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1、Candice Guo葡萄酒礼仪轻松进入葡萄酒的世界葡萄酒的起源和酿制葡萄酒的分类葡萄的品种新世界与旧世界酒标解读葡萄酒礼仪没有人知道是谁“发明”了葡萄酒。它可能是一个偶然的发现。在 收获后,有些葡萄被留在了容器里经过了冬天,天然的酵母和葡 萄中的糖把葡萄汁变成了葡萄酒。 Nobody knows who “invented“ wine. Its discovery was probably accidental. After harvesting, some grapes were left in a container over the winter and the natural yea

2、sts and sugars converted the juice into wine.尽管考古学家追溯葡萄酒起源到几千年前,但最早的葡萄酒证据 是在大概公元前一万年,在一个伊朗的粘土罐里发现的。 Although archaeologists have traced the origins of wine grapes (Vitis vinifera) back tens of thousands of years, the first evidence of wine having actually been made from grapes comes from a clay pot

3、found in Persia (now Iran) dating from around 10,000 years B.C.葡萄酒的起源(Origin of wine)中东里海 美索布达米亚葡萄酒历史公元公元50005000前前古埃及古埃及公元公元25002500前前古希腊古希腊公元公元16001600年前年前古罗马帝国古罗马帝国公元公元10001000年前年前法国高卢 西班牙 德国 奥地利公元公元400400年前至年前至 公元公元100100年年公元公元1400-16001400-1600年年南非 墨西哥 阿根廷17691769加利福尼亚(美国)加利福尼亚(美国)澳大利亚澳大利亚新西兰新西

4、兰1788-18191788-1819葡萄酒的酿制过程 (How is the wine made?) 葡萄 需要3年才能结果 Grapes 3 years to grow 采集及运到酿酒厂Harvest and transport to winery 挤压 / 发酵Press/ferment 在橡木中成年 Age in oak 在瓶中成年Age in bottle 出厂ReleaseTypes of wine葡萄酒种类Types of Wine (By wine making process)ChampagneCava Port, SherryRedRedWhiteWhiteRoseRose

5、SPARKLING WINESTILL WINEFORTIFIED WINEOther Sparkling wines葡萄酒种类 (按生产工艺分)香槟酒加瓦 钵酒,雪利酒红葡萄酒红葡萄酒白葡萄酒白葡萄酒玫瑰酒玫瑰酒汽泡酒普通葡萄酒加强葡萄酒其他汽泡酒Types of Wine (By service sequence during a meal ) Aperitif Aperitif (Dry sherryDry sherry, Champagne, Champagne, Dry white Dry white) Table WineTable Wine ( Red, White, Rose

6、) ( Red, White, Rose ) Dessert WineDessert Wine ( Botrytis, Ice wine, Port ( Botrytis, Ice wine, Port,Late Harvest) Late Harvest) DigestiveDigestive ( Liquors, Grappa ) ( Liquors, Grappa ) SugaralcohollowhighlowhighBeginning of the mealEnd of the meal葡萄酒种类 (按用餐时上酒顺序 分) 餐前酒餐前酒 ( (干雪利酒干雪利酒, ,香槟酒香槟酒, ,

7、 干白葡萄酒干白葡萄酒) 餐酒餐酒 ( ( 红红, , 白白, , 玫瑰葡萄酒玫瑰葡萄酒 ) ) 甜酒甜酒 ( ( 贵腐酒贵腐酒, , 冰酒冰酒, , 钵酒钵酒 , ,晚丰收葡萄酒晚丰收葡萄酒) 餐后消化酒餐后消化酒 ( ( 利口酒利口酒, , 果渣酒果渣酒 ) ) 糖份酒精低高低高用餐开始用餐结束Grape Varieties葡萄品种Summary 摘要8,000 grape varieties known in the world世界上目前已知的葡萄品种有8000种1,000 grape varieties used for wine around the world世界上大约有1000种

