标准化实用英语practical english-1

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1、Practical English for International Standardization 国际标准化实用英语(1)Guangdong WTO/TBT Notification, Consultation and Research Center广东省WTO/TBT通报咨询研究中心 2012Page 2Course Outline 课程提纲A. Introduction of International Standards and International Standard Organisations 国际标准及国际标准组织简介B. Introduction of WTO and

2、TBT WTO与TBT简介C. ISO and the ISO system ISO与ISO系统- ISO structure ISO架构- International standards developments 国际标准的制定D. Recent Development in ISO ISO近期进步E. China and ISO 中国与ISOF. Introduction of IEC and IEC system IEC与其体系简介G. Introduction of ITU ITU简介Introduction of International Standards and Interna

3、tional Standard Organisations国际标准及国际标准组织简介Page 4Definition of International Standards 定义 International standards are standards developed by international standards organizations. 国际标准是由国际标准化组织制定的。 International standards are available for consideration and use, worldwide. 在世界各地,国际标准都可被参考及采用。 Interna

4、tional standards may be used either by direct application, 国际标准既可以以采标的形式直接使用,or by a process of modifying an international standard to suit local conditions.也可以按照当地的情况部分采标。Page 5International Standards Organizations 国际标准化组织There are many organisations that establish and implement standards: American

5、 Petroleum Institute (API)美国石油学会 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)美国试验材料协会 British Standards Institution (BSI)英国标准学会 European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA)欧洲计算机制造商协会 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)国际电工技术委员会 International Organization for Standardization (I

6、SO)国际标准化组织 International System of Units (SI Units)国际单位制 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)国际电信联盟 Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS)结 构化信息标准促进组织 Universal Postal Union (UPU)万国邮政联盟 Page 6WSC-The World Standards CooperationMulti-discipline and cross s

7、ector 跨学科和跨领域的For electrotechnology电工类For telecommunication电信类Collaborate to meet the challenges of converging technologies他们联合起来,以迎接技术融合的挑战。Page 7WSC- The World Standards Cooperation ISO,together with IEC and ITU, has built a strategic partnership with the WTO (World Trade Organization) with the co

8、mmon goal of promoting a free and fair global trading system. ISO 与IEC和ITU一起建立了同WTO战略伙伴关系,其共同的目标是促进一 个自由和公平的全球贸易体系。 The political agreements reached within the framework of the WTO require support by technical agreements. 在WTO框架内达成的政治协议需要技术协议的支撑。 ISO, IEC and ITU, as the three principal organization

9、s in international standardization, have the complementary scopes, the framework, the expertise and the experience to provide this technical support for the growth of the global market. ISO、IEC、和ITU作为国际标准化的三个主要组织,在不同的领域、框架 、专业和经验上是互补的,可为全球市场的增长提供技术支持。Introduction of WTO and TBTWTO与TBT简介Page 9Introdu

10、ction of WTO Its an organization for liberalizing trade.贸易自由化的组织Its a forum for governments to negotiate trade agreements. 贸易协定谈判的论坛Its a place for them to settle trade disputes. 解决贸易纠纷的场所It operates a system of trade rules. 实行贸易规则体系Page 10WTO Agreements WTO协定The agreements for the two largest areas

11、 goods and services share a common three-part outline, even though the detail is sometimes quite different. 这些协定包括了两大类:商品类与服务类,它们都有共同的三大要点,尽管其详细 内容有时相当的不同。 They start with broad principles: the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (for goods), and the General Agreement on Trade in Services

12、(GATS). (The third area, Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) also falls into this category although at present it has no additional parts.) 这三大原则包括:关税及贸易总协定 (商品类)、贸易服务总协定。(第三个方面 是贸易有关的知识产权协定也属于贸易服务总协定内, 然而目前来说并没有格外列 出。)These agreements and annexes deal with the following sp

13、ecific sectors or issues:这些协定及其附录涉及以下相关产业或问题:Page 11 For goods (under GATT) 关税及贸易总协定 Agriculture 建筑 Health regulations for farm products (SPS) 农产品卫生条例 Textiles and clothing 纺织与服装 Product standards (TBT) 产品标准 Investment measures 投资措施 Anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施 Customs valuation methods 海关估价 方法 Presh

14、ipment inspection 装船前检验 Rules of origin 原产地规则 Import licensing 进口许可 Subsidies and counter-measures 补贴 及反制措施 Safeguards 保障措施 For services (the GATS annexes) 贸易服务总协定 Movement of natural persons 自然人 流动 Air transport 航空运输 Financial services 金融服务 Shipping 船运 Telecommunications 电讯Page 12Technical Barriers

15、 to Trade Agreement (TBT) The Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement (TBT) tries to ensure that regulations, standards, testing and certification procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles. 技术性贸易壁垒协定致力于确保法规、标准、测试和认证程序不会造成不 需要的障碍。 The WTOs Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) includes th

16、e Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards. WTO技术性贸易壁垒协定(TBT)包括制定、采纳和实施标准的良好行 为规范。Page 13TBT agreement 技术性贸易壁垒协定 The TBT Agreement recognizes the important contribution that International Standards and conformity assessment systems can make to improving efficiency of production and facilitating internation



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