英语:一轮复习讲义课件unit4《making the news》(新人教版必修5)

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1、Unit 4 Making the news基础落实.高频单词频单词 思忆忆1.“Investing in agriculture for food security” is the (主要的) topic of that meeting.2.There are about 5,000 people (雇用)in the factory. 3.The programme is (为打算的) for children.chiefemployedintended4.The court found her (有罪的) of murder.5.Careless mistakes result from

2、 a lack of (专心).6.Please state your name,age and (职业).7.She is e for her parents approval.8.He works for a company that preference books. 9.The c rate is rising.10.Its about time we u our software.guilty concentrationprofessionagerublishesrimepdated.重点短语语再现现1. 指控某人犯罪2. 偶然3. 轮流;依次4. 应当;认为必须5. 考虑;回想6.

3、 与某人约会7. 期待,盼望8. 独自9. 集中精力做某事10. 说明;查明accuse sb.of.by accidentin turnbe supposed tothink aboutmake an appointment with sb.look forward toon ones ownconcentrate on sth.account for.典型句式运用1.Not only am I interested in photography,but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.对摄影我不仅仅是感兴

4、趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。not only.but (also).意为“ ”,当not only位于句首时,句子要 。考点提炼 不仅而且倒装2.Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.同时,你还要根据被采访人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。depending on/upon意为: ,是现在分词形式用作 状语,相当于accordingto。此时depending on的逻辑主语 句子的主语。与此用法类似的分词短语还有:judging by/from.,co

5、nsidering.,taking.into consideration等。考点提炼根据,依靠方式不是3.So we arranged an interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bribe him.所以我们安排了一次在这个足球队员和据认为是向他行贿的那个人之间的采访。be supposed to意为“ ”“ ;(用于否定句) ”。但was/were supposed to do sth.或be supposed to have done sth.表示“本应该做或理应做过某事(而实际未做)”。考点提炼应该;必须允许被认

6、为导练互动 重点单词单词 1.assistYoull find your colleagues very eager to you,. (回归课本P26)观察思考They were assisting police with their inquiries.他们正协助警察调查。He assisted her to find employment.他帮助她找工作。Their presence would assist in keeping the peace.他们在那儿将有助于维护和平。assist归纳总结assist 。(1)assist sb.with sth.帮助某人某事assist sb

7、.to do sth.帮助某人做某事assist (sb.) in (doing) sth.帮助(某人)做某事(2)assistance n.帮助;援助come to sb.s assistance援助某人with the assistance of.在帮助下(3)assistant n.助手,助理;adj.助理的vi. so that既可以引导目的状语从句,也可以引导结果状语从句,引导目的状语从句时,从句中往往出现一个情态动词。目的状语so as not to不能以便,为了即学即用(1)他穿着厚大衣以免着凉。He wore a heavy coat catch acold. (2)我还不至于

8、蠢到去做那件事。Im do that.(3)为了不让虫子进来,她把窗户关上了。insects out,she shut the window.so as not tonot so stupid as toIn order to keep(4)他早起为的是赶上第一节课。He rose early he might be in time for the first lesson. (5)他爱她以致于愿意为她献出生命。He loves her, he is willing to give up his life for her.so thatso that10.Never will Zhou Yan

9、g (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.周扬扬将永远远不会忘记记在一家流行的英语报语报 社的第一次任务务。 典例体验our country been as united as it is.现在我们的国家空前团结。 he know French,but also he is an expert at it.他不仅懂法语,而且很精通。he go to the park at weekends.在周末,他很少去公园。Never before hasNot only doesSeld

10、om does归纳总结(1)在以具有 意义的副词、连词及词组的句子中,主句要用 。(2)这些词和词组通常有: rarely,never,scarcely,no sooner,little,few,hardly,seldom,at no time,in no way,on no account,nowhere,nobody,not only等。否定开头部分倒装即学即用用倒装句式翻译下列句子(1)他刚完成工作电话就响了。(2)来我们商店吧!在其他地方买不到这样的便宜货。(3)我不仅仅是对摄影感兴趣,我大学时还学过摄影课程呢。Hardly had he finished his work when

11、thetelephone rang.Visit our stores!Nowhere else will youfind such magnificent bargains.Not only am I interested in photography,but I took a course at university.11.His discussion with his new boss,Hu Xin (HX),was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.他与他的新老板胡新的讨论讨论对对他的记记者生涯会产产生重要影响。典例体验All

12、these answered for!所有这一切都会遭到报应的!She before she left.她打算在离开前打电话。You the necessary changes.你要作出必要的改变。are to bewas to callare to make归纳总结be to do在句中表示 发生的事,意为“”。be to do句型的含义:(1)表示注定要发生某事。(2)预先安排好的计划或约定。(3)表示说话人的意图、职责、义务、命令等情感意义。后来注定 会,一定表示将来时的几种方法:(1)be going to do表示主语现在打算在最近或以后做什么,这种打算是事先考虑好了的。另外可表示根

13、据已有迹象非常可能要发生的情况。(2)be about to do表示正要或即将做某事,多与when连用。(3)时间、条件、让步状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来时。即学即用(1)如果我们想按时到那儿,我们最好现在就走。If we on time,wed better go now. (2)会议今天下午举行。The meeting this afternoon.(3)我正要离开,这时开始下雨了。I when it began to rain.are to be thereis to be heldwas about to leave品味构词1.利用派生法,品句选词Have you read the

14、 English novel,“Pride and ”?No,I dislike the foreign novels,and they are not interesting.You had better not them like the above before you dont read it.A.PrejudiceB.judge C.judgmentAB串联扩展前缀缀 词词根 派生词词pre-(=before 与 v.,n.,adj., adv.连连用) judge判断 prejudge prejudice偏见见,成见见 view观观看风风景 ; 考虑虑;注视视 预预演,预预映 determine决 心,决定 predeterminecaution警告 预预防措施 /方法 arrange安排 prearrange预先作判断previewprecaution预先安排 预先决定;确定pre-(=before 与v.,n.,adj., adv.连连用) face脸脸;表面 prefacemature成熟的 早熟的;早 产产的 history历


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