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1、 2006年高考英语书面表达高分策略及命题预测策略1、亮点原则 06年高考英语书面表达要求考生在规定 的120字范围内准确使用较高级的词汇 、短语及较为复杂的句式,亦即亮点词 汇、短语或句式。(具体可参照佳作50 篇中所提供的相关内容)文章写好后可 作如下检查: 1、文章中高级词汇短语的使用频率如 何? 2、复合句、倒装句、强调句及惯用句 式的使用情况如何?策略2、整体性原则一篇作文既要有简洁明了的开头,又要有 响亮有力的结尾。失败的开头往往会抑制 阅卷者给分的欲望及认真读完的信心。相 反,准确到位的开头会使阅卷老师精神为之 一振。06年高考英语作文的结尾显得尤为重 要。今年起,这段应视为为紧

2、扣主题进行的 主观发挥部分。文章的优劣之别主要也从此 体现。所以最后一段的发挥既要恰如其分, 发挥有度,又要掷地有声,响亮有力。如: 策略3、连贯性原则 在同学们在草稿纸上根据作文提纲列出语 言点之后,如何将这些语言点串连成文呢 ?一些常见关联词及插入语的使用便显得 相当重要。确当地使用关联词语,使句子 间的逻辑关系更加明确,使整篇文章条理 清楚,连贯流畅,例如:句子连贯的相互关系举例nHe was interested in English and in maths as well.(递进) nHurry up, or else youll miss the last bus for the

3、 school. ( 转折) nWed like a single small house, whereas they would ratherlive in a flat.(对比) nEither you must improve your work, or Ill fire you.(选择) nIt must have been raining all night, for all the roads are wet.(解释) nThere seemed to be no chances of success, therefore,all of them went away. (结果) n

4、To sum up, all your efforts will be highly paid. (总结) nFirst of all, you should dig a hole; secondly, put a young tree in it; then, coverthe tree with some earth and press it; and fourthly and lastly, pour some water in it.(顺序)常用关联词语举例1.表示并列或递进: and, as well, as well as, bothand, not onlybut also, n

5、eithernor; 2.表示选择: or, eitheror; 3.表示转折: but, however, nevertheless(然而 ), although, though, or else, otherwise, after all, by the way, incidentally(换言之); 4.表示因果: because, as, since, for, for this reason, so, as a result, thus, hence, therefore, accordingly(因此); 5.表示条件: if so, unless, provided that(假

6、如 ) on condition that(如若); 6.表示对比: while, whereas, instead, notbut, on the contrary, on one handon the other hand;7.表示解释: for example, for instance, such as, e.g., that is, that is to say, namely, viz, ie, in other words;8.表示顺序:to begin with, for one thing, firstly, first (of all), second(ly), next,

7、 later, soon afterwards, since then, from then on, lastly, finally, in the end;9.表示强调: also, besides, furthermore, moreover, whats more, certainly, actually, in fact, as a matter of fact;10.表示结论: to sum up, in all, altogether, in a word, in short, generally speaking, as is known to all.策略4、宏观、微观原则宏观

8、原则即作文题目到手,须立即审 题,确定行文体裁、时态及使用人称 等;微观原则,即忌犯拼写错误,一 致错误,甚至标点符号、大小写,词 数,用时及工整的书写等。二、2006年高考英语书面表达命题预测: 2006年高考题材仍贴近现实生活,考生生活实 际,同时趋向社会热点、焦点,近年考生要关 注的问题是:神六升空、超女现象、熊猫团团 、圆圆及和谐社会等,同时书面表达会继续加 强开放力度,向半开放性作文过渡。06年江苏 卷英语作文的两大特点: 06年江苏卷英语作文的两大特点: 1、词汇要求提高(120左右) 2、要有主观见解(开放部分)鉴于此,现对06年高考英语书面 表达作文的预测,仅供参考:预测1 看

9、图作文.即根据图表或图画提示进行习作. 此类 题较为公正客观, 没有地区差异, 且能反 映学生的观察能力,想象能力等. 此类题 出现的可能性较大. 例1: 根据所给图画以“Considerate parents”为题写一篇120字左右的短文.:提示: 小明刚上小学就开始学英语,他的父 母为使孩子记住26个字母,摆出各种姿势帮 助他.例1.Xiaomin is a student in a primary school. He began tolearn English at the beginning of this term, but its veryhard for him to reme

10、mber all the 26 English letters in a short time. Eventually his parents thought of a wonderful way to help him.They made various gesturesto represent different letters.In this way, XiaoMing hasgot a very clear impression of these letters. Obviously, every parent has high expectations for their child

11、rens future, they are also making great efforts to create a favorable environment for their children. To help the children to make progress, the parents are supposed to Take wise measure rather than just complain or blamethe children. For the children, they should be aware ofparents; consideration a

12、nd try to cooperate with them.例2: Look at the following picture and Then turn the picture upside down, look at it again. Write a short passage abouthow you under the picture.At the first glance of the picture, you can see a face ofan ugly old man. But turning the picture upside down, you will surpri

13、singly see a pretty girl. What can we learn from it? What I think of is the attitude that one may have when facing failure. It will be better if we think of something good . If we always think negatively, we wont be able to see the “pretty girl” ,that is, the bright side of our life. Therefore, when

14、 we are let down, it is wise to have a positive attitude. 例3:One possible version:In the above cartoons, a young woman happily eats bananas and throws the peels on the street, unaware of the fact that such actions not only pollute the environment but also bring dangers to others. A disabled man stru

15、ggles to properly pick up the peels she has left behind and put them in the dustbin. In my opinion, despite the girls beauty, it is the disabled man who is truly beautiful. Being well dressed is of great importance in keeping a good appearance. However, we should always keep this in mind: True beaut

16、y comes from ones actions . The old man is displaying a more beautiful virtue even though he is disabled , compared with the young girl. While most of us enjoy pretty appearances, I think it is more important to have a clean and beautiful soul. Only such souls can create a beautiful society. 例4下面是我市1995年至2005年电视机和收音产量 的 变化图。请简要说明其变化规律,分析其原因, 并总结出结论。In 1995, only about 500 TV sets were produced in o



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