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1、 1.One of the students gets in touch with acareers-adviser. He keeps in touch with me by writing now and then. They have remained/kept/stayed/been in touch with each other for 20 years.He lost touch with his family during the war. I have been out of touch with my former teacher for 10 years.2dream o

2、f (dreamt/ dreamed)She dreamt a terrible dream. He dreamed that he saw his dead father.We never dreamed him to be a cheat.3. score goals She scored 120 in the IQ test. Who is going to score? The final score was 4 to 3. In his class scores of students have three score and ten books.记分20得分比分4.take off

3、 起飞; 脱下,摘下,迅速流行,换下,终止,取消; 休假,休息,剪掉,切除(人体);模仿The plane took off an hour late. Her singing career took off after her TV appearance. 腾飞Ive decided to take a few days off next week. 休息几天 The show was taken off because of poor audience figures. 停演起飞5. adore vt 崇拜,热爱; 喜欢(不用进行式)adore + n / doing sth.adorat

4、ion n. adorable adj. 可崇拜的, 可爱的adoring adj. 崇拜的, 敬慕的adorer 崇拜者 很明显她喜欢看电影。 他向崇拜他的人群挥手致意。Its obvious that she adores the cinemagoing to the cinema. He waved to the adoring crowds.那个疯子傻笑着。The mad man gave a vacant laugh.6. vacant adj. (座位,旅馆房间,房屋等)空着的,未被占用的 (职位)空缺的(目光,表情等)无神的,茫然的The seat next to him was

5、 vacant.他旁边的位子没人坐。那职位最终空缺时,他们把它给了Tina. When the post finally became vacant, they offered it to Tina.7. assess vt. 评价;估价 assessment n. 评价,评定assessor n. 估价员,顾问 判断,评价(价值,能力等)评估(财产,收入等),核定(税金,罚金,数额等)与at 连用 征(税金、罚金等),后接on/ upon.He is so lazy that it is hard to assess his ability.My income was assessed at

6、 20,000 dollars. 他太懒了, 无法评价他的能力。我的收入被评定为两万美元。 易混词:access n. 通道,门路;接近的权力/机会 have access to assess a tax on a persons property对某人的财产征收税金8.spot l vt.认出,看出(众多中之一) l vt.点缀,把弄脏 l n.斑点,污点,场所 change ones spots 改变本性(主要用于否定句中)hit the high spots 概述要点 Its easy to spot a tall manin a crowd.The night sky was spot

7、tedwith stars.The thief was caught on the spot.9. nevertheless (adv. conj) 尽管如此,然而,不过 我考试不及格是意料中的事,不过仍然让人 很不痛快。 她很疲惫但仍然继续工作。 My failure in the exam was not unexpected, nevertheless, it was still disappointing.She was so tired, she went on working, nevertheless.persuade vt. (1)说服,劝服 +宾语 (2) persuade

8、sb. of sth.You might be able to persuade him.I persuaded him of its truth.我是他相信了其中的真理。(3) persuade + that-clause(4) persuade sb. to do sth.I am persuaded that he is innocent.我相信他无罪。I persuaded him to give up the idea.5. persuade sb. into /out ofdoing sth.He persuaded me out of the idea of dropping t

9、he experiment.他劝得我打消了中断试验的想法。Phrases 1. up to date to date 到此为止out of date All of new words become _ very quickly. The exhibition contains some of his best work _. We want our methods to be _.out of dateto dateup to date2. hold back The men built banks of earth to hold back the rising flood waters.

10、Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid fighting. She held back, not knowing how to break the terrible news. Do you think that mixed ability classes hold back the better students?hold on hold out hold up妨碍/阻碍阻挡/制止抑制/隐瞒退缩/犹豫不决The criminals held up the train and took all the money. The building

11、of the new road has been held up because of the bad weather. She held out her hand and stopped a taxi. The storm held on all night. Hold on a minute, Ill get a pen to write down your telephone number.stopped .to robdelayed movementstuck out continued 3. send off (for sth ) 邮购,函购 send sth off 寄出,发出 s

12、end sb off (体育用语)罚某人下场 我已经邮购了我上课用的书。我打算明天把档案寄给老板。贝克汉姆在第二场因犯规而被罚下场。Ive sent off for the books for my course. Im going to send the files off to the boss. Beck was sent off for a foul in the second half. send的用法: 1) send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb.把某物送给或 寄给某人,可以主语派人送,也可以亲自送 Can you send me the bill befo

13、re the end of the month? 你能在月底以前把帐单给我送来吗2) send for sb./ sth. 派人去叫某人 派人去拿某物 Now please send for a taxi. 现在请派人叫出租车来。 3) send sb./ sth. to运输某人/某物去(某处), 派某人去某地 We will send him to America for further study. 我们要送他去美国深造。 4) send sb. to do 派某人去做(某事) Well send someone to fetch it. 我们将派人去取。 5) send sb. doin

14、g 使某人做某事(cause sb. to do) They killed 38 enemies and sent the rest fleeing. 他们打死38个敌人,其余的都逃窜了send for send out send up Have the invitations been _?Please _ a doctor here quickly, for the injured boy was in danger.Shenzhou VI has _into outer space.sent out send for been sent up Writing 请根据下面的提示写一篇英语小

15、短文。肖强家住北方某城市。父亲崇拜足球明星。家里 生活虽然拮据,父母还是设法把他送进了足球学 校。十年来,父母借债,又卖掉了房子来支付高 昂的费用。父母的期望值太高,满怀希望儿子将 来能在某俱乐部成为一名职业球员。可是在儿子16岁时,一位教练根据他的表现对他 的未来作了评估。他有强的控球能力和团队精神 ,态度积极。可是他缺少天赋,不会有前途的。 肖强该怎么办? 他功课太差,上大学是不可能了 。Xiaoqiang lives in a northern city, whose father is a football fan. Although they could hardly make ends meet, his parents still managed to send him to a football school. To pay the high expense they sold their house and borrowed much money in the ten years. They expected him to finally become a professional footballer of a club. Nevert


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