[初一英语]新目标七上uit 4

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《[初一英语]新目标七上uit 4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[初一英语]新目标七上uit 4(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 By Dong Lily From Zijingling School In Anfusisofavideo cassettetelephonedeskTV setclockbookcasesofachairbaseballsmath bookdresserbedplantalarm clocktabledrawerhatsCDsbagskeysalarm clocka room a table a bookcasea dresser a drawer a sofa a chair a bed a plant a bag an alarm clock a video cassette a p

2、icture a desk a baseballjc d ih ga bf l k123452653465423112a2bWhere is the ?=Wheres the ? Its on/under/in the.Where are the ? =Wherere the ?Theyre on/in/under theQuestions AnswersWheres the baseball? Its in the backpack.Where is my computer game? Its under the bed.Where are your books? Theyre on the

3、 chair.Where are his keys? Theyre on the dresser.Where are her keys? Theyre on the table.Is it on/in/under the ? Yes , it is./No , it isnt. Its Are they on/in/under the ? Yes ,they are./ No ,they arent . Theyre 1. 在抽屉里面2. 在桌子底下3. 在梳妆台上面4. in the bookcase5. on the floor6. on the desk7. under the hatin the drawerunder the tableon the dresser在书柜里在地板上在桌上在帽子下面picture 1picture 2This is my room. Its very nice(漂亮). The computer is the desk. The baseball is _ the chair. My _ are in the bookcase. Near(在 旁边) the _ ,you can see my plant. _ my red hat ? Oh, its behind(在后面)the door. onunderbooksbedWheres


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