【来源:学优高考网】2012高一英语课件:unit4 periodⅰ warming up & reading(新人教版必修1)

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1、Unit 4EarthquakesSection Warming Up it has hope and it can recover fromthe pain.BThe army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help people.CHundreds of thousands of people were helped.DMost of the 10,000 miners were rescued.5What does “shocked” in the third paragraph mean?_.CAShaken.CAppalled (震惊的).

2、BUnpleasant.DVery upset.DBAC四、课文内容复述Before Tangshan earthquake, strange things happened and a (1)_ (smell) gas came out from the cracks of wells andanimals became nervous.At 3 : 42 am, everything began to(2)_The city lay in (3)_ in just fifteenseconds.Many people, (4)_ (include) workers and doctors,

3、 came to rescue those (5)_ (trap) under the ruins.Later that afternoon, (6)_ big quake struck Tangshan, killing, injuring more people (7)_ making more buildings fall down.Soldiers were called (8)_ to help the rescue workers and teams (9)_ (organize) to dig out the trapped and (10)_ the dead.smelly s

4、hake ruins including trapped another and in were organized bury For three days the water in the village wells rose andfell, rose and fell.一连三天,村子里的井水都时高时低。1rise点拨(1)vi.上升;起立;起床;增长The sun has not risen yet.太阳还未升起。(2)n.上升;上涨;升起There will be a rise in unemployment next year.明年的失业率将会上升。拓展rise in price 涨

5、价at the rise of the sun 日出之时辨析rise/raise(1)rise (rose, risen)为不及物动词,指自然“上升”,常用于日、月、烟雾、物价、温度、河水及人的职位等的上升,不带宾语,不可以用于被动语态。(2)raise (raised, raised) 为及物动词,多指外部的力量使其“举起;提高”,后带宾语,可以用于被动语态。运用用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空After the heavy rain the river _ by three meters.The workers asked their boss to _ their wages.rose

6、 raise In the city, the water pipes in some buildings crackedand burst.在市区里,有些楼房里的水管爆裂了。2burst点拨(1)vi.(burst, burst)爆裂;爆发That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more.你再给气球充气,它就会爆了。(2)n.C突然破裂;爆发a burst in the water pipe 水管爆裂a sudden burst of anger 怒火的迸发拓展运用burst into sth.burst out doing sth.突然爆

7、发出用适当的介词填空 The little boy was so frightened that he burst _crying.The audience gave a burst _ applause.That quiet girl suddenly burst _ tears.out of intoIt seemed as if the world was at an end!仿佛到了世界末日!3at an end 结束;终结典例拓展Eventually the war was at an end.战争终于结束了。at the end (of) 在末端by the end of.到为止i

8、n the end 最后draw to an end (快要)结束come to an end 结束put an end to sth.bring sth.to an end 使某事终止运用用 end 及其构成的短语的适当形式填空The year was _ to an end.You must _ the quarrel.You must bring the quarrel _.Go straight and youll find the hospital _the road. The long hot summer was at last _. HowmanyEnglishwordshav

9、eyoulearned_ this term? Heworkshard;Ithinkhewillmakeprogress_.drawing/comingput an end to to an end at the end ofat an end/drawing to anend/coming to an endby the end of in the end In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.在可怕的 15 秒钟内,一座大城市就成了一片废墟。4ruin点拨(1)n.pl.废墟;U毁灭the ruins of an anc

10、ient castle 一座古代城堡的废墟(2)vt.毁灭;使破产(强调倒塌成为碎片;也可以指健康、价值受严重的损害或断送前途)The storm ruined the crops.风暴摧毁了庄稼。拓展(1)be/lie in ruins 变成废墟(强调状态)The houses across the street were in ruins.街对面的房子成了一片废墟。(2)fall into ruingo to ruin 毁坏;瓦解(强调动作)He had let the farm fall into ruin/go to ruin.他任由农场渐渐变成废墟。运用完成句子This villag

11、e _ (成了一片废墟) afterthe war. How can you stand by and watch the country_ (走向灭亡)?was/lay in ruins fall into ruin/go to ruinTwo-thirds of them died or were injured during theearthquake.三分之二的人在地震中死亡或受伤。5injure vt.损害;伤害典例They were seriously/badly injured in the crash.他们在碰撞中受了重伤。辨析injure/harm/hurt/wound(1)

12、injure 一般指由于意外事故而受伤。如:He had one leg injured in a car accident.在一场车祸中他的一条腿受伤了。(2)harm 多指精神上的伤害以及对健康、权利、事业等无形的伤害。如:Dont harm your eyes by reading in dim light.不要在昏暗的灯光下看书,以免损害眼睛。(3)hurt 是一般用语,既可指肉体上的伤痛,也可指精神上的伤害,还可指对利益等造成损害或不良影响。如:He hurt his back when he fell.他跌倒时伤了后背。Im sorry I didnt mean to hurt y

13、ou.对不起,我不是故意要伤害你的感情。High interest rate has hurt many companies.高利率已使众多公司受损。(4)wound 指外伤,多指枪伤、刀伤、剑伤等,尤指在战争或战斗中受伤。如:The soldier was badly wounded in the head.那位战士头部受了重伤。运用用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空The man who _ his leg in a traffic accident isstill in hospital.In the battle, hundreds of soldiers were _ andsome

14、 were even killed.Reading in the sun will _ your eyes.How could you _ her feeling?injured/hurt wounded harm hurt Everywhere they looked nearly everything wasdestroyed.人们无论朝哪里看,哪里的一切都几乎被毁了。6destroy vt.破坏;毁坏;消灭典例辨析A fire destroyed the house.一场火烧毁了这所房子。destroy/ruin/damage(1)destroy 既可表示在物质上对某物进行完全的毁坏,使

15、之无法复原,也可表示在肉体上、精神上或道义上彻底摧毁。如:Please destroy it after reading.看完后请销毁。The partial criticism may destroy the child.偏颇的批评会毁了这孩子。(2)ruin 指对某物彻底的破坏,往往指在一定过程中逐渐毁掉,也常用于对抽象事物的破坏。如:You will ruin the opportunity of the job if you wear that shirtto the interview.穿那件衬衫面试,你会失去得到这份工作的机会。(3)damage 常指进行局部的破坏、损坏,并可以修复。如:The car was badly damaged in the accident.那辆车在事故中被严重毁坏。运用用


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