【优品课件】九年级英语Unit 6 Grammar Focus

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1、Section AGrammar FocusTranslate the phrases.spread to other countries by accident It is said over an open fire fall into the water take place without doubt流传到其它国家偶然;意外地 据说 在户外的火上 掉入水中;落入水中 发生 毫无疑问;的确被动语态 (Passive Voice)结构: be + V-p.p.am / are / is +动词的过去分词was / were +动词的过去分词 一般现在时的被动语态:一般过去时的被动语态:Ma

2、ny people speak English. (主动语态)English is spoken by many peopleThe naughty boy broke the window yesterday. (主动语态)The window was broken ( by the naughty boy) yesterday.We bought some books.主动句与被动句之间的转换Some books were bought ( by us ) 主语 谓语动词主动语态的过去式 宾语主语 谓语动词被动语态的过去分词 介词+ 宾语主动句变为被动句所遵循的4个步骤:1. 把原主动句中

3、的宾语变为被动句的主语 。2. 把动词变为被动形式即be+过去分词, 并注意其人称和数随主语的变化,而动 词的时态则保持不变。 3. 原主动句的主语如需要则放在by后面以它 的宾格形式出现(注代词的宾格),如不需 要则可省略。4. 其它的成分(定语、状语)不变。过去式被动语态的几种句型肯定句 主语 + be + 过去分词 + (by) A sweet song was sung by her on the stage.2 否定句 主语 + be + not +过去分词 + (by)3 一般疑问句 Be + 主语 +过去分词 + (by)?A sweet song wasnt sung by h

4、er on the stage.Was a sweet song sung by her on the stage?4 特殊疑问句 疑问词 + be + 主语 +过去分词 + (by)?Where was a sweet song sung by her? 被动语态的运用:(1) 不知道谁是动作的执行者或没 有必要知道谁是动作的执行者时。The house is quite old. It was built in 1950. 这座房子太旧了,它是1950年建的。When will the road be opened to traffic?这条路什么时候通车?(2) 需要强调动作的对象即宾语

5、时。Calculator cant be used in the math exam. 计算器不能用于数学考试。He was awarded first prize in that contest. 他在比赛中获得了第一。有时为了礼貌等原因不愿说出行为者, 这时也常用被动语态。The construction of the new lab must be completed by the end of next month.新实验室必须在下个月底前完工。You are requested to give a performance.请你给我们表演一个节目。(3)When was the car

6、 invented? It was invented in 1885. Who were they invented by? They were invented by Julie Thompson. What are they used for? They are used for seeing in the dark.Read the sentences and pay attention to the underlined parts.一般讲,被动语态可用于英语的各种时态。 为了能准确地运用被动语态,重点是要掌握 be动词的各种时态变化。各种时态的被动语 态举例如下: 1、 一般现在时的

7、被动语态: am / is / are + 动词的过去分词Our classroom is cleaned every day.This car is made in China.2、一般过去式的被动语态: was / were + 动词的过去分词His desk was cleaned just now.The station was built in 1928.The cake looks nice. Who made it?It was made by my aunt.How delicious the soup is! Who cooked it?It was cooked by Mo

8、m.What a beautiful card it is! Who made it?It was made by How clean the clothes are! Who washed them?They were washed by 2. Somebody stole my camera from my hotel room. My camera was stolen from my hotel room (by somebody). 3. Where did you take these photos?Where were these photos taken?4a Rewrite

9、the sentences using the passive voice.4. Our parents advised us not to go out alone.5. Different writers translated the book into different languages.We were advised by our parents not to go out alone.The book was translated into different languages by different writers.1. He wrote an article last w

10、eek.An article was written by him last week. 2. The people make history.History is made by the people.把下列的主动句变为被动句 。Exercise. 单项选择 1. - Today Chinese is becoming more and more popular. - It _ in many schools around the world. A. teaches B. is teachingC. has taught D. is taughtD2. We _ to close the w

11、indows before we left the lab. A. tell B. toldC. are told D. were told 3. - Did you hear that water in Tai Lake smelt terrible? - Yes. In fact, it _. Thats all because of the people and the factories around.A. polluted B. was polluted C. has polluted D. will pollute DB. 将下列句子变为被动语态 1. My parents bou

12、ght me a computer last week. 2. We often hear the girl sing happily in her room. The girl is often heard to sing happily (by us) in her room. A computer was bought for me by my parents last week. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. The pizza was _ (make) by me. Would you like to have some? 2. The Great Wall is _ (know

13、) all over the world. 3. This story was _ (tell) by my grandmother last night. 4. Was a new science museum _ (build) in your hometown last year? 5. No student is _(see) in the playground. made known told built seen 6. History is _ by the people. ( make) 7. He is often _ to do the work by theteacher.

14、 (ask) 8. The book _ by him last year. ( write ) 9. The radio _ last week. (repair)made askedwas writtenwas repaired4b Complete the sentences with correct forms of the verbs in the box. The keys were invitedwere broughtwas lockedrangwere toldbrokewere eatenliked4c Write the correct forms in the blan

15、ks.The keys was inventedwas bornworkedlearnedwas inventedwas saidis used将下列各句改为被动语态 1.He saved a lot of money this summer.2. We spend large sums of money each year in painting the steelwork of bridges.A lot of money was saved this summer.Large sums of money is spent each year in painting the steelwork of bridges.【2011安徽芜湖】42. These days students in some schools _ not to use mobile phones. A. askB.



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