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1、Unit 4 Helping People 帮助人们. 单词盘单词盘 点根据词词性和汉语汉语 意思写出词汇词汇1. _ (n. )状态态;状况;情形;条件2. _ (vi. vt. )传传播;散布;流传传;蔓延,散开3. _ (n. )检查检查 ;调查调查 (表)4. _ (vt. )列为为;排, 列conditionspreadsurveyrank5. _ (vt. )供给给;供应应;配给给;补补充6. _ (vt. )完成;使完工7. _ (adj. )高兴兴的;满满意的8. _ (vt. )使满满足;使满满意 _ (adj. ) 感到满满意的 _ (adj. ) 令人满满意的 _ (n.

2、 ) 满满意,满满足 _ (adj. ) 令人满满意的,称心如意的supplycompletepleasedsatisfysatisfiedsatisfyingsatisfactionsatisfactory9. _ (adj. )恐惧的; 很害怕的 _ (vt. ) 使恐惧;吓唬唬;威胁胁 _ (adj. ) 令人恐惧的 _ (n. ) 恐怖 _ (adj. ) 可怕的,骇骇人的10. _ (adj. )难难受的;不能忍受的;不能容忍的 _ (adj. )忍耐的; 忍得住的 _ (vt. )忍受;经经得起11. _ (adv. ) 自然地;不做作地;容易地;当然;不用说说 _ (n. ) 自

3、然;天性,本性 _ (adj. ) 自然的;天然的terrifiedterrifyterrifyingterrorterribleunbearablebearablebearnaturallynaturenatural12. _ (vi. ) 工作;运转转;起作用 _ (n. ) 操作,手术术13. _ (n. ) 良心 _ (adj. )没良心的14. _ (vt. ) 宣布;声称;声明;发发表 _ (n. ) 宣布15. _ (adj. )吃惊的; 惊讶讶的 _ (vt. ) 使吃惊;使惊讶讶 _ (adj. ) 令人惊讶讶的 _ (n. ) 吃惊,惊讶讶operateoperationc

4、onscienceconsciencelessdeclaredeclarationastonishedastonishastonishingastonishment【品词词自测测】根据所给词给词 的适当形式填空What _ him is the _ smile on his mothers face, because that shows his homework is _ and she is _ with it. (satisfy) _, the beauty of a person lies in his kind _, like a _ thing not an artificial

5、one. (nature)satisfiessatisfiedsatisfying/satisfactorysatisfiedNaturallynaturenatural. 短语语回放1. 营营救,搭救;拾起;(车车、船等)在半路上搭(人)_2. 照顾顾;照料 _3. 引起一些对对的关注/注意_4. 有帮助;有助于_pick uptake care ofdraw a little attention tobe of help5. 渴望;盼望;期盼_6. 想到(某事)_7. 为为制订计订计 划 _8. 只要;如果_9. 在某人的指导导下 _look forward tocome into one

6、s mindmake a plan forso long asunder ones guidance10. 提醒某人某事;令某人想起某事_11. 看;瞥_12. 转转向某人;向某人求助;找某人帮忙_remind sb. of sth.glance atturn to sb. 句式扫扫描1. I _ (只能,不得不) examine my conscience before her, and I asked what I would say if I was in her place. 2. And my answer was very simple. I _ (本想试图试图 ) draw a

7、little attention to myself, I _ (本想说说) I was hungry. . . could not help butwould have tried towould have said3. The students _ (本打算) meet at 8 oclock. 4. After a while, _ (他突然想起了一个主意). 5. Mr. Robinson agreed to supply the wood _ (只要) they did the work. had planned toan idea came into his mindso long

8、 as【仿句自测测】根据下面句式仿写句子can/could not help but do仿写:他只好听从医生的建议议好好休息。He cannot help but follow the doctors advice and have a good rest. had planned to表虚拟拟仿写:我昨天本打算和你一起去购购物,但我实实在太忙了。I had planned to go shopping with you yesterday, but I was very busy indeed. 核心要点condition 三年1考pick up 三年1考turn to sb. 三年2考1

9、. condition n. 状态态;状况;情形;条件(1)in good condition状态态良好,身体健康in bad/poor condition/out of condition状态态不佳,身体不好working/living conditions工作环环境/生活环环境(2)on no condition决不on condition that条件是,如果on this/that/what condition在这这种/那种/什么条件下under. . . conditions在情况下The hospital says her condition is improving slowly

10、. 院方说说她的健康状况正逐渐渐好转转。Under what conditions do plants grow best? 在什么情况下, 植物长长得最好?Ill come to the party _ _ _ you dont wear those ridiculous trousers! 我可以来参加晚会, 条件是你不能穿那条滑稽的裤裤子! _ _ _ should you tell them the secret. 你无论论如何也不应该应该 告诉诉他们这们这 个秘密。on condition thatOn no condition【点津】 (1)当condition用于表示人或事物自身

11、所处处的状态态、状况时时,通常要用单单数形式,但当用于表示人或事物所处处的外在环环境、情况、条件时时,常用复数形式。(2)on no condition用于句首,句子采用倒装结结构。 2. spread vi. vt. 传传播;散布;流传传;蔓延,散开spread out伸开,展开spread on/over/through(消息)传传播/流传传到spread to传传到,波及,蔓延到spread A on/over B=spread B with A把A铺铺/敷于B上阅读阅读 下列例句,说说出黑体部分的汉语汉语 意思We spread the picnic rug out on the gr

12、ound and sat down to eat. ( )The AIDS virus is spread through contact with blood and other body fluids. ( )The fire spread very rapidly because of the strong wind. ( )It started off as cancer of the liver but it spread to other areas of the body. ( )铺铺开传传播蔓延波及,蔓延3. satisfy vt. 使满满足;使满满意(1)satisfied

13、adj. 感到满满意的satisfying adj. 令人满满意的satisfaction n. 满满意,满满足satisfactory adj. 令人满满意的,称心如意的(2)satisfy ones need/demand满满足某人的需要be satisfied with对对满满意/满满足express ones satisfaction with/at对对表示满满意to ones great satisfaction/much to ones satisfaction使某人非常满满意的是with (great) satisfaction(极其)满满意地His explanation _

14、_ _. 他的解释让释让 法庭满满意。There are three main conditions you must satisfy if you wish to be a member of the club. 如果你想成为为俱乐乐部的成员员就必须满须满 足三个主要条件。They have 31 flavours of ice-creamenough to satisfy everyone. 他们们有31种口味的冰激凌足够满够满 足每个人。satisfied the court4. declare vt. 宣布;声称;声明;发发表She declared (that) it was the best chocolate cake she had ever tasted. 她声称这这是她品尝过尝过 的最好的巧克力蛋糕。America declared war on Japan in 1941. 美国于1941年向日本宣战战。“I wont do it! ” he declared. “我不会做的!”他



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