Structures

13、 built with steel tend to be strong. 用钢材建成的建筑物往往比较牢固。2. U the way in which parts are formed into a whole 结构;构造例 Students are taught to write according to specific structure. 老师教学生按照一定的结构写作。例 There has been a great change in the age structure of the leading members in this company. 该公司领导成员的年龄结构已经发生了重

14、大变化。afford vt.(usually with can, could and be able to) be able to buy or pay for (通常与 can,could,be able to 连用)买得起;担负得起例 He could afford an apartment in the downtown area. 他有能力在市中心买一套公寓。例 I cant afford to buy a car right now. 目前我还没钱买车。amount n.C; U a collection or mass considered as a unit concerning

15、 its size, number, etc. something such as time, money, or a substance 数额;数量;总数例 The smallest amount of money to open an account at that bank was ten dollars. 那家银行开户的最低限额是 10 美元。例 Employers often consider the amount of time on the job as well as job performance. 雇主经常既考虑工作表现,也考虑工作时间的多少。vi.( to) be equ

16、al to in quantity (数量上)达到;(意义上)等于例 The words in the article amount to 3,000. 这篇文章共计 3,000 词。例 Hes just got a new job of which monthly earnings amount to about $4,000. 新视野英语教程 读写教程二 单词例句详解 3 / 107他刚找到一份新工作,月薪可达 4,000 美元。claim v.1. declare to be true; state 声称;断言;宣称例 They claimed to have found the way out. 他们声称已找到出路。例 Most political officials claim that their policies will do



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