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1、痫性发作Epileptic Seizure 因大脑神经元过度或同步性放电所引起 的暂时性的体征和/或症状; A transient occurrence of signs 癫痫持续状态是一种持续或反复发作的特殊情 况SE is a special circumstance with prolonged or recurrent Sz.癫痫发作的临床特征之二:典型的临床表现 Clinical manifestation 取决于发作起始的部位,传播的形式,大脑的成熟 度,复杂的疾病过程,清醒与睡眠周期,医疗过程和 其他因素; Seizure presentation depends on loca

2、tion of onset in the brain, patterns of propagation, confounding disease processes, sleep-wake cycle, medications 然而,微小发作和意识水平下降应值得警惕; EEG patterns that resemble those seen during some epileptic seizures, but are perceived neither by patient ore by the observer are not defined as epileptic seizures;

3、 however, subtle Sz the occurrence of at least one epileptic seizure.至少一次痫性发作 History of at least one seizure 至少一次临床痫性发作史,而仅有家族史和痫 性放电脑图是不足于诊断癫痫; History of at least one epileptic seizure, whereas only family history or the presence of epileptiform EEG changes is not sufficient to determine epilepsy

4、持久的脑功能变化 enduring alteration in the brain 促使反复痫性发作倾向的持久脑功能变 化是癫痫的中心含义,因此,诊断本病 并不要求两次发作; the central concept in definition of epilepsy is an enduring alteration in the brain that increases the likelihood of future seizures;伴随状况 Associated conditions 伴随神经生物、认知、心理和社交活动 障碍; Associated neurobiologic, cog

5、nitive, pychological Multiple epileptic seizures due to multiple different causes in the same patient would not be considered to be epilepsy; 伴背景正常的单痫性发作并不提示癫痫 A single epileptic seizure in a normal brain would not indicates epilepsy.http:/ http:/ http:/ 400-0059-826现病史Present history 首次起病 onset of

6、the seizure 先兆 Aura 发作诱因Precipitating factors 发作期表现 Ictal manifestations 习惯性发作 Habitual seizures 发作持续时间 Enduring time of seizure现病史Present history 意识状态 State of consciousness 发作与睡眠周期的关系 Relationship of Sz with S/W cycle 发作后表现 Postictal presentation 非痫性发作的鉴别 Nonepileptic disorders 治疗情况 Medication of

7、AEDs首次起病 Onset of the seizure 首次发病的日期和时间 地点和环境 身体状态:疾病、疲劳 诱因:强光、异味、发热 前驱病史:感染、疫苗接种 有无先兆,异常感受或惊恐表现先兆 Aura 躯体感觉先兆: (1) 原发性: 相对局限性体 表分布(面,口,手); (2)辅助感觉运动先兆: 相对广泛躯体感觉异常(双侧近端为主) 视觉先兆: 幻觉与错觉,闪光,暗点 听觉先兆: 听幻觉与听错觉 嗅觉先兆: 幻觉 味觉先兆: 通常怪味 自主神经先兆: 出汗,心悸,胃气上涌,扩瞳 腹部先兆: 难以描述的不适感觉,腹痛 精神性幻觉: 多感觉性或感知性幻觉发作期表现 Ictal manif

8、estations 起始部位location onset of seizures 发作的类型types of seizures 抽搐的形式pattern of seizures 扩展的方式和范围propagation 苏醒后不久发生:GTCW; 深睡中发生:Partial epilepsy 烦躁、疲倦或嗜睡irritation,tiredness 头痛、定向力障碍、记忆障碍 一过性失语 一过性偏瘫 Toddis麻痹 不对称性锥体束征阳性发作后表现 Postictal presentation非痫性发作的鉴别 Nonepileptic disorders 屏气发作Breath-holding s

9、pell; 阵发性运动障碍Paroxysmal movement disorders多发性抽动症; 晕厥Syncope 自动症:Automotor seizures 发笑性发作:Gelastic Seizures: stereotyped laughing in inappropriated situation, 复杂运动性发作complex motor seizures 自体运动发作(自动症): characterized by automatisms of the distal segments of the body, including fingers, hands, tongue 站

10、立不能发作: characterized by an epileptic fall caused by tonic Sz, atonic Sz 特殊性发作Special seizures 少运动发作: characterized by immobility or a marked decrease in movement 运动不能发作: unabling to perform voluntary movements, consciousness preserved, produced by activation of the primary or supplementary negative

11、motor areas, lasting more than 30 seconds 负性肌阵挛发作: being short(30- 40ms) episodes of muscle atonia which are preceded by epileptiform discharges in the central region(20-30ms before the onset of the atonia)特殊性发作Special seizures特殊性发作Special seizures 失语性发作: presenting as global aphaisa or a more selec

12、tive expressive or comprehensive aphasia, due to activation of one of the language area (Broca, s area, Wernnickes area or the basal temporal language area)阵发性事件 Paroxysmal events 非痫性发作non-epileptic seizures Syncope; Migraine; Sleep disorders; Tourtte syndrome;发作症状的分布 Somatotopic distribution 左右之别le

13、ft visual aura 轴性发作axial tonic seizures 双侧不对称发作bilateral asymmetric 同时起源于双侧近端或远端肢体 generalized Sz affecting both sides of the body 发作性语言Ictal speech; 伴意识清楚的自动征Preserved consciousness during automotor seizures; 发作后暂时性麻痹Postictal Todds paralysis; 发作后失语Postictal aphasia发作扩展与定位体征 Se distribution & Later

14、alizng signs 腹部先兆自动症左侧旋转姿势肌张力不 全; 右侧内脏先兆右上肢肌阵孪全身肌阵孪; 双侧不对称强直发作左脚阵孪性发作左脚 发作后麻痹; 复杂运动发作全身强直-阵孪发作 全身肌阵挛发作全身阵挛性发作; 不典型失神发作右上肢姿势肌张力不全发 作后失语 典型失神发作全身强直阵孪发作儿童癫痫发作分类的特点: Se classification in pediatric epilepsy 新生儿、婴幼儿和儿童发作症状常常不典型, 难以确立。例如:行为停止、单侧强直姿势、 复杂自动症、难以描述的症候和意识状态; 先兆和全身强直阵挛少见; 双侧强直和屈曲性痉挛也见于局灶或多灶性癫 痫;

15、 ILAE关于部分性与全身性二分法难以满足儿 科临床癫痫学的需要癫痫综合征的诊断 Diagnosis of epileptic syndrome局灶性(根据解剖进一步细分); 全身性(根据发作类型、起病年龄、演 变过程、和病因) 基本要素: 1. 根据症状特征确定发作类型; 2. 病因诊断; 3. 并发症或相关医疗情况;癫痫综合征的诊断(举例) Diagnosis of epileptic syndrome1 右内颞叶癫痫: 腹部先兆自动症发作作旋转发作; 定位征:左上肢肌张力不全; 病因:胶质细胞瘤; 相关情况:右颞叶切除术癫痫综合征的诊断(举例) Diagnosis of epileptic syndrome 失神癫痫 发作形式:典型失神发作全身阵挛性 发作; 病因:遗传性; 相关医疗情况:无癫痫综合征的诊断(举例) Diagnosis of epileptic syndrome Lennox-Gastuat Syndrome: 发作形式:全身性肌阵挛发作、失立或失 张力发作、轴性强直发作、失神发作; 病因:结节性硬化 并发症:智力低下 相关医疗情况:胼胝体切


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