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1、 1.When you are in the UK, you have to drive on the left.2.If the traffic light is red, you must stop. 3.If there is a lot of traffic, you must wait. 4.When many people are waiting for a bus, you must stand in line and wait for your turn.5.When you get off the bus,you mustnt push others.6.Before you

2、 cross the street, you must look left and right.1. If 引导条件状语从句2.由 when, before, after, as, since, until, as soon as ( 一。就), once (一旦)等词引导时间状语从 句。Eg. When he was sick, we all went to see him. After he joined the army, his life changed.Once you are in a boat, youll feel sea-sick.Well have a picnic if

3、it doesnt rain tomorrow.注意:在英语中,带有时间状语从句或条件状语 从句的复合句,如果主句使用的是一般将来时态 ,从句必须使用一般现在时态。Do you think its good or not?1.stand in line 2.wait in line for the bus3.Wait for their turn to get on the bus at the head of the queuebe first in the queueline /queueWhen you are at a bus stop,do you wait in line for

4、the bus? How do you feel if someone doesnt wait for his/her turn to do the things? Question:Do you think it necessary for us to learn to wait?This is a bus stop. The people are waiting for a bus. They are standing in line. In England they call this line queue. You must always wait in a queue. You mu

5、st never“ jump the queue“. If you jump the queue, other people will not be pleased!This is a doctors waiting room in a hospital. The people are waiting for the doctor to come. Read the story, and find out:“Was the queue jumper really a queue jumper?“ Then read it again and answer the questions in yo

6、ur workbook.Read and answer 1.Where did the old woman live? 2.Why did she want to see the doctor? 3.Why did she take the mans arm? 4.Why did she talk slowly? 5.What did the doctor say? 6.Why did everyone laugh?1.Do you think it necessary for us to learn to wait?形式宾语真正宾语Eg. Do you find it difficult t

7、o mend the TV set?Do you think it helpful to read English every moring?Its + adj. + to do sth. 做什么事情 2. doctors waiting room 候诊室类似的词组有: reading room dining room阅览室 餐厅sitting room living room meeting room客厅 起居室 会议室3. The people are waiting for the doctor to come.wait for sb to do sth. 等候某人做某事 cant wa

8、it to do sth. 急于做某事Eg. She s _ _ you _ _dinner together. 她正等你一起吃晚饭。The twins _ _ _ openthe presents. 双胞胎急于要打开礼物。waiting for to havecant wait to 4. At the head of the queue was an old woman.这是一个完全倒装句,为了强调表语 at the head of the queue, 而将其置于句首,同时要将 主语 an old woman 和谓语动词 was 倒装。Eg . There stood an old ma

9、n.at the head of = in front ofat the end of 5. Because her knees hurt badly.损害,伤害。 动词Eg Does your leg still hurt? 你的腿还疼吗?My head hurts. 我头痛。注意; hurt 不及物动词,意为“ 损害, 伤 害”, 常指肉体上或感情上的伤害。 肉体上的 伤害时,常与 badly . Seriously, slightly配; 感情上的伤害时,则常与 very , much 搭配6。She sat nearest to the doctors door.她坐在靠近诊室最近的地

10、方.7. She stood up and took his arm.nearest to 是near to 的最高级, eg. When we got near to the city ,there were more cars on the road. John asked us to sit nearer to himtake ones arm 抓住某人的手臂She stood up and took his arm. 她站起来,抓住他的手臂. Take sbs arm 抓住某人的手臂take sbs hands 握住某人的手8. Make a mistake 出错,犯错误mistake

11、 可数名词by mistake 由疏忽所致,错误地Eg. Im sorry I took the wrong hat by mistake.重要词汇waiting room a queue jumper at the head of see the doctor be first take ones arm be before be after laugh at near to back hurt slowly turn make a mistake重要句型倒装句At the head of the queue was an old woman.If 条件句If I get there ear

12、ly,I can see the doctor quicklyThe weather of early spring in North England was very cold ,and many people were _.So there were many _ in the doctors. At the _ of the queue was an old woman. She wanted to see the doctor _ her knees _ badly. She thought if she got there _, she can see the doctor quic

13、kly. So she was _ in the queue. She sat _ to the doctors waiting room. A man _ into the waiting room, and walked _to the doctors room. The old woman thought he was a queue _.She stood up and _ his arm .After the mans words ,she Knew she made a _.In fact ,the man was the doctor. Everyone _ at the wom

14、an.Fill in the blank完成下列句子:1) _ (如果你病了), you must see the doctor.2)If you jump a queue ,the people _(将不高兴).3)You mustnt eat anything _(直 到看医生)4) _(如果你不快点),youll be late.5) Why must you be carefully_(当 你在冰上走的时候)?Sigma胎牛血清 http:/ Sigma胎牛血清 wpd13xry 起来确实很好看。但由于笑的时机不对,让慕容凌娢有种想吐血的感觉。方才自己的行为难道都被他看见了!完了完了,一定会被当成精神 分裂的,一世英名就要毁于一旦了。“你你是在侮辱我的智商吗?”慕容凌娢一脸不服气,先发制人的问道,“难道你刚才要眼睁睁看 着我被拐卖,还见死不救吗?”“首先,我可没有见死不就。其次,你也没有生命危险。在者你觉得你有IQ供我侮辱吗?”“你” 慕容凌娢无话可说,但现在被一个思想落后于自己数百年的人给问的哑口无言,着实有些羞愧。“在下韩哲轩。”他一本正经的行礼,在慕 容凌娢眼里也算是道歉了。“可否知道姑娘芳名?”什么?慕容凌娢一时间反应不过来。这算是搭讪成功了吗,真是个不按常理出牌的人。 可自己初来乍到,还是不要说真名的好。不然摊上什么事,多都躲不开



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