高二英语《unit2 the united kingdom-grammar》

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1、Unit 2 The United Kingdom- Grammar动词的动词的- -eded形式形式II.动词-ed形式在句法功能1. 作表语 1.1 动词-ed形式表语时,其作用相当于adj.,说 明的是主语的状态。 All the windows are broken.All hope is gone.This article is well written.He appeared satisfied with my work.(1) 完全形容化了的动词-ed形式:可以被very等 副词修饰,可以有比较级等级形式。常见的有常见 的有:bored, disappointed, excite

2、d, frightened, interested, pleased, puzzled, satisfied, surprised, tired, worried 等。(2)有的动词-ed形式可以被副词well修饰,如: built, cooked, done, dressed, known, organized, prepared, written等。(3)其它副词也可以修饰动词-ed形式 ,如 :deeply moved, highly developed, heavily-populated等。1.2动词-ed形式作表语时,其后可以接介词短 语、不定式短语及that 引导的宾语从句He

3、is very much disappointed at the result.The mother was pleased to hear from her son.Im satisfied that you didnt tell me a lie.1.3 “be+动词-ed形式” 有可能是一个系表结构 ,也有可能是一个被动结构。Why is the glass broken?By whom was the glass broken?(系表结构)(被动结构)It is covered with thick ice and deep snow.Your table should be cove

4、red by a white cloth.(系表结构)(被动结构)1.4 动词的-ed形式与-ing 形式作表语的区别Traveling is interesting but tiring旅行是有趣的,但是使人疲劳。They were very excited at the news听到这个消息,他们感到非常激动。凡表示主语“令人的”都用-ing 形式,凡是表 示主语“感到”时都用-ed形式。Multiple choice: 1.As we joined the big crowd ,I got _ from myfriends. A. Separate B. spared C. lost D

5、. missed 2. The business of on-line shopping so far has been _ for the sellers who are already offering theirservices.A. disappointed B. disappointing C. disappoint D. to be disappointed3.-Shall we go swimming ?-OK. Ill just go and get _.A. changed B. to change C. to be changed D. changingBAA2. 作定语

6、2.1. 单个动词-ed形式作定语, 通常位于名词之前a. 及物动词的动词-ed形式,具有被动和完成的意义。 a broken cup a wounded soldieran unexpected visitor the excited crowd b. 不及物动词的动词-ed形式,具有主动和完成意义。a grown woman a retired officerthe risen sun fallen leaves c. 合成的动词-ed形式a much-needed reform widely-held opinions2.2.动词-ed形式的短语作定语:通常位于名词之后,其作用 相当于定

7、语从句。a letter written in pencilthe tree reflected in the lakethe machines produced last year= a letter which was written in pencil= the tree that was reflected in the lake= the machines which were produced last year2.3 动词的-ed形式与-ing形式作定语的区别动词的-ing形式表示所修饰的名词正在进行的动作 或主动关系,以及表示事物的属性、用途等;动词的-ed形式表示与所修饰的名

8、词相关的已完成 的动作或被动关系。 the changing world the changed world(正在变化的)(正在变化的) (变化了的)(变化了的)boiling waterboiled water(正在沸腾的正在沸腾的) )(已经沸腾过的)(已经沸腾过的)fadingfading flowersflowers faded faded flowersflowers( (正在凋谢的正在凋谢的) )(已经凋谢的)(已经凋谢的)a developing countrya developed country( (发展中的发展中的) )(发达的)(发达的)Translation work

9、:另人恐怖的场景受了惊吓的马令人失望的孩子感到失望的孩子a frightening sight a frightened horse a disappointing child a disappointed childComplete the following sentences:Do you know the man _(跟我们数学老师谈话的)?I lost the pen _(我叔叔买的)。talking to our maths teacherbought by my uncle3.1. 在感观动词feel, hear 和see 之后,如:I heard my name called.

10、He felt himself cheated.I saw his eyes fixed on me in curiosity.3. 作宾语补足语3.2. 在表示“希望,愿望,命令,忍受”这一 类动词后面做宾语补足语,这类动词有: cant bear, hate, like, love, need, prefer, want, wish 等, 如: He needs his coat mended.Kate would like her room painted white.I prefer eggs boiled hard.We wish your work finished quickly

11、.I want the suit made to his own measure.3.3. 在有些表示状态的动词后,这类词有: keep, leave, show等,如:They kept the door locked for a long time.Dont leave the windows broken like this all the time.Please keep us informed of the latest developments.3.4. 在使役动词have 后,通常有两方面的含义:1)表示“让某人做某事“。I have had my bike repaired.我

12、已经找人修好了自行车。2)表示“遭遇到某种不幸;受到打击“等。My elder sister had her wallet stolen last month.上个月我姐姐的钱包被偷了.3.5.用 在make之后,在这种结构中,动词的- ed形式的动词,表示目的或结果。I raised my voice to make myself heard.我提高了嗓门以便于被人家听到。They managed to make themselves understood .他们设法使别人明白了他们的意思。You must made your views known to everybody.你要向大家说明

13、你的观点。3.6.动词 的 ed形式与-ing 形式作宾语补足 语的区别:1)在see, hear, watch, notice等感官动词后作宾补时, -ing形式表示正在进行的动作,强调当时的情景,为 部分过程;动词的-ed形式则表示其与宾语之间为被动 关系或有该动作已完成的概念。例如:We heard her singing this song when we got there.我们到达时,听见她在唱这首歌。We often hear this song sung by her.我们经常听见她唱这首歌。(歌是被唱) 2)用在have,get,leave等动词后作宾补时,动词的- ing形

14、式强调进行的状态或持续状态,动词的-ed 形式表示被动关系。We tried our best, but still couldnt get the machine running. (强调启动,进入工作状态) The farmers got the planting done before the rains came. (被动,已完成) 3)用在with复合结构中, 动词的-ing形式表 示主动关系,动词的-ed形式表示被动关系 。With the boy leading us the way, we had no difficulty in finding her house.(主动关系

15、,lead 为男孩的动作) With homework done,Jim went out to play football.(被动关系,作业是被做) Multiple choice:1. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ _ in the kitchen. ( NMET 2003) A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked2. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _the next year. (199

16、9NMET ) Acarry out Bcarrying out Ccarried out Dto carry out3. If you want _ immediately, you have to give us some money in advance.A. that the work be done B. the work doneC. to have done the job D. the job that is doneBCB4.1. 作时间状语Told of his mothers accident, Jack phoned the hospital.Translated into English, the sentence was found to have a different word order.Whe



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