8、葡萄被制成葡萄酒200 traditionally used in Italy意大利大约使用200种葡萄100 traditionally used in France法国大约使用100种葡萄50 traditionally used in Spain西班牙大约使用50种葡萄 Grape variety, a major factor in the taste of a wine 不同的葡萄品种,是影响葡萄酒品尝的主要因素常见的红葡萄品种 Common Red grape varieties Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠 Merlot 梅洛 Pinot Noir 黑皮诺 Shi

9、raz 切拉子/设拉子Red Grape Varieties 红葡萄品种 A classic Bordeaux grape 传统波尔多葡萄品种 Full-bodied, tannic 酒体饱满,丹宁较丰富 Very complex, long evolution 口味丰富, 陈年长 Blackcurrant, violet黑加仑,紫罗兰Cabernet Sauvignon 加本力苏维翁 Red Grape Varieties 红葡萄品种 A traditional Bordeaux grape传统波尔多葡萄品种 Supple and round 口感柔顺,饱满 Black and red ch

10、erry 黑色及红色樱桃 Chocolate巧克力Merlot梅洛Red Grapes Varieties 红葡萄品种 King of Burgundy勃根蒂之王 Cherry, raspberry 樱桃、覆盆子 Spice notes 稍带辛辣 Earthy complexities泥土气息 A silky texture, little tannins 丝般柔滑,丹宁较淡Pinot Noir黑皮诺Red Grapes Varieties 红葡萄品种 Mostly grown in Rhne Region, France, Australia 主要种植于法国罗纳谷地区, 澳大利亚 Rich

11、black and red berry fruit, plum 丰富的黑色、红色浆果及李子味 Game and spice complexity 丰富的野味及辛辣味 Rich and full-bodied口感丰富,酒体饱满Shiraz 设拉子葡萄酒的品种(wine varieties)常见的白葡萄品种Common White grape varieties Chardonnay 夏多内/莎当妮 Sauvignon Blanc 白苏维翁/长相思 Riesling 雷司令/薏丝琳 Gewrztraminer 琼瑶浆/格乌香茗纳 Pinot Gris 灰皮诺White Grape Varietie

12、s 白葡萄品种Native to Burgundy源于法国的勃根第地区 Versatile and complex 复杂多变Good ageing potential 很好的储藏潜力White fruits and nutty flavor白色水果及干果味Chardonnay莎当妮White Grape Varieties 白葡萄品种Bordeaux, central Loire 波尔多,卢瓦尔河中部Crisp acidity易碎,偏酸Dry and aromatic干性,芬芳Citrus and Grassy柑桔及青草味Sauvignon Blanc白苏维翁White Grape Varie

13、ties 白葡萄品种Grown in Alsace, Germany, South Australia, Washington State, etc种植于阿尔萨斯,德国,罗纳谷地区, 南澳大利亚, 华盛顿Versatile (dry, tart wine to Sweet late-harvest wine)变化多样(可在口感较干到晚收型甜酒间变化)Floral and mineral flavor花香及矿物味 Naturally high acidity 天然酸度高A tremendous capacity to age可陈年Riesling 雷司令Old WorldOld World旧旧世

14、界世界 France法国 2* Italy意大利 1* Spain西班牙3*New WorldNew World新新世界世界 USA美国 4* Australia澳大利亚6* Chile智利 Argentina 阿根廷5* New Zealand新西兰 South Africa南非 *Top six producers in volume 产量前六名国家Main Wine Countries 主要葡萄酒产酒国(Southern hemisphere + USA) 南半球美国 (European Countries) 欧洲国家Wine LabelsWine Labels 酒标酒标How to R

15、ead Wine Label 怎样解读酒标? &Winery 酒庄名&Vintage年份&Alcohol Level酒精含量&Net Volume 净含量&(Name of Wine)酒名&New World New World 新世界新世界&Grape Variety葡萄品种&Old World Old World 旧世界旧世界&Appellation产地&Classification等级Usual contents of a label 酒标里包含的内容Sample from the New World 来自新世界的样标SSample from the Old World 来自旧世界的样标What is the grape variety?What is the grape variety?葡萄品种是什么?葡萄品种是什么?法国葡萄酒10大产



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