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1、Part1 M8.Unit2Unit2 The universal languageModule81.universe n. 宇宙,银河系 universal adj. 全体的,普遍的 universally adv.普遍地,通用地2.terror n. 恐怖 terrify v. 恐吓 terrified adj. 很害怕的,吓坏了的热 点 单 词3.discriminate v. 区分,歧视 discriminationn. 辨别力,歧视pose v. 组成,创作,为谱曲 composer n. 作曲家 composition n. 创作,构成5.condemn v. 谴责,责备 Cond

2、emnation n. 谴责,定罪热 点 单 词1.Marti is getting married next week and she is told that in marriage true love is acceptance of all. 热 点 单 词marriage 玛蒂下周结婚,有人告诉她在婚姻中,真正的爱是要包容一切。 解解 析析2.What disturbs the government most is the disturbing increase in the crime rate. 热 点 单 词disturbing 最使政府感到不安的就是令人震惊的犯罪率的增长。解

3、解 析析3.He had been invited but declined for the reason of his declining health. 热 点 单 词declining 他受到了邀请,但以每况愈下的健康状况为由拒绝了。解解 析析4.Helen is promoted to manager, responsible for the promotion of the football team this season.热 点 单 词promotion 海伦被提升为经理,负责球队这个赛季的升级。解解 析析5.The threatening letter threatened t

4、hat he would be killed if he continued with interference.热 点 单 词threatening 恐吓信威胁说如果他继续干涉,就会杀死他。解解 析析根据中文填单词完成句子,每空一词(记忆时,用下列横线上的新单词造句记忆)1.家长们渴望自己的孩子在幼儿园得到指导老师的关照。Parents have a strong desire to have their children taken good care of in the kindergarten; by the tutors. 热 点 单 词2.如果你想了解世界音乐比如摇摆乐、摇滚乐、爵

5、士乐、民歌以及流行乐的话,你可以在图书馆的图书目录上查找这类书。If you want to know something about world music such as swing music, rock and roll, jazz, folk song and pop music, you can look for them in the library catalogue.热 点 单 词重 点 短 语根据中文写出英文短语1. 爱上 fall in love with2. 对实施控制 exercise control over 3. 被处死 be condemned to death

6、4. 申请 apply for 5. 承担(工作或责任等) take on6. 成名 achieve fame 7. 省略 leave out 重 点 短 语8. 发财,赚钱 make a fortune9. 使停止,中断 cut short 10. 征召入伍 be drafted into 11. 解体;分手 break up12. 出发, 动身 start out 13. 食言,收回承诺 break ones promise14. 醉心于 be drunk with 15. 深受的影响 be heavily influenced by 1.be intended to have done本

7、来打算做2.Its desired that sb. should do 要求某人做(某事)3.cant (couldnt) be better再好不过了4.leave sth. doing(done, to do, adv., adj., 介词短语)使处于某种状态重 点 句 型完成句子 1.没有比这更好的背景了。There could not be a better setting than this. 2.他的英语说得如此好,好像他是英国人一样。He speaks English well as if /as though he were an Englishman. 3.我就是走也要走到

8、那儿。Ill get there, even though / even if I have to walk.重 点 句 型4.我们必须敢想、敢说、敢做。We must 4.dare to think, speak up and act.5.你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?愿意,但是我现在很忙。Would you like to see the film with me?I would love to / like to, but Im very busy now.重 点 句 型重 点 单 词1、partn.零件,部分;节,段;职责,作用;角色;台词 v. (使)分开,(使)分离Parts_of_t

9、he_book are interesting.这本书有几部分很有意思。Thats a radio serial in ten parts.那是一部10集的广播连续剧。重 点 单 词If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success.如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。What_part did you play?你演什么角色?Her lips were parted in a half smile.她张开嘴微微一笑。重 点 单 词in part 在某种程度上take part in 参与play a part in

10、起作用partly adv. 部分地;不完全地;在一定程度上 The companys problems are_partly due to bad management.该公司的问题部分是由于管理不善造成的。拓展拓展重 点 单 词The most important thing about cotton in history is _ part that it played in _ Industrial Revolution. A. / ; / B. the; / C. the; the D. a; theC 受play apart in的影响易选D, part被一个定语 从句 (that

11、 it played)修饰,应为特指,故用定冠 词the; Industrial Revolution(工业革命)为专有名词, 习惯上其前要加the。解解 析析重 点 单 词 This accident was due _ to my own carelessness.A. part of B. in partC. in a part D. partB in part 在某种程度上。解解 析析重 点 单 词2、desire v. 欲望n.欲望I desire only to be left in peace.我只渴望处于和平之中。The hotel had everything you cou

12、ld possibly desire.这家宾馆有你希望有的一切东西。重 点 单 词desire to do sth 渴望做desire sb. to do sth. 渴望某人做desire that sb. (should) do 渴望某人做(用虚拟 语气)have a desire to do sth. / for sth. 渴望做某事/得到某物have no desire to do 不想做拓展拓展重 点 单 词What does Her Ladyship desire me to do / desire of me?夫人想要我做什么?She had a burning / strong

13、desire to go back to her home country before she died.她强烈地渴望在死前回到祖国。重 点 单 词David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feels _ desire to go to bed.A. the most B. moreC. worse D. the leastD 后半句句意:David没有一点想睡的欲望。解解 析析重 点 单 词3、 辨析 voyage, journey, trip, tour, travel(1) vo

14、yage指不论路程长短的水上或空中的旅行;(2) journey一般指时间和距离都较长的陆路旅行, 带有一定的目的,不含有回到原出发地的意思; (3) trip指短距离的旅行,常回到原出发地; (4) tour指周游或巡回旅行,常常是访问一系列地方后又回到原出发地,强调观光性质; (5) travel泛指旅行这一行为过程。指具体的旅行时常用复数,用单数一般表示旅行的抽象概念。重 点 单 词用voyage, journey, trip, tour或travel填空His parents are on a voyage by ship now.He made a trip / tour aroun

15、d the Greek Island.Travelling in the mountains can be slow and dangerous.Did you go to Paris during your journey ?重 点 单 词4 、 decline vi. 减少,衰退vi. 减少,衰退His interest in the project declined after his wife died.在妻子死后,他对这个项目的兴趣减少了。vt. 拒绝,谢绝I invited him to the meeting but he_declined.我邀请他参加会议,但他拒绝了。decline to do sth. 谢绝做某事重 点 单 词They declined_to_tell_me how they had got my address.他们拒绝



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