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1、计算机网络原理Computer Network任课教师:王世普 教授办 公 室:力行楼2302联系电话:5032470, 13700600819电子邮件:课程要求u了解计算机网络的体系结构,掌握OSI/RM、TCP/IP体系结构u掌握计算机网络协议的概念、协议层次及各层次的主要协议u掌握主要的网络传输介质、数据交换的主要类型及基本原理u掌握应用层协议原理及典型的应用层协议编程u掌握传送层主要原理,熟练掌握TCP、UDP原理及编程u掌握网络层主要原理,熟练掌握协议地址、路由原理u掌握链路层及局域网主要概念、标准、差错控制等原理u了解多媒体网络原理u了解网络安全的相关问题、主要原理u了解网络管理的

2、基本问题教学安排u教学方法:课堂讲授,课后练习,编程及实习u教学手段:教学课件+多媒体投影u学时安排:讲授54学时,期中考试2学时,实验32学时 (7 个必做实验、1个选做实验)。u理论课:期中、期末考核均为闭卷考试u实验课:单列学分,由实验教师按大纲评定成绩。教材和参考书:教 材:Computer NetworkingA top-down approach featuring the InternetJames F.Kurose/Keith W.Ross计算机网络 自顶向下的方法与Internet特色参考书:1、数据通信与网络技术,清华大学出版社,Data communication and

3、 networking,Behrouz A.Forouzan2、现代通信网络技术,西南交通大学出版社,曾华燊著.3、Computer Networks, Fourth Edition By Andrew S. TanenbaumChapter 1: Computer Network and Internet5/44(1)Computer Networkl What is network? Human network as an example. Computer Networkthe collection of computers:u Connected Via communication l

4、inksu With the target to share resourcesu Resources include: computer hardware, software, information (data) and something useful to othersl What is computer network?1.Computer Network definition and structurel In a computer network, Computer is the element of the set.Chapter 1: Computer Network and

5、 Internet6/44(2)internet and InternetInternet is one special internet; Internet is a world-wide computer network;l What is internet?l What is Internet?the internet is the interconnection of “Computer Network” Can be seen as the collection of computer networks, i.e. Network of networks.lWhat support

6、the internet and Internet to run well: Various communication protocols1、Computer Network definition and structurep internet是指多个网络相互连接构成的网络,并更多地代表网络互连技术;p Internet是一个特定的、实际运行的internet,是国际互连网的简称。Chapter 1: Computer Network and Internet7/44lWhats the Internet: “nuts and bolts(具体细节)” viewumillions of co

7、nnected computing devices: hosts, end-systemspcs, workstations, serversPDAs, phones, toasters (烘炉) running network applicationsurouters: forward packets (chunks) of data thru networkuOther net devices, e.g. switches ucommunication linksfiber, copper, radio, satelliteregional ISPcompany network注1 ISP

8、:Internet service Providerlocal ISP1routerworkstation servermobileHostsSwitchSwitch2B,3.22B,3.2Chapter 1: Computer Network and Internet8/44l Whats the Internet: “nuts and bolts” viewuprotocols: control sending, receiving of messages e.g., TCP, IP, HTTP, FTP, PPPuInternet: “network of networks” loose

9、ly hierarchical public Internet versus private IntranetuInternet standards RFC: Request for comments IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force (Internet工程任务组)local ISPcompany networkregional ISProuterworkstation servermobileHostsSwitchSwitch1B,3.21B,3.2Chapter 1: Computer Network and Internet9/44(3)The

10、network edge:lend systems (hosts):run application programs e.g., WWW, email at “edge of network” lclient/server modelclient host requests, receives service from server e.g., WWW client (browser)/ server; email client/server lpeer-peer modelminimal (or no) use of dedicated servers e.g.: BT,eMule, Sky

11、pe1、Computer Network definition and structureChapter 1: Computer Network and Internet10/44(3) Network edge: connection-oriented serviceGoal: data transfer between end systems.uhandshaking: setup (prepare for) data transfer ahead of time Hello, hello back human protocolset up “state” in two communica

12、ting hostsu TCP Connection: like reg. letter In a very loose mode; Only the end systems is aware( 明白的); Virtual Connection: vs. physical connection in circuit switching.TCP service RFC 793u TCP - Transmission Control Protocol Internets connection-oriented serviceureliable, in-order byte-stream data

13、transfer loss: acknowledgements and retransmissionsuflow control: sender wont overwhelm receiverucongestion control: senders “slow down sending rate” when network congestedChapter 1: Computer Network and Internet11/44(3) Network edge: connectionless serviceGoal: data transfer between end systems sam

14、e as before! uUDP - User Datagram Protocol RFC 768: Internets connectionless service no handshaking no flow control no congestion control unreliable data transferApps using TCP: u HTTP (WWW), FTP (file transfer), Telnet (remote login), SMTP (email)Apps using UDP:u streaming media, teleconferencing,

15、Internet telephonyChapter 1: Computer Network and Internet12/44(4)The Network Coreumesh of interconnected routersuthe fundamental question: how is data transferred through net?circuit switching: a dedicated circuit per call as telephone netpacket-switching: data sent thru net in discrete “chunks”1、C

16、omputer Network definition and structureChapter 1: Computer Network and Internet13/44(5)Another view of computer Network Computer Network =Communication subnet + Resources subnetor Communication subnet + User subnetor Network core + Network edge1.Computer Network definition and structureHostHostHostHostHostHostHostCommunication Communication Subnet/netw



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