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1、第十二周八年级国旗下讲话稿:学会第十二周八年级国旗下讲话稿:学会 自我保护,安全与我同行自我保护,安全与我同行第十二周八年级国旗下讲话稿:学会自我保护,安全与我同行尊敬的老师们,同学们:Dear teachers and classmats,大家早上好!我是二(1)班的张 xx。今天我演讲的主题是学会自我保护,安全与我同行 。Good morning! I am _ from Class 1 Grade 2. My topic is “To learn how to protect myself, to be safe every time”.校园是我们共同学习的地方,这里有老师,有同学,在这

2、个大家庭里,我们快乐地学习,健康地成长。但是,在这个大家庭里,也很容易发生意外。Campus is a place we study together. There are teachers and students here, we study happily and grow healthily. However, we meet accident sometimes, too.午觉过后,有同学奔跑着回到教室;课间十分,有同学在教室走廊里追逐打闹像这样不看路,快速奔跑都是非常危险的,严重的还会骨折。我曾经看到一位高年级的大哥哥,下课铃一响,他就飞快地从教室冲出来,快到直饮水机旁边时,因为跑

3、得太快,他没看到脚下有东西,摔倒在地上,送到医院一看,已经骨折了,好多天都没来上学,不光耽误了功课,还受了许多罪。Some students run to the classrooms after napping; some students chase others during the break time it is very dangerous if you are running without watching out, even you would get your bones break. I have ever met a student who ran out too fa

4、st from the classroom when the break time bell rung, he was rushing into the water machine, but he ran too fast that he fell down on the floor and his bone broke.我也亲身体验过这样的伤害!记得在一年级的时候,课间我和同学一起玩,突然上课铃响了,我急忙往教室跑,没有看见另一个同学,我们俩一下就撞上了,我摔倒在地上,他倒在我身上,我的手擦破了,到现在想一想还觉得好疼。I have got myself hurt too when I wa

5、s in Grade 1. I was playing in the break time and then the class bell rung, I rushed in to the classroom and I hit another rushed student. I fell down on the floor, he fell down on me, my hand got hurt and I still feel hurt when I remind of this.亲爱的伙伴们,我们一定要多学习校园安全知识,做个校园安全小卫士。特别是上体育课和大课间的时候,要在老师的指导

6、下使用体育器材。课间活动时要注意安全,不追逐打闹,上下楼梯靠右行,做到文明、文静、文雅,避免同学之间的磕磕碰碰。Dear classmates, we need to learn more about the Campus Safety, especially when we are having P.E. class or during the break time. We should be careful and listen to the teachers when we use the sport equipment. No chasing, no running, no shout

7、ing in the campus, walk by the right side. And be gentle and polite, too.相信,只要我们大家都注意校园安全,我们的校园就一定会变得更加和谐,更加美好!谢谢大家。我的讲话完毕。I believe in that our campus will be more and more harmonious and beautiful if we all are careful about our safety. Thats all, thank you!第十二周八年级国旗下讲话稿:学会自我保护,安全与我同行尊敬的老师们,同学们:De

8、ar teachers and classmats,大家早上好!我是二(1)班的张 xx。今天我演讲的主题是学会自我保护,安全与我同行 。Good morning! I am _ from Class 1 Grade 2. My topic is “To learn how to protect myself, to be safe every time”.校园是我们共同学习的地方,这里有老师,有同学,在这个大家庭里,我们快乐地学习,健康地成长。但是,在这个大家庭里,也很容易发生意外。Campus is a place we study together. There are teachers

9、 and students here, we study happily and grow healthily. However, we meet accident sometimes, too.午觉过后,有同学奔跑着回到教室;课间十分,有同学在教室走廊里追逐打闹像这样不看路,快速奔跑都是非常危险的,严重的还会骨折。我曾经看到一位高年级的大哥哥,下课铃一响,他就飞快地从教室冲出来,快到直饮水机旁边时,因为跑得太快,他没看到脚下有东西,摔倒在地上,送到医院一看,已经骨折了,好多天都没来上学,不光耽误了功课,还受了许多罪。Some students run to the classrooms af

10、ter napping; some students chase others during the break time it is very dangerous if you are running without watching out, even you would get your bones break. I have ever met a student who ran out too fast from the classroom when the break time bell rung, he was rushing into the water machine, but

11、 he ran too fast that he fell down on the floor and his bone broke.我也亲身体验过这样的伤害!记得在一年级的时候,课间我和同学一起玩,突然上课铃响了,我急忙往教室跑,没有看见另一个同学,我们俩一下就撞上了,我摔倒在地上,他倒在我身上,我的手擦破了,到现在想一想还觉得好疼。I have got myself hurt too when I was in Grade 1. I was playing in the break time and then the class bell rung, I rushed in to the

12、classroom and I hit another rushed student. I fell down on the floor, he fell down on me, my hand got hurt and I still feel hurt when I remind of this.亲爱的伙伴们,我们一定要多学习校园安全知识,做个校园安全小卫士。特别是上体育课和大课间的时候,要在老师的指导下使用体育器材。课间活动时要注意安全,不追逐打闹,上下楼梯靠右行,做到文明、文静、文雅,避免同学之间的磕磕碰碰。Dear classmates, we need to learn more

13、about the Campus Safety, especially when we are having P.E. class or during the break time. We should be careful and listen to the teachers when we use the sport equipment. No chasing, no running, no shouting in the campus, walk by the right side. And be gentle and polite, too.相信,只要我们大家都注意校园安全,我们的校园

14、就一定会变得更加和谐,更加美好!谢谢大家。我的讲话完毕。I believe in that our campus will be more and more harmonious and beautiful if we all are careful about our safety. Thats all, thank you!第十二周八年级国旗下讲话稿:学会自我保护,安全与我同行尊敬的老师们,同学们:Dear teachers and classmats,大家早上好!我是二(1)班的张 xx。今天我演讲的主题是学会自我保护,安全与我同行 。Good morning! I am _ from

15、Class 1 Grade 2. My topic is “To learn how to protect myself, to be safe every time”.校园是我们共同学习的地方,这里有老师,有同学,在这个大家庭里,我们快乐地学习,健康地成长。但是,在这个大家庭里,也很容易发生意外。Campus is a place we study together. There are teachers and students here, we study happily and grow healthily. However, we meet accident sometimes, t

16、oo.午觉过后,有同学奔跑着回到教室;课间十分,有同学在教室走廊里追逐打闹像这样不看路,快速奔跑都是非常危险的,严重的还会骨折。我曾经看到一位高年级的大哥哥,下课铃一响,他就飞快地从教室冲出来,快到直饮水机旁边时,因为跑得太快,他没看到脚下有东西,摔倒在地上,送到医院一看,已经骨折了,好多天都没来上学,不光耽误了功课,还受了许多罪。Some students run to the classrooms after napping; some students chase others during the break time it is very dangerous if you are running without watching out, even you would get your bones break. I have ever met a student who ran out too fast from the classroom when the break time bell rung,


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