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1、1主备人#课题六年级英语综合复习课时 第一课时课型复习课课 时 目 标1能够听、说、读 Lets read 部分的对话并正确回答对话后的问题。2能够读懂并回书写简单的英语请柬。重 难 点本课时的重难点是能听、说、认读对话,能用 can 句型,表述会做什么,并且能书写 简单的英语请柬。学法指导综合讲解法教具英语请柬、单词卡片通案个案一热身(Warm-up)放单元中的歌曲 Lets read 部分的对话并正确回答对话的问题。二. 预习(Preview)教师出学生体检表,提问:How tall are you now? How tall were you in Grade 1? How heavy

2、are you now? How heavy were you at 7 years old? 教师根据体检表中的记载判断学生说的是否正确。教师再问:This is our last term.三. 新课呈现(Presentation)1、教师说:Boys and girls youre students in Grade 6 now. You will leave soon and study in a middle school. So were going to have a farewell party next week.教师板书,领读后启发学生 What shall we brin

3、g for the party?2、教师启发学生 Would you like to give performances at the party?让学生能够说:I can 3、教师接下来说 Zhang Peng and Mikes class is going to have a farewell party,too.What can zhang Peng do? 学生独立朗读课文,回答教师的问题并提出不理解的句子。教师解答。4、教师放 Lets read 对话,学生跟读,分角色朗读。5、Read and tick or cross教师说:You can invite your parent

4、s to the party. You can invite your teachers,too然后展示英语请柬,说:Look this is an invitation. Can you read it? 指导学2生朗读请柬内容。四. 巩固和扩展(Consolidation and extension)1根据短文组织学生进行表演。2分发请柬。5、Sum up:6、The limited-time exercise7、Check and explainHomework:1学生利用课余时间排练英语节目。2熟读本课对话。板书 设计A farewell party What can you do a

5、t the party?I can sing songs.You are invited to a farewell party.课堂 检测一、按要求写单词。1.写出下列词的比较级。young _ short _ tall _ old _long_ nice _ fine_2.meter(复数)_ foot (复数)_mouse (复数)_ 二、 找出栏中与栏中相对应的答语,把标号填入提前括号。 ( ) 1. How are you? A.I have fifteen ( ) 2. How tall are you ? B. Im 15 years old. ( ) 3. How old ar

6、e you ? C. Im fine. ( ) 4. How many books do you have? D. Im 1.49 meters. http:/www.Lspjy教学 反思3主备人#课题六年级英语综合复习课时第二课时课型复习课课 时 目 标1能根据 Group and write 的图来描述学生们准备欢送会的场面。 2能听懂 Listen and write 部分的录音并正确填写句子。 3能理解,会跟录音说 Pronunciation 部分的绕口令。重 难 点能用 There be 结构描述欢送会场,并能跟读书中绕口令。学法指导综合讲解法教具课文录音 单词卡片通案个案一热身(W

7、arm-up)(1)教师出示五年级的主情景图,提示学生用 There be 句型。(2)教师出示欢送会用的单词卡如:水果、饮料、照相机等,让学生猜测是什么物品。二预习(Preview)教师放 Lets read 的对话,学生跟读。教师展示一部分学生制作的请柬,并请制作者进行朗读内容。教师根据请柬内容说几个句子让学生判断对错。三. 新课呈现(Presentation)Group and write(1)教师说:The farewell party is coming. We made invitations. So we can invite our parents and teachers t

8、o the party. We made a performance plan. So we can give performances at the party. What else shall we do? What things can we bring to the party?启发学生说出尽可能多的可带物品以及欢送会应做的准备工作。(2)教师请学生看 Group and write 部分的挂图,四人一组,做单词分类连线题。其 3中个别单词如 plan, decorate 等可让学生查英语词典了解词义。比一比哪个小组做的又快又准。(3)教师在挂图上连线示范,让学生仔细看图,延续图下的示

9、范语言描述教师场景,如 What a beautiful classroom! There are some balloons in it. There 4is a camera on the desk.(4)学生四个人一组进行讨论,口头描述教师场景,教师放歌曲做为背景。(5)学生分组完成书面练习,教师巡视进行指导,然后请部分学生朗读,看哪组学生写得内容丰富,语言又准确。四巩固和扩展(Consolidation and extension)教师引导学生用 there be 句型描述自己的教室。Homework:1学生继续利用课余时间排练英语节目。2学生用 there be 句型书写一篇描写卧室

10、的小短文。板书 设计There is a TV in my classroom.There are eight lights in my classroom.Its time to say goodbye to my teachers.课堂 检测一、读一读,选一选1. Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall. A. 我身高 1.65 米。2. Its taller than both of us together. B.你有多高? 3. How tall are you? C.那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。4. Im 1.65 meters. D.它比我两加起

11、来还高。二、选一选,填一填,译一译1.Peter is _(taller ,tall) than Chen Jie.2. The maths teacher is_(old, older)than the Chinese teacher.3. The _ (old, older)teacher likes playing football.4. The ruler is_ ( shorter , short).5. The yellow pencil is _(shorter, short) than the red one.ht教学 反思5主备人#课题六年级英语综合复习课时 第三课时课型复习

12、课课 时 目 标1、复习一般过去时和一般将来时两种时态并让学生能够能灵活运用。 2、通过听说读写训练,发展学生综合运用语言的能力,培养学生参与课堂教学的兴趣和 积极性,以及培养他们运用语法知识的交际能力。重 难 点复习语法一般过去时和一般将来时。学法指导综合复习法教具英语录音 单词卡片通案个案Step 1: WarmupSing a song: What are you going to do? (设计意图:利用歌曲复习将来时,为下面的课堂教学做好铺垫,活跃课堂 气氛并激发学生学习兴趣。)Step2: Presentation/Practice1、Brain storm(PPT 出示动词图片、

13、词组,学生快速朗读一次)A、过去式的复习1) 、回答问题:What did Da Xiong do last Friday?(He watched TV last Friday.) 并板书:He watched TV last Friday.2) 、看图提问、回答并完成下题写出下列动词的过去式,并在横线上写出你知道的更多的动词及过去式:clean ( )climb ( ) wash( )watch( dance( ) study( ) see ( ) take ( ) swim ( ) fly( )I can write more: Check the answers. 检查谁写的动词过去式多

14、(教师检查及学生小组内检查)B、将来时的复习 听音,判断对错并改正。1、Da Xiong will read Chinese next Monday. ( )2、He is going to watch TV next Tuesday. ( )3、He is going to Mikes home last Thursday. ( )4、He is going to watching TV next Friday evening. ( )6C、过去式与将来时的综合练习1)、用过去式造陈述句 I ate good food.2)、用将来时造陈述句 I am going to3)、用 Where

15、, What, How 造过去式或将来时的问句Step3: Summary 1、引导学生总结本课的重点(两种时态及句子的主要结构) 。2、根据本课主线人物大雄引导学生教育学生珍惜时间,努力学习,进行情感教育。Step 4: HomeworkMake a book : My Weekends(含过去与将来) 板书 设计Review the Tense ()He watched TV last Friday.He is going to study hard next week.am/is/are going to = will课堂 检测把汉语和英语匹配1.你体重多少? A. Sarahs fish is smaller than Amys.2.我体重 48 公斤。 B. He is stronger than her.3.你比我重。 C. How heavy are


